Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ask DB1: Polite Pudosity?


I was walking into the subway today when I saw the prototypical douchebag. Mandana, hat tilt, bling, etc. so I decided to get a picture for a bag tag.

Of course with the hustle and bustle going on while the train was pulling in I was unable to get a clear picture. When the douchebag got on the same train as I did I was very happy for the second chance. Before I had the opportunity to get a second shot the douchebag was on me. As he tried to pass me he bumped me and VERY POLITELY said, “Excuse me.” and “Thank you.” as he passed. Here’s my dilemma… does politeness from a douchebag negate his utter doucheosity?

MC 900 Ft Douchebag

Politeness is not usually enough to warrant a nottadouche, especially when faced with the mandana + hat tilt + bling ubersquat. However it can certainly be a mitigating factor on stages of ‘bag. Stage-3 can be reduced to stage-2 mocking in presence of lack of kissy-lips and Stackhousian date-rape poetry.

# posted by douchebag1

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