Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reader Mail: Dicy’s Tag

HCwDB ‘Bag Huntress Dicy writes in with a tag from Athens, Georgia:

Dearest DB1,

My goal of finding a quality Athens ‘bag to take a picture with me for mocking purposes was achieved quite easily.

When he got close enough, I approached cautiously, for I have heard the tales of grope-age from a ‘bag and did not wish to become a victim myself. I told him “oMg LiKe YoU aRe So CuTe!!1!” My friend (sadly not pictured, she was the photographer) said “Those are some sweet shades!!” To which he replied “Thanks” in that cocky voice that said, “Yeah I heard that all the time from bitches.”


Good work, Dicy. Now spray Lysol, stat.

# posted by douchebag1

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