Monday, August 23, 2010
“Steamrolla G” Responds to HCwDB
Steamrolla G responds to HCwDB in Sunday’s “Don Ed Hardy” comments thread:
what a bunch of f#cking jag off wastes of air. You, not them. theres nothing wrong with my ed hardy threads. the bad threads are the feeble comments on this silly ass hater forum. you big asses need to get a bike or a hobby and go do something with yourselfs. really. no, really.
don’t hate soemthing just b/c u cannot afford it. now you just learnd something. PEACE OUT
Indeed we did learnd soemthing, S.G. We learnd that big asses need to get a bike. Words of wisdom from a man who knows how to ski.
I can practically smell the axe oozing from his face as he bashed his head against the keys type that little note to us.
Hey – douchenozzle – bark all you want – we still win. Dumb ass.
Is dude in the picture blowing air into her mouth?
Hot Chick with EMTbag?
I know I can afford Ed Hardly, but why pay $50 for a fucking t-shirt? And what’s a “jag off”? Is that some hipsterbag term for “jack off”?
Steam Roller, gee. Y’know those custom tailored Ralph Lauren Purple Label suits in my closet are calling shenanigans on your douchbag ass.
May I suggest a website more to your intelligence level?
Hey Fucktard, I’m pretty shure an orphaned Somali quadraplegic who has Down’s Syndome could afford Ed Hardy shit. You get your threads at CVS bro?
This entry is a sham. But if this elvish clown is real he can fucck off and succck my retarded brother’s cocck. He really needs some attention.
Did Darksock bring his boat to the ReHab pool?
whos more annoying me or him or is it a tie? lol
oh or ovechkin ofcourse lol
or muslims…
or a sweaty frenchman eating a onion in ur face…
I have nothing better to do so I might as well mock Ed Hardy wearing douchebags. Hey, Steamy… you’re a douche! Now go spend 2 weeks of YOUR pay on a T-shirt.
or a techno remix of the liberty bells chimes…
or the guy who says “EA Sports..its in the game!”…
or a college professor who is so boring…
or michael moore…
or obama…
Why is it these whining ‘BAGs always have the grammar and spelling of retarded 8th graders?
Is there one Ed Hardy-wearing, sideways hat sporting ‘BAG anywhere who can craft a single correct sentence in English? We need to find something to do with OURSELFS indeed.
Easier to find Waldo.
As for Steamrolla G, if thats the name on your McDonalds tag, just how many times do you have to say ‘Want fries with that?” to wear your Ed Hardy douchewear? I’m guessing that your family feels sorry for you and you get it for your birthday, along with the clean tighty whities your mom gives you. By the way, your mom gives great head, G!
CUNT = Can’t Understand Normal Thinking – he wins
“Cannot afford it”
Bitch, please. You know damn well you get your Ed Hardy at Ross and T.J. Maxx. God knows nobody ants to pay more than $15 for that tacky shit.
@Mr Reeve,
Jag off is a regional term for Jack off. I know it’s very popular term here in the Western Part of the Keystone state and it has nothing to do with hipsters.
@Mr Reeve
Even more info on the origins of Jag Off, it’s a Yinzer thing
* jag v. prick, stab, jab
Further explanation: The form is often followed by off to mean (as a verb) “to annoy, irritate, play tricks on; to disparage; to reject,” or (as a noun) “an annoying or irritating person;” as well as around to mean “annoy, tease, or engage in a frivolous endeavor.” These phrases are probably influenced by jack off and jack around, respectively (Cassidy and Hall 1986).
The only place I’ve seen Ed Hardy is at TJ Maxx and the car accessories department in Wal-Mart. I didn’t even know that it was “supposed” to be a fashion brand. The artwork is so bad that I figured that it was just some t-shirt paint project that the tongue drooler’s made on craft day.
It’s 200% funnier if you read it with a Jersey accent.
@ Mr. Reeve 4:26
“Jag off” is a delightful colloquialism that is the equivalent to “jerk off”. It’s used in one area of the country only… guessed it….Chicago. So, from that cue alone, we now know he is from the same sewage pit that belched up Donkey Douche, Chandlerbag and Fish Slap. So, Steamrolla G, I guess I can look for you at Mannequins and watch you do your silly little frolic with all your bros? I seriously would go there just to see that and laugh at your happy little ass. Speaking of little asses, I’m afraid mine doesn’t need a bike at all. Wrong again, fucko.
