Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Baglionaire
In global news: One of Australia’s top ten richest people is a huge Russian douche bong.
Wow. $100 million and the best eye-candy he could come up with was that thing? Seriously guy, check your home country’s mail order bride catalogs. And you’d even get kudos for dating native.
But what do I know. Maybe they’re actually high school sweethearts.
God dam I hate him so much. His “eye-candy” looks like she suffers from Down Syndrome. She has a very Down Syndromey face
Yup… I hate to say it, but the Russians, having been without material wealth for so long are making up for it in one full Douche cabbage flavored discharge.
Well, you guys beat me to the “You got A HUNDRED FUCKING MILLION AND THAT’S WHAT YOU MARRIED!?” comment. She looks like she was beaten with a bag of hammers while growing up.
I think I’m seeing an Adam’s apple on the “chick”.
Chernobyl wife is good, no?
I think she is hott.
Actually she looks more like a douche than he does. He has the shirt and glasses, but she has the look that I would just slap across her face a thousand times for.
No I change my mind I would rip the lips off of her face with channel locks, yep that’s it.
@wonderdouche: s/he DOES have a smug countenance that inspires me to take a tow chain to it.
I miss Leonid Brezhnev. Call me old fashioned.
She probably came with the yacht
is that Dung Beetle?
I like how their heads are tilted at precisely the same angle, that must have taken minutes to perfect. FUCCK this picture is all kinds of disgusting.
Since my first job as an adult was as a copyeditor, I couldn’t help but take a paragraph from the article and add my own parenthetical edits to it. I’m going to submit them to that website so they can fix it:
“Known around Perth for a lavish lifestyle befitting his fortune (stunning self-absorption), which includes owning numerous properties (poorly built McMansions), a record label (that caters to tone deaf otters), and some very expensive (overpriced) and very fast cars (substitute penises) among other toys (gold-plated vibrators for his wife), he and his wife have also hosted a collection of extravagantly themed parties (soul-sucking celebrations of his own narcissism), even flying in US rap star Snoop Dogg (proving that everyone can be bought) to perform at his 29th birthday last year. (He and his wife are proud that they give absolutely nothing back to the word from which they’ve taken so very much from, and they look forward to leaving no worthwhile legacy behind when they pass on…at the age of 32 from a poisoned batch of designer drugs.)”
Did you kill dat Moose Boris?
Yes Natasha.
You are so bad you’re good my dahling.
It is good to be bad ,yes.
Fucking commies.
What was so wrong with USSR exactly ?
Nice swimsuit.
So much for Perestroika.
In Russia – Douche make fun of you.
He has a worm eating away at his guts.
I made a trip to St. Petersburg ( Leningrad ) back in the day.
My first thought was, “Hey, someone dropped a magazine that had a special on New Jersey fashion in it.”
Everyone was dressed like complete and total douchewads.
So yes, he’s a Douche; but in his defense, they only had the one magazine.
True story;
yum.. sun bleethed taint
In Soviet Perth, dingo babies eat you!
She looks like she’s letting a silent-ripper slide out just as the photographer said, “Odin, Dva, Tri” ( did that from memory )
Feeding off Mr. White’s epic:
“Known around gay bars for a lavish lifestyle befitting the truest of Liberace fans, which includes owning numerous butt plugs, a rear insertion Sybian, and some very expensive boys from NAMBLA among other toys, he and his “beard” have also hosted a collection of extravagantly themed orgies, even flying in US porn star Francois Sagat to perform oral on him at his 29th birthday last year.”
Hold on. Did my last comment make any sense? 1 pot of hi-test coffee+ no sleep = huh?
In Soviet Texas, cows rope you.
In Soviet Onion – onions cut you.
She must be able to suck schlong REAAAALLY well.
In Soviet Union – whores pay you.
In Soviet HCwDB – frolicking is punishable by death.
That look on her face says “I love getting anal from moose but I hate cleaning up squirrel bits after.”
In Soviet HCwDB – Wearing Ed Hardy result in 10 year stay in Gulag.
In Soviet HCwDB, wearing 6lb watch results in borscht enema.
Why do I keep expecting him to bust with that annoying “Hot hot hot!” song every time I look at this pic?
In Soviet HCwDB – Orange skin is removed by rusty, dull scapel.
In Soviet HCwDB – “Fist Pump” while dancing result in fingers being superglued into permanent fist, and then said fist is thrust up your cabbage patch.
Russian Million/billionaires 99% of the time are autodouche.
In Soviet HCwDB – Blow-Out hairstyle result in head shaved with chainsaw.
@ myself
Jebus ya cocckgobbler, at least put in the Buster Poindexter link next time. Are ya happy? Now the joke is ruined, assbrain.
Yeah, I saw this idiot on the TV news last night. Cringeworthy factor high! The only saving grace is a vast continent separating us. Thank God. And I’ve met similar types to her. Trained in skankery from an early age. This country is going to the dogs.
“Wanna beat him with a diseased dead wallaby so Frick’in bad”
Anyone else get pictures from DarkSock on his Australia vacation?

Is this their Christmas card photo? The matching sweaters must be in the boat cabin. I hope.
Is the boat rolling to the left, or do they have scoliosis?
@ Dr. BHD–No, I follow. And I laughed. Having been a big New York Dolls fan, Buster Poindexter made me weep. I’m always curious as to who gets the jokes and who doesn’t.
She’s got angry nightcrawlers for lips. I hope they wed before he had money, otherwise there is no excuse for this. However, I’d like to say that maybe she’s a really funny chick, makes a mean beef stroganoff and sucks cock like semen grants immortality. That being the case, I’ll excuse her looks, but for God’s sake, smile, you miserable sow. Duckface isn’t helping your case one bit.
@ Mr. White–
When I die and some well-meaning family member submits my eulogy, I personally ask you to step in and edit. I think you might be able to make me sound way more awesome than I actually was.
We shail into hishtory!
@ Medusa 3:15
You can’t put your arms around a memory. Too bad. And BTW, I love that song. R.I.P. Johnny Thunders
uh oh. Gator has some competition here.
and to be honest i’m not surprised that Gator’s competition comes from Russia.
She’s in black, he’s in white, and they’re still Red all over.
Greetings from Perth Western Australia.
This guy is apparently a Billionaire in $AU, so roughly equivalent for $US.
Even in Oz that is $1,000,000,000+
A complete douche when talking with him too.
At least he’s investing his money wisely… blast goggles for the next big melt down.
Thank you, Billy Joel.
No matter what they say, if he takes off his glasses those Russians all look like down syndrome kids, sorry that’s just what I see each and every time.
All the money in the world won’t stop them from ugly pasty face inborn looking people.
I guess their parents didn’t have all of the right vitamins when they conceived these kids.
I wish we were still at war with them.
Fitty rubles.