Hot Chicks With Douche Bags
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Hall of Scrote
- Glinty
- Socrates 2 3 4 5 6
- Yellowtail
- Purple Lips
- Old No. 7 aka Cro 'Bagnon 2 3 4
- Dung Beetle 2
- Douche Lee 2 3
- St. Pat
- Donkey Douche 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- White Chocolate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
- Fish Slap 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- Xenu 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- The Rooster Wank and Holy Blue Triangle 2
- Oompa Prompa 2 3 4
- Fung (Stage 2 Prompa Larvae)
- The Joey Porsche Experience 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- The Ab Lobster 2 3 4 5 6
- Peaches 2 3 4 5 6
- The Trainwreck 2
- The Gator 2 3 4 5 6 7
- The Stereodouchtonic Twins (STDS) 2 3 4
- The Crustacean 2 3
- He Just Bangs Bitches and Drinks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Millennium 'Bag
- Deathtongue 2
- Velveeta 'Bag 2 3 4 5
- King Douchuous the IV 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Bra!! Broheim!! Brahemian Rhapsody!! Brosephus? Brosekis! Mr. Broboto!! Bra? Bro. Dude, seriously. Bra. Bromeo!! dude. Bra. Bro-verkill
- The Metaphysical Hooligan 2 3 4
- Johnny Blaze 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Tighty Armani 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Smoot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Groooo 17 The Lumpy Professor Smoot
- Crosshair McJohnson 2 3 4
- E-Blo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gayblo
- Mister Liptatt
- The Sharkbag 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Four Prong 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Stackhouse the Poet 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. - Brothabag Leon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Mack the Nozzle 2 3 4 5 Archie McScrote 7 8 9 10
- Benzino the Benzbag 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
- Sleepy Jerkenstein 2
- Kisseus Vomitorious 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (NSFW) 25 26 27
- The Kettlehead 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Hall of Hott
- Quartasian Mia Sara Hott 2 3
- Sue-Ellen
- Ass Not What Your Country Can Do For You
- Halo Angel
- Hamster Hott
- The Hourglass
- Clay Wankin's Hott
- Scrotey Opie's Hott
- Strawberry Cheesecake
- Pajama Choad's Hott
- The Sweathog's Caroline 2 3
- April
- Zippy's Eurohott Princess
- Droopy McScrote's Surfer Kelly
- Jasmina from The Four Horsemen of the Douchepocalypse
- Stonebag's Girl Next Door
- Pippy's Pippette
- 'Bag Islander's Long Island Bikini Hott
- Veronica 2 3
- Blowtorch's Hott 2
- The Holy Blue Triangle 2 3 4
- Ice Man's Maverick Hott
- The Pancake's Tasty Syrup Cutie
- The Gator's Boobie Hottie
- Carly Hott 2 3 4
- The Smearkat's Anya
- The Lei Hotties 2 3
- Kathy Hott 2 3 4 5 6
Super Baggio's Clarissa 2 3
Waxy McBrow's Rachelle 2 3 - Larry the Claims Processor's Elizabeth
- Francine 2 3 4 5 Vin Douchal's "Francine"
- Mister Liptatt's Holly
- Arielle from the Fratbrosephus Bros
- Sonya
- Tiny Dancer Maria 2 3 4 5
- Tina Tatas 2 3
- Sheertina
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Closet of Poo
- Poo
- The Bronze Flush
- A Clockwork Orange
- Mammy Miami
- Poolan Rouge
- Dance Fever
- Cheeto Man 2 3 4 5
- The Sterilizer
- Orangina
- The Poopaloompa 2 3 4
- Orange Poolius
- Mandarin Orange
- Pumpito 2
- Dr. Redderick Lobster
- Europeans, Teenagers and Shoe Polish
- The Jizz Singer 2
- Mecha Hineyho 2 RIP
- Dieter
- Poppa Squatter 2 3 4
- Brazilian Emo Hulk 2 3 4
- Wee Willy Crimson
- Burnt Kisseus Vomitorious
- Chudwick The Boiled
- The Gorilla 2
- Brothabag Edgar2 3 4 5 6 7
- Mooby Dick
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Purg Hottie
Samurai Scrote
Hall of Mock
- Pfah
- DarkSock
- Baron Von Goolo
- Troy Tempest
- Steve L
- Wheezer
- Medusa Oblongata
- creature
- Crucial Head
- Mr. White
- Archidoucheis
- Mr. Biggs
- Vin Douchal
- Sergeant Scrote Stain
- boatbutter
- Captain Bringdown
- Whoop-di-douche
- Jacques Doucheteau
- massengill
- Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche
- Mr. Scrotato Head
- Deltus
- The Reverend Chad Kroeger
- mr.reeve
- Wedgie
- Et Tu Douche?