@ Et Tu 5:14
Oh! You guys too? How ’bout that. The poison is spreading. so you also had a laugh when that TV show “JAG” was on the air.
And I third the motion. If he’s here in the midwest, he’s grabbing Ed Hardy by the fistful at TJ Maxx, Marshalls and their bottom-of-the-barrel sister company, AJ Wright. Piss off, ‘Steamrolla G’, and get back to the fryer, I want my extra crispy chicken sometime before I get cateracts.
Steamrolla’ G is a close personal friend of mine. His provacative statements were made while under the influence of accelerants. He spends his days huffing paint and staring out of his inner city hovel at the passing traffic, never sure if what he sees is reality or projected images on a screen.
He was once a brilliant physicist who was on the cusp of finding a cure for restless leg syndrome. He suffered a nervous breakdown when his long-time lover was arrested for lewd and indecent behavior.
He’s never been the same since, and I only ask that you show him the respect and understanding that he deserves.
Thank You
And while I’m up, how about this…..this dude in the pic could have put that other hand ANYWHERE. On her ass, for example! In her titty! Up her skirt! and he chose to flex. What a fag. And by fag I mean stupid, stupid, stupid.
The ostensible topic, I will just ignore with dignity.
I write only to thank DB1 for the awesome “Better Off Dead” reference. And what kind of world do we live in where “Savage Steve” Holland is not directing A-list blockbusters, yet douchebags roam the land?
“It’s 200% funnier if you read it with a Jersey accent.”
It’s funnier but it still doesn’t make any sense.
@ Medussa
I always thought it was a western PA thing but in doing some research it does mention The Chi. Your Donkey Douche & Fish Slap outdo our resident athlete bag Jeff Reed and Rockerbag Brett Michaels. Here’s some more info on the term.
@Et Tu Douche?
Yep I’ve seen Jag Off on every Pittsburgh’esse shirt.
Vacation Picture?
Thats quite a nice view he has at the Motel 6 off interstate 10 in Ventura county.
Musta saved all year for this, no one told him the water park was closed last year
@ Mr Reeve
I think its a TV show
Jag officer
hmmmm Catherine Bell…Happy Mammories
Mmmmm Catherine Bell, happy memories indeed. Jagging off to Jag used to be my favorite pastime. Am I using “jagging” correctly?
How do you “wastes air”?
I thought “jag off” was British, ref’ing to Jaguars. Sort of like “naff off” when used by HRH Anne, the Princess Royal, and then picked up and used by Americans who read Majesty Magazine at the Barnes & Noble magazine rack.
Thanks for the reference, Whoop, and — ewww!
I don’t know where “jag off” comes from, but I think “jag bag” is a Chicago thing.
Anyway, I got a bike. It’s a Suzuki Hayabusa. What next?
I have a bike. What’s that got to do with the fact that douchebags wear Ed Hardy??
OK first . Wow look what happens when someone outside of ur click drops a line. I google so i can find e.h. apparel o.l. (hey thats online for you dadsurfers) and come across this sad ass lil sight so I drop a joke comment–was downing a twelver, good for a laugh
Then I come back and realize hey I got a faclub well looka here dummys FIRST.) uhm that ain’t my picture FYI so theres ur 1st clue this sites a sack of bs and SECOND – UMM WHOSE THE BIGGER FAG THE ONE GETTING HIS JUNK SUCKED OR THE ONE WITH THE DICK IN HIS MOUTH BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED IT WAS VICE VERSA. I mean y’all all here talking about ME right so whose the alpha male. Y’all don’t fight theirs plenty of beefstick to share. LAT TIME. PEACE OUT for
I will leave you all to circlejerk on that—it’s called being STEAMROLLED bitches goodbye. O DAMN! THAT JUST HAPPENED
Hey, give the guy some props, he spelled “hater” correctly.
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn occasionally.
Does Babelfish translate DumbAss?
It’s in the game! flexes his bicep as he gropes his first living female.
