Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bumps McGee

Kelly and Andrea rethink their decision not to have stayed home and finished that online knitting class.

EDIT: Speaking of bumps, the site’s a bit bumpy today but should be working now.

# posted by douchebag1
2:39 pm June, 30 Crucial Head said...

This pic reminds me that I have some soiled pantaloons that need washing when I get home.


Damn you Tuesday Limerick girl!

2:46 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

that guy was on big brother

2:47 pm June, 30 chaserofthehott said...

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone just wear a bustier out and about to club. Most of these are used by performers and stuff on stage right? Not that I’m complaining, I mean Kelly can show off as much of her upper, or lower, body as she wants. 🙂

2:51 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

yup, big brother douchebag

2:54 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

the Tshirt in this pic seals his douchebag status

3:02 pm June, 30 anonymous said...

^^^ Holy shiz, that is one world-class arrogant douche!

3:07 pm June, 30 Ned's Atomic Douchebin said...

I posit a question to any fellow ‘bag hunters who may be gay:


Many straight men like myself love a good titty frig now and again. A girl with a nice rack compliments this shameful act quite nicely.


However, since men do not have said titty’s, do ripped abs serve as the happy alternative for gay men?


Just an idle thought on a slow afternoon in the office.

3:08 pm June, 30 Üter said...

Notta and fuccen hotta.

3:10 pm June, 30 Et Tu Douche? said...

John Largeman would knock that douche out with one punch

3:41 pm June, 30 Dr. Richard Goesinyou said...

Is it true that shortly after leaving the show, this douchebags right hand left him for another man?

3:45 pm June, 30 Deltus said...

That guy would go down with one punch, right to the diaphragm. Which is wonderfully displayed and pointed out by the ridiculous ab reveal.

3:53 pm June, 30 Mock Turtle said...

Call the piglets back to him, he’s ready to feed them.

Anybody ever look at an old comic-book pic of Charles Atlas? Abs just barely visible. Kirk Douglas in “Spartacus”? Not visible at all. It only even appeared on bodybuilder competitions fairly recently, much less at the beach.

This is a very new body-fashion “look” that has nothing to do with athleticism and everything to do with…well: douchebaggery.

So here we are.

4:30 pm June, 30 massengill said...

4:37 pm June, 30 Crucial Head said...

@Massengill 3:30


That may be the creepiest picture of Mayer ‘Bag ever.



You gotta run that pic.




For the children.

4:54 pm June, 30 DarkSock said...

He seems the type that if given enough money, he’d commission a RealDoll® of himself and speedfuck himself into a latex coma with it.


I’ll pitch in $20.

4:56 pm June, 30 Elastic Snap Hole of the Love Bear said...

I’d like to spread baby oil all over left trollop’s mid-riff. And by “oil” I mean “batter”.

4:57 pm June, 30 Vin Douchal said...

My face and abs look exactly like that when I lift my leg and fire a day after King Taco methane emission out of my fog horn. Then they retire back under the flab from which they came…. the facial expression stays the same , however


And speaking of bumps, Anne Hathaway has some serious bumps.

4:57 pm June, 30 DarkSock said...

Jessie learned a hard lesson about leaving his prize pair of Levi’s on when being voluntarily gang raped by hobos.

5:15 pm June, 30 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Despite Kelly there having that seriously bleethed out Staten Island look I’d still like to show her my Moosehead and by Moosehead I mean… oh, nevermind, if I gotta explain it…

5:54 pm June, 30 Vin Douchal said...

Have you seen the (NSFW) .gif of Alice Eve pulling a shirt over her lovely jigglies ?


Vote here:


Loveley Jigglies ___


Meh … ______

6:09 pm June, 30 Crucial Head said...

I don’t Tweet; but if I did, the headline on my Tweeterer thingy would be: “I am proud to be one of the six people in America who doesn’t give two flying shits where LeBron James goes this summer.”


I apologize for the digression, and thank you for letting me vent.


As you were.

6:36 pm June, 30 doucheywallnuts said...

May I second Crucial Head’s much needed pseudo Tweet.

Also, I think this douche’s jeans represent a crime against humanity and make Ed Hardy stuff look acceptable by comparison.

6:43 pm June, 30 doucheywallnuts said...

Actually the jeans are so hideous I neglected to mention that Kelly’s abdomen and obliques in particular sent me into a masterbatory frenzy…

7:36 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

It’s nice that the girls are doing some community service by taking out a stroke victim to the local Chili’s.

7:37 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

Damn, where did my name go with the above quote? Douche Bauer

7:40 pm June, 30 Steve L. said...

is fixing Bumpy McGee’s bumps the same as fixing HCwDB’s innernet bumps?

if so, we need to get to fixing Bumpy up. real fast. some swift and hard fixing.

9:00 pm June, 30 Whoop-di-douche said...

It’s time to belly up to the bar, thanks for reminding me, Doucheketeers.

9:15 pm June, 30 creature said...

he’d have a helluva alot more bumps should I run into him on my way back from softball!

9:36 pm June, 30 Anonymous said...

Why did Massengill replace his avatar with a picture of a douchebag?

9:50 pm June, 30 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

@Vin Douchal


Lovely, lovely, lovely.


And by lovely I mean serious skin tearing masturbation.

11:03 pm June, 30 Stephanie said...

Kelly and Andrea could have knitted a decent hangman’s noose,or some straps, so I can drag him behind my car.

11:27 pm June, 30 Wheezer said...

@massengill, 4:04 p.m. –


Does that girl Squalo?


I’ll be here all night. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses and supply them with bullets to put in my head.





@Vin, 5:54 p.m. –


I certainly can’t be the first to notice the website featuring those lovely jiggling Alice Eve boobies:…..

11:28 pm June, 30 Wheezer said...

Oh, and shouldn’t we name this chump in the pic “Burps McGee”?


No matter, as long as he’s exterminated soon…..

2:25 am July, 1 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Those jigglies were lovely.

I’m in NYC and don’t care if LeBron ends up on Mars.

This douchebag is what, about 5’4″?

7:33 am July, 1 mr.reeve said...



8:20 am July, 1 colossus of choads said...

Bumps for the Monthly, every part of him is customised.

Less Millennium Falcon, more Millennium Bag.

8:54 am July, 1 smackdouche said...

I am so embarassed to admit that I know this:

That is Jesse from Big Brother.

10:57 am July, 1 Jacques Doucheteau said...

@ Vin,


That is all.

11:50 am July, 1 c_d said...

Yeah, could we get a stage-4 Bleeth on Kelly? Bullet belt, obvious extensions, a Bedazzled bra and she’s wearing so much foundation that her face is a completely different color from her body.

6:19 am July, 5 Tony Ventresca said...

Ned @3:07 PM…

You can do something similar with ass cheeks, particularly if no condom is handy. Too much information? I agree.

5:33 am July, 7 JEee said...

Girl in left side has six- pack.xDD

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