Friday, April 2, 2010

Red Lobster

Please Sarah, whatever you do, don’t try the crabs.

# posted by admin
10:55 am April, 2 Bag That Ass Up said...

Nottadouche. B.J. Penn deserves a little tasty poon while in training.

11:00 am April, 2 doucheywallnuts said...

As I’ve said before, Juice Heads need to be reminded that steroid and HGH use does not protect them from sun damage and, despite being ‘roided out of their minds to the point of hair loss, they still need to apply tanning butter or some other kind of sun-screen.

11:06 am April, 2 Sorta Damocles said...

I know Friday Haiku was earlier…but this guy is….inspirational.

End of the Party

Choad painted by laser sight

Moans, “Lo, I am slain.”

11:32 am April, 2 El Caganer said...

Notta. I call nottadouche. Sunburned, but he is at a pool. She is fine.

11:46 am April, 2 euripidouches said...

i’d screw my courage to her sticking place.

11:53 am April, 2 Troy Tempest said...

he has no belly button. He must be Jesus.

12:35 pm April, 2 Doucherella said...

While I am emphatically opposed to the GSR, it is subtle and it seems as though he has a good enough build to be a power lifter. No huge bling, no tats, no Ed Hardy, etc.

Being in shape is not douchy; it is admirable. I’m also not convinced on the roids by any stretch.


6:49 am April, 3 Horace Dangleballs said...

@ Troy 111:53 AM

He had an outie, but accidentally sheared it off whilst GSRing.

Her bikini? Tootie Fruitie pootie.

7:31 am April, 3 Euripidouche said...

i hate when i don’t know if its the site or me screwing the pooch.

8:50 am April, 3 Clam fist said...


8:52 am April, 3 Clam fist said...

Shit. Still messing with my avatar. I apologize in advance for any unneeded posts.

3:08 am April, 4 IzzY said...

Interesting to see she’s pressing her boobs against someone while someone else is grabbing her waist.

7:10 am April, 5 Deltus said...

I can see what people who are claiming notta are getting at, but I’m still siding on the side of douche, because I’d like for it to be me, rather than him, that touches her with my penis, and calling him a douche makes me feel better about it.

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