Steamrolla G held his partner’s penis in his hand for one final second, before flinging it off the balcony and thusly, making the transsexual operation complete.
Stackhouse would crush you like the roofie laced underage skankettes that he lays waste to every weekend.
Muhammed Algae prepares for one last haymaker to his temple – and the subsequent bliss of mental retardation.
Now I know why Darksock is so fond of Johnson marine engines.
Steamrolla G held the line tightly, as it siphoned off the last few quarts of petrol from his Datsun below and emptied itself into his personal 250hp, porch mounted Anal Sybian.
it’s in the game! relished the first few nibbles on the lips of his edible Real Doll as though they were his last.
Steamrolla G’s bicep fought valiantly against the gravitational pull of the balcony blind’s drop chord, but eventually succumbed, once he felt the tickle on his thigh from his long-hairded partner’s engorging phallus.
Feeling a steamrolla in his bowel region, Steamrolla G was again reminded of that day after school, when he told his mother, “There’s blood in my poo poo mommy.” Meanwhile, dad was cruising the parking lot of the local mall in his primer grey Econoline utility van. For the Rolla, shaving his armpits always made him temporarily forget these odd childhood memories.
As his date pressed her phallus-less crotch into his yearning thigh, it’s in the game! suddenly realized his monumental mistake, and began frantically reaching for the eject pull chord.
Sampson kissed Delilah deeply and displayed his strength… completely oblivious to the pile of shorn hair that lay below the balcony.
Steamrolla G once made a delicious jerkey from dehydrated turds that consisted of last night’s pico de gallo laced goat tortas, redbull, and a piquant slurry of jizz and KY Jelly. Next up Thai curry “twice shats”. Mmmm.
Whenever I reach for the Scottowels or a tissue, my cockk screams, “It’s in the game!”
Steamrolla G kissed his love goodbye, before letting go of the noose and letting his death sentence for jacking off underage Ninja Turtles run its course.
No matter how much gas he sucked from poor Gerty, Edwin could not muster the strength to move the blue Cherokee from its double-parked spot.
Holy shit. I think I have overstayed my welcome here. My wife is giving me the glare of death.
See you all tomorrow.
“And here is our Valtrex Suite, with sliding screen door, a complimentary serving of Sanka, and a view of the local Staple’s alleyway.”
Hey. I like goat tortas.
As Cindi envelopes Steamrolla G’s turgid shaft within her convulsing colon he cocks back for the most bodacious Donkey Punch ever. However due to his considerable naïveté he wound up punching his OWN skull plate; ironically resulting in an immediate voiding of Steam’s colon rather than the exquisite spurt-choking clench of her bowels he had dreamed about Lo these hot summer months–1490
How can we really call this a movement when the shit is so stacked in the opposite direction?
DB1, where are YOUR multi-million dollar deals? I’m gonna go drink myself halfway to Styx now.
i knew i got drunk today for good reason.
@ its in the game,
yes you are more annoying than Muslims and Barack Obama combined. and you’re evenly matched with Michael Moore. you can blow yourself up with a hot dog stuffed in your mouth knowing that you have quite an accomplishment there.
“Steamrolla G” is an embarrassing name. even for a clueless critic of HCwDB. that is all i have to say about this matter.
When my broker asked where the woman should come from, I told him Chernobyl. He thought I was joking so I repeated myself.
I do not like to repeat myself.
When she arrived, I hosed her with pheromone and allowed a gibbon to have his way with her. I put her on a strict prenatal diet of Mountain Dew and Camel Lights and a daily regimen of kicks to the stomach.
Her retard mutant gibbon-human hybrid offspring was three months premature so I nurtured it to term in the dumpster behind a $1 sushi train restaurant. When he was old enough, I nailed him to a piece of driftwood with a rain gutter nail through his forehead, cut off his eyelids and forced it to learn English from watching “Leave It To Lamas”. It took about four years. Unfortunately, due to the polyps choking its throat it can’t actually speak, but it can communicate by writing simple messages on a dry erase board with the pus that tends to pool in its shriveled little right hand.
Anyway, my mongoloid tumor trauma monkey baby wanted you to know that you spelled “clique” wrong.
Have a nice day.
