Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Thoughts and Links

If you’re coming to HCwDB for the first time via The Onion, welcome to HCwDB! Come for the douchebags. Stay for the boobies.

On this Friday, your humble narrator heads for a weekend of “research” in Vegas. And by research, I mean strippers, alcohol and tasty Hostess dessert and snack treat products.

If you’d like to follow my adventures in the Heart of Doucheness this weekend, I’ll try to update the site, or follow me on Twitter.

Here’s your Friday links:

MTV is running an “Is She Really Going Out With Him?” marathon on Saturday including new eps. Check out the only official HCwDB show, one created and exec produced by your humble narrator, the DB1.

France discovers the fun of the word “douche,”, in its reconfigured form, of course. The slippage of the signifier goes transnational and multilingual.

Hot Taylors with Meyerbags.

Of all the films of 2009, perhaps no sequence is more evocative, strange, hallucinogenic pop pastiche art than the opening credits of Watchmen. Say what you will about the film, but the simple clash of reimagined historical iconography and stylized expression in that sequence is genius.

My tiny brunette librarian Semitic hottness obsession has moved from Mila Kunis to former Olypmic figure skater Sasha Cohen. Boobie Hottie Suckle Thigh Perfection.

Speaking of little hotties.

And speaking of ice skating: Hockeybags.

Bill Gates Fist Pumps the Sh*t out of Sundance.

How do you get a tomato stain out of a Persian rug? Ask Manson! The Ben Stiller Show never got its due as the game-changing sketch comedy show that it was.

And, since it’s Friday, here’s your reward for another successful week of ‘bag mocking and hottie lusting: Yellow Pear.

Them’s some bitable glutes.

# posted by douchebag1

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