Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Thoughts and Links

I find myself ruminating on the neck tatt on this Friday.

As the images we consume replicate and reverberate through the internet age like so many spectral hauntings from our own overstimulated psyches, perhaps the permanence of the inking of the body reflects a form of response to the impermanence of the virtual.

We keep our images on disks now rather than photo albums. We store our memories on jump drives rather than negatives or slides.

Maybe the need to mark the body is an effort at regaining the tactility of the analog, in the Barthesian sense. A use of the corporeal to reclaim an authorial control over that which is sold, processed and projected at us on so many flickering hi-def screens.

Or maybe it’s just another douchey attempt to get laid.

Here’s your links:

Groin Shave Reveal tips from Gillette. The best a ‘bag can get.

Gideon Low’s LinkedIn page tells us he’s an architect, attended Bard College, and is orange.

Musician Steve Carlson takes inspiration from a fine text.

Poindexter is granted an official Rockstar Leniency Rule pass for the hair.

Gong Li Karaoke for the win.

The crazy Tralfamadorians, with their secret bafflegab language, are talking about the site again.

Random comic strip: Douchebag Intervention.

Here’s a clip of my personal hero, the greatest movie star ever, Elliott Gould, sensing Ass Pear in a library in 1970. And then meeting Han Solo.

And from classic Elliott Gould, we complete our week with…

Chef Pear.

And for bigphatnotadouche, sitting in his cubicle after a long day’s work, this one’s for you: Locker Pear.

Your humble narrator is recovering from L.A. rain and flooding, and preparing to drink heavily tonight and hit on boobie hottie suckle thigh. May the huntresses among us have a douche-free night. And may the ‘bag hunters snag some whobag jumpoffs. Get some.

# posted by douchebag1

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