Someone please tell me this is a troll, how can anyone really be this dense and narcissistic? We are talking about you, there for we are your fan club?, wtf i mean really dude wtf. By that logic Hitler must be the most popular dude ever right? Yay Godwins law, this thread is officially dead and you can fuck off back to browsing for Ed Hardy online. What a rich and fulfilling life you lead. Oh and fyi the one getting his junk sucked is still a fag anyway you look at it.
Steamrolla G is bogus.
Darnnel D’landry
The Great Cleveland Steamrolla G has spoken
The 10 freeway does not reach Ventura County. FYI
Steam G,
you are a facking idot who somtime kan spel wrds poperly. Go fack ursalf in the face wit ur neddle dic.
its in the game!,
the abuv aply tu u a wel. huh?
I have a bike. It’s a LeMond Tourmalet.
BTW – It’s not that we can’t afford Ed Hardy, it’s that you are stupid for spending your money on that crap.
yea forgot another 1
but then again i shoulda said highway instead of interstate…damn!
@Steamrolla G-
You narcissistic fuckwit. Obviously, the simplest points of operational logic elude you, which is typical for narcissistic fuckwit douchebags like you. I’ll spell it out, very simply for you, because you’re special that way, as in short school bus “special.”
This is a website dedicated to mocking the likes of you. That’s its sole purpose. We find people like you worthy of derision. So, coming in here and spewing how we’re all a bunch of haters *simply doesn’t cut it*. Why? because you’re an idiot, and we’re here to make fun of idiots. You’re an idiot because you dress, act, and speak like a douchebag.
And it’s not like everyone on this site is some kinda of Mensa candidate – it’s because you really are THAT stupid and THAT delusional. So, whatever you write, say, or post is of no consequence to us, and your illiterate ramblings only serve to amuse us.
As I noted at the top of this thread:
Hey – douchenozzle – bark all you want – we still win. Dumb ass.
Still holds true.
Now go back to your pitiful life of hopeless ignorance. I’m glad you are so well built. You will make an excellent farm hand in about 10 years.
troy it seems to me the dumbass is one that writes a damn novel like you just did but it makes no sense. What does the first whole part you rambled on about have shit to do with me being a farm hand? i read it 3 times and you must have been drunk or something. I guess your a sheep farmer at least your the only one of this site gets laid on the regular. by your sheep HA U JUST GOT STEAMROLLED BITCH Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
^Limp Bizkit? Streamrolla C, you are everything wrong with our society. By referencing a true douche like Fred Durst you have proven us all right. Thanks.
@Baron: genius, sir. Pure genius.
@Troy: one can only hope that you will inspire SteamyG to write in again, in the hopes of convincing us that we’re really just jealous of him. More sauce for the goose, I say.
Traits of instant bagdom:
1) Using the word “hater”.
2) Fear of capital letters when writing.
3) Ending an angry insulting letter with “Peace out”.
Nothing you ever do from here on out can “un-douche” yourself into obscurity.
I just posted my wish, and what do I see when the page refreshes! It’s like a mini Christmas, only with more inane ramblings from SteamyG! Oh, joy!
Steamy (can I call you Steamy?), it makes no sense to you because the prose is above a Grade 3 level of writing. I applaud your attempts at understanding it through repetition, however. Please, tell us again how our engaging in one of our favorite pasttimes (mocking douchenozzles like yourself) actually means we’re jealous of your alpha-male-ness.
*sits eagerly, chin in both hands, waiting for the next nugget of entertainment*
I wish he learnd how to spell.
I’ve never been a big fan of zoos. All of those animals, every shape and size imaginable, locked in ornate cages and pens meant to simulate their natural environment. You know what I’m talking about. The five zebras and half a dozen gazelle confined to the grande expanse of the 3/4th acre Serengeti complete with concrete watering hole and dry grass and dirt. Migration season must be epic.
Day after day these creatures live their simple lives while hordes of gleeful visitors pass by, captivated by each and every new spectacle. Ooh! Look at that one! He’s huge. Ohmygosh, did you see the spots on that one?! How the heck does that one, you know, do it? It’s impossible! The variety and oddeties of the animal kingdom never cease to amaze them even though they watched Animal Planet every chance they get.
