Thursday, February 4, 2010

HCwDB 2.0 on the Way

As we approach the four year anniversary of HCwDB, I’mma get some design all up in this place.

That’s right. HCwDB 2.0 will be launching in less than a month.

I’ll be finally ditching the Blogger Software nightmare that has slowed this site down, caused many brilliant comments to be lost in a “conflicting edits” abyss, and generally sucked teeny tiny monkey ballsack.

Replacing it will be pretty much the same site, but with a few new and fun things (full message board functionality, ability for anyone to upload and vote on pics, etc.). However, many of you may need to reregister your names and profiles, and I’m still determining if original comments threads will fully carry over as well.

So if you’ve written some brilliant stuff in a past thread, and most of the comments threads are filled with genius, be sure to copy/paste/save anything you want to keep. I’m doing my best to make sure all archives carry over 100% but I’m still not sure if it’ll work.

It’s about time we take HCwDB to the next level.

The war between hope and hair grease, this Ed Hardpocalypse of cultural suck and hottie suckle, must carry onward.

And so it shall, kids. And so it shall.

# posted by douchebag1

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