Friday, October 29, 2010
“Virgin Arm #38”
When the art world has finally recognized my genius for the recontextualization of the found image in the age of the simulacrum, and I am awarded my first major gallery show at the Guggenheim in 2023, this will be one of the pieces I will select as part of my installation.
I title this “Virgin Arm #38.”
In the age where auteur theory is dead and post-structuralism has destabilized meaning structures beyond signification, it is generative contextualization that marks the new avant-garde.
Couple’a dudes in love…if they can’t make it, no one can!
The third eye is in the wrong place.
However, i did come hear for ASS Pear and will have to wait again.
I suddenly have the urge to found a website called “Shoot At This Fucking Hipster”.
After having their fun with a few “Week-End At Bernie’s”-style pictures, Lindsey and Todd grabbed their shovels and re-interred the body of poor Vincent Schiavelli.

She’s all sorts of peculiar ’80s hotness. I’d happily gorge on her thorogood.
He is sticky and gross and I’d like an opportunity to tear his arm out of its socket and beat him to death with the wet end. Ironically of course.
There’s something in his third eye, I’ve got a steak knife that could get it out.
What is this, a NAMBLA convention? The boy on the left can’t be over 18, could he?
Be proud.
Be brave.
Time will change…
… indeed.
As Tina thrilled to the pending anguish of her father, Lance Sondeheim (aka Stoney G) stared off pensively as the garter snake writhed further up his colon in its desperate search for oxygen.
And I almost died when I saw this.
Buddy Holly’s mutilated corpse approves of Justin Beiber’s new she-mullet.
Eyeneck hipster here looks like his San Fran hippie parents raised him on LSD, corn flakes, Widespread Panic cd’s and wheat grass. I see no sign of vitality behind those dead carp eyes
I hope he spent his teen years getting hazed/ridiculed/fucked over by thick softball dykes and tough queers
Jacques, damn dude, warn a guy before you spring something like that. Not a complaint, mind you, cause DAMN! Still.
Eye got nothing…
Spring something indeed…
I only have eye for you.
I’ll give that eye a monocle. And by monocle I mean tracheotomy.
Tina Cathedral-Puss and Harry Fister.
That’s not an eye, People.
It’s the glory-hole doily for his trach hole.
Now that I take a second look/fwap at sweaty hipsterbag’s headlock victim there, I’m really starting to see an early ’90s Denise Crosby thing happening, and taking me back to joyous memories of carefree childhood fwapping to Star Trek TNG.
You guys are just a bunch of hatters. Try to keep it positive.
Ok, back to work at Animal Control, gassing puppies.
I’ve never seen anyone who needs their face smashed in more than this guy…
this picture make me queazy
Thanks, nice prelude till pear time
Formatting issues fixed. Although the double image had its own sort of artistic qualities.
– management
She has a funny look in her eyss like “What the fu*k am I doing with this piece of ______ (fill in the blank)
She reminds me of Just One of the Guys which will likely be the DVD of the week.
“All balls itch. It’s a fact”
Speaking of butch-ish looking ladies, +10 points to Ellen Degeneres for her costume as Snooki’s pouf:

don’t feel that he meets the criteria for a douche, but the tatts probably do a great job covering all the needle track marks. you don’t have to be nostradamus to predict this guy will end up O.D.’d and tossed in a dumpster.
I’m pretty sure his arm is no virgin, guarantee you he’s fisted some dudes, and in my book that counts as intercourse.
Ice Age, Stone Age, Bronze Age. Iron Age, Black Age. Renaissance Age. Victorian Age, Industrial Revolution, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, RUSH, Tron, New Wave, Computer Age, what was my point? Oh. New Bronze Douche Hipsterbag Age. Burpp>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…………….
I shoved a bunch of crackers up my butt……….and now I can’t whistle!
f*er just blinked at me. I need to go home.
When did Dave Grohl make Toby McGuire his bitch? That’s…