And every once in a while, as if no longer able to ignore the never ending barrage of “Hey! Hey you, Mr. Gorilla! Look over here! Woo hoo! Monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey!” one finally looks up at the crowd, raising its head with what little dignity it thinks it retains, and glowers at the spectators, as if to say “you big asses need to get a bike or a hobby and go do something with yourselfs. really. no, really.” It then flings its poo at the glass before going back to mindlessly kneeding its balls, the king of all it surveys.
Yeah, I never liked zoos.
Well done, Anonymous 6:02
STILL talking about SG, huh? yall got a man crush on me i guess hey – whateva dummies I’m getting ready for work; when i get off shift i’ll pick up another twelver, maybe rail my bitch and while she sleeps it off from getting ‘rolled by my hogleg and i feel generous then i will give you jagoffs another suck. you all sure as hell lining up to do it hahaha suck THAT dick for a while damn it feels good to be me; see i’m happy with what i got but you all? your full of hate and got to come to some outlet like this to puke out all the thingsyou got to bottle up while kissing ass and getting stepped on all day . but that’s not me fools; thats why i’ma steamrolla and you the tar. hey ima wear my baddest ed hardy tee today just to remind me to kick your asses tonite when i come home pull it off to get my diinner hummer from my sweet ho then boot up and see what new worship waits on me PEACE OUT FEEBZ you my peeps now. think about it. yall step to me now.
^What language do you speak? Is it retard? I can’t understand you. Who are steam rollin anyway? I am confused, G. Help me understand you. That way I can help you get to the short bus and find your helmet. We really just want to help you, G. Hook me up wit sum 411 yall! PEACE OUT FEEB!
Shift work. Rape. More Ed Hardy.
Nope, no surprises there. Keep running around in your cage flinging poo.
*claps hands gleefully*
He wrote in again! Oh, the fun in trying to decipher what it is he means, examining the psychological damage that is Steamy’s (you still haven’t told me if that moniker is acceptable to you) narcissistic personality disorder, marveling at his inability to communicate coherently. I tells ya, it’s more fun than you can shake a stick at.
BTW, Mr. Scrotato Head, I saw where you were going with your zoo analogy early, but it was delicious fun throughout. Kudos, sir!
Steamy? Got any more poo to fling?
“gettin rolled by my hogleg”…
Tee hee.
It’s sounds like Steamy is from the Keystone state, possibly the Western part, and we all know of another Douche-Wank originally from the Eastern end of the state, who now “crush’s” in Tallanasty FL. Could it be they are long lost cousins? the both spell & articulate on a 4th grade level I’m just saying.
@Et Tu Douche?
Took the words right out of my mouth. Steamrolla G, you and this guy should get together and fist pump the shit out of each other. Better yet, you could sneak into his house, pretend he’s your bitch ho, and rape the shit out of him.
Thats the great thing about this site. I never have time to go to the zoo, so I can just sit back and let the poo flinging monkeys come to me. Joygasm!
@ Mr. Scrotato Head 8:15 AM Brilliant! Can I say…”man crush”? lol
Baron Von Goolo FTW!
That shit was classic!
I for one am NOT any type of “Ass Hater”, I for one LOVE the ASS!!
I would like to submit my formal nomination for DBag of the week to Steamy. Any one care to second the nom?
@ Captain Lame.
Assuming that we’re following Robert’s Rules of Order, I’ll second.
I don’t think this fuckstick got past the prokaryotic bacteria stage on the tree of life.
Damn, been a while since we hit 100; I was getting worried about YES, THAT MUTHUFUCKA!!
…”Hog Leg“?
I suspect a troll. I suspect Troy and BVG for the pulitzer in literature.
…In case he isn’t a troll, a message to Steamy Gee….
…You know you’re also getting mocked by chicks in here, right? So there goes your “alpha male” theory. And there also goes your theory that all women crave your jerky wand. Alpha male? That is a term used for lesser animals, sir. However, unlike Mr. Scrotato Head, I rather enjoy the zoo. I do love to see simple primates battle it out for supremacy, for whom shall sleep on the tallest shit-crusted rock in their small enclosure.
I second the Poolitzer nomination. I started a thread in the forum today to track epic comments. Given that most of 2009 and before are lost to the ethernet, I figured we’d want a place to capture those comments that deserve to live on so long as HCwDB is fighting the battle. BVG makes the innaugural class.