- Eliza Douchcoo
- dbBen
- soy bomb
- DoucheyWallnuts
- I R A Darth Aggie
- jonezy
- Hermit
- Chris in ‘Baghdad
- Douchble Helix
- the douche is alright
- Choad the Douche Sprocket
- Stephanie
- The Dude
- Dude McCrudeshoes
- Sir David Douchenborough
- Il Douché
- Bag A
- douche equis
- Capt. James T. Douche
- Charles Nelson Douchely
- Merle Baggard
- ehcuodouche
- Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
- Charles Douchewin
- FredN.
- Ol' Dirty Douchebag
- In memoriam: bcs

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Sweet merciful crap. Where’s Napalm when you need it?
Nice fuccen spirokete tattoo there, bud. That’s a 10,000 x magnification of the bugs you caught off of Candy Condyloma there next to you.
Hey, I love Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Crackers as much as the next guy, but I feel that tattooing images of the tasty snacks on your shoulder is a bit much.
Where’s my penecillin, cause if she’s got something that’s contagious, I’m willing to go in and take a closer look.
Jesus died for her boobies.
Does her right tit wrap say ‘HOE’ in the fashion of the Yankees logo?
@ Medusa: comments on an earlier post of yours re. your ‘sweet home Chicago’ have made me seriously reconsider the itinerary for my upcoming trip to the US. I envisioned a boat ride in Chicago as ,possibly, the best way to observe that city’s great architecture. Am I mistaken? Please help an Aussie bag hunter out.
She’s a sailor as evidenced by the sparrow and the star tattoo. I imagine a large amount of seaman have seen them…
Seriously 80% of your pics have to come from the Rehab pool days. Anyone that goes there must leave with their eyes bleeding.
i dont care what shes got, i want it..ill take my chances.
hes a Boner!
All bleeth hottness and super taint hair-frost-wanna-be-surfer-‘bag. The only waves he has ever seen is at the Mandalay Bay wave pool.
@tall guy, Medusa will be back soon to give you her answer, but the water and boats (and the ‘bags they contain) she refers to generally inhabit the area near Oak Street and North Avenue beaches. The architectural boat tours are quite nice, unless Dave Matthews is in town.
Thank you, Fatness. That’s a really helpful link.
It looks like they’re both trying to hold off sharting until the picture has been taken. I guess that batch of botulinum toxin-laden orange juice that I sold at a discount to numerous Vegas hotels is working.
HDE – Humps Doily Elephants
HDE – Haltering Dreadful Eggplants
I liked watching Staurday morning cartoons and stuff but I’d never get a tattoo of this.
HDE – His Dicks Embryonic
@ Tall Guy–yeah what Fatness said, HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, that will never go away, no matter how hard Dave tries. Actually, no, Chicago is a breathtaking marvel of architecture and history. The works of Louis Sullivan alone are reason enough to come and see. The boat tour is absolutely a fantastic idea and I can’t recommend that enough for people who want to come here and see something that will really knock their socks off. Also don’t miss the Loop tour if you can get to it. The works of Daniel Burnham will make you weep salty fuccen tears that such beautiful, graceful forms could be coaxed from an unyielding, cold block of stone.
By any and all means, avoid the following: Oak St. and North avenue beach, as Fatness mentioned above. Avoid the entire area that is framed by Kinzie St. on the south, State Street on the east, Chicago Ave. on the north, and Orleans street on the west. This box is known as River North and is Ground Zero for Douche. All those clubs that we see Donkey Douche and Fish Slap at? That’s where they are. The streets are full of Hummers and Escalades and nasty skanks tottering around in ill-fitting heels yelling “WOOOO” and the monotonous “nn-tss nn-tss’nn-tsss” beats pour out of every door of every building, every window of every car.
The bad news is, River North is dangerously close to the Loop and, duh, the north branch of the river. Tread lightly, ‘Baghunter. In the meantime, there are outstanding eats to be had, finely crafted cocktails as the old-style lounges and diners are coming back with a vengeance. On South State you can get a real egg cream and then go a few blocks to get an actual Old Fashioned. I can make many suggestions. I would also strongly suggest you avoid Wicker Park as well. Some great shopping and cafes there, but the stink of Hipsterbag smug is overwhelming, and it’s all I can do to not ride through there, brandishing a leg of lamb with which to bludgeon their silly, vegan asses with.