We have a forum?
Oh hey, look at that. Thanks!
Damn, how long does a shift at Carls Jr. last?
Classic…SG is officially a fuckstick…now make sure you don’t forget to ask if they want fries with that. Looking forward to the big response…should be good enough to have milk come out my nose later.
nah forget it yall just stupid
I respect that.
And that aint EVEN my picture you dumasses I aint some boston prep with little baseball biceps from picking up my slut gf’s babies im that stepping bigdick put em up in her guts. anyway enuff wit u peace out giblits im gone to crush out a case of micky wides u fagget cosmo drinkerz
Better respect. fool
Aaaaaaaand the mote of respect dies whimpering.
Hmmmmm “big assed people riding bicycles” … how dare you besmirch the words of the legendary Freddie Mercury in the name of douchery through half-brained paraphrasing! Good DAY, sir!!!
I have a bike you a$$hole,a Bob Jackson you dumb Axe smelling monkey….Ed Hardy wearing pooter. And I can afford those “designer” clothes like Ed Hardy Har har…those aren’t anything special! You just think you look cool in them. They’re made in china,fool-how it that special when you can go to walmart and buy made in china shirts? Suckers!
And I ride my bike a lot….and think about how silly you really are! I also do a lot of other things,hobbies too. And I have a job,and more!
But you guys and your kind are easy targets because you’re big, dumb and obvious. This site that mocks you really bothers you? Wow,then I guess this site does it’s job!
And that aint EVEN my picture you dumasses
Oh, hello, Steamrolla, this is your Primatologist/ Hooked on Phonics teacher, speaking. I know we covered basic written communication last week, and it seemed you were a bit distracted flinging feces at your fellow Bonobos. However, I would like you to review Mr. Scrotato Head’s sentence above the picture, particularly this fragment:
“Steamrolla G, you and this guy should get together”
As you can see, the demonstrative adjective ‘this’ qualifies the noun ‘guy.’ If there is no other written description, it is likely ‘this guy’ is referring to something else on the page. Can you guess what it is? The photo? Great!
But wait, there is the twist, oh, I know how you like twists, Steamrolla given all your penis fencing with other fellow male bonobos. We have another subject before ‘this guy,’ and it is ‘you,’ referring, to, well, you, Steamrolla. Thus, is the subject ‘this guy’
referring to you in Mr. Scrotato Head’s passage?
I know it is hard, but if you get it right, I will give you a banana. Then, you can go back to flinging feces.
If you are a troll, well, you must have been rejected by a female bonobo, so I suggest you move along and fornicate yourself with a spoiled watermelon before you get tempted to penis fence with a thorn bush.
@Steamrolla G

Everything about you screams low self esteme. From your lock-step loyalty to a clothing brand that preys upon your willingness to let them define how you should dress to your pathetic attempts at sounding all tough and nasty by using gutter language. You’re absolutely ridiculous. You do realize that, don’t you?
You dress how others say you should dress. You drink what others say you should drink. And you adopt hood/gutter/loser language because that’s what the media tells you you should do. No matter what you think, say, or do, there is nothing, NOTHING original about you. You’re a Xerox copy of every other low-pants wearing, woman abusing, self indulgent meat clown that wastes its time and money living for the here and the now. Put plainly, you’re a tool. And for that you get nothing but our contempt. You might as well be mashing your phone keypad with your kockk nub for all the good your posts are doing.
And to clarify, nobody here went looking for you or your insipid opinions. YOU came into OUR house. Don’t like what you see? F*ck off. I’m sure the view is much better from your bedroom:
Did he actually say “Peace out”? And here we thought he was a douchebag…
@Scrotato Head: esteme[sic]? Are you taking a page from the Steamrolla playbook?
As for “jagoff” you guys must never have seen Goodfellas, Casino, or any other Scorsese.
As for Mr. Steam, why does he hold is breath when he kisses a girl? Is he afraid of catching her cooties?
“his” breath. *Chris Farley head-bash*
This guy doesn’t look very douchey. Besides, the women on this site who are with the douchebags deserve some criticism themselves – if they are so great, why are they with dipshits? Crap attracts crap.