She looks similar to a local ex-Australian rules football full-forward from the 80s named Warwick Capper. Dude’s always been a total bag. He rents himself out these days so B-grade celebrities can ‘bring your (sic) event to life’ (quote from his website). Fucking clown!
Try “Donkey” Quick Draw Mcgrunt
@ Tall Guy–it’s a bit farther north, and I don’t know if you’re into this sort of thing. But if you are, Graceland Cemetery is an absolute must.
Thank you, Medusa. Heaps of really good suggestions. Excellent!
Isn’t that Mickey Rourke’s young cousin Ryan?
But seriously…. that bitch is stacked.
i have a sudden urge to drink some oj and then shart
Ummmmm, I love Swedish Fish.
Buh-leeth. She’s as greasy as he is. It’s a Crisco party. Now if anybody has some chopped onions let’s drop these two in a hot skillet
I can’t tell if that’s a beautiful woman, an old lady or two candles in his tattoos. Can’t say I care either, unless the next photo has him writhing in pain on the ground from a nuclear strength cocckk punch by Ray Lewis
Mr. White’s brew is looking a bit cloudy.
Gee, when your bolt-on has a tan line…..
Be warned, however, Tall Guy, the winters are miserable, but if you’re doing the boat tour, I assumed you’d be coming in better times. If you like, I will be glad to see that a fellow ‘hunter gets a proper Chicago steak (we are LEGENDARY) for meat if I can wrangle myself free from work for an evening. I don’t know any slutty chicks I can hook you up with for the week, but I’m sure if i ask around….
Perhaps she’s that rare-arse (although increasingly becoming more common) Stage-4 bleeth. If not she’s close.
I think he has one of those Magic Eye tattoos. If you stare at it long enough, a 3-D image of a dolphin cocck appears.
Thanks again, Medusa. I endured English winters over 2 and a half years. But I’m still not fond of the cold. And while I’d like to see the US during its summer, it’s a strong probability that I’ll be visiting pre or post winter. More, as is said, will be revealed. I love a good steak, or, on occasions, any bit of meat… (semi-joke).
Did she just fill that massive specimen cup or is she going to drink it?
I think Medusa’s right about the Magic Eye thing. If you stare at her tits long enough the rest of her gets blurry and an errection appears in your pants.
@Tall guy
cruising around on top open air bus.”not in winter” was cool for me, If they still have thoese there
Emo Hulk
After several months of tender care, the bamboo plant that Kristy had nurtured in her ass finally burst forth in its full, stiff, and turgid glory.
I add extra phosphate to my diet for my Octoberfest brew, giving it a striking cloudy-yet-amber color.
never have I seen two people more perfect for each other. a match made in heaven.
@Magnum Douche P.I.^
Actually it was a match made at the Mela-glow-ma tanning salon on Hawthorne next to the check cashing shop and the really shitty pizza place.
They also bleach hair.
If you look at her left boob closely (and really, why WOULDN’T you?), you can see where the implant begins. Not a good look. Shame, because I’d still jerk off on her tummy, given half the chance and a bottle of sumpin’-sumpin’.
On their way to the Lincoln Towncar’s trunk, an annoyed Tony waits for the peroxide couples’ last photo op.
Herpes Dump Everywhere
Not even a glass that big will drink him pretty.
Screw napalm. I say we lift off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Giant cups of Vitamin C
Make that THREE giant cups of Vitamin C!!!
No one mentioned the yellow Bicycle Helmet with a tail! (she could use my face a bicycle seat….)
On CHICAGO…don’t forget the chicago Italian beef sandwiches, they are legendary. OMIGOD, yummy.
Back to the Golden Bags….
or gold bugs…
Her right tit (our left side view in photo) reads
H D E…High Density Estrogen.
These two really deserve each other…as much as do Heidi and Spencer, back together again…LOL
There’s Guns ‘n Roses, Axl style. Derived from axolotls.
Then there’s Tigers ‘n Pansies, Ed Hardy style.
the only thing that is golden in this pic is the bleeth’s curves.
there. i said it.
A suspicious tiki party where all you could wear is Ed Hardy,and drink the kool-aid,and have dyed blond hair.
Guy watching in the back kills tattoo bonobo in front and then takes off.
she has arm pit hair
Twat did you say? I cunt hear you! Tits alright, bare-ass me again. I have an ear infucktion. I have visit the dicktor for some penisillin. Eh, we’ll finger it out later.
I think they’re twins. One of them got a sex change operation somewhere along the way. It’s hard to figure out which one made the switch though. They both look pretty iffy.
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I realize the worry;I am very z sad to hear that you got your Supra fixed; I remember reading about some of your problems5 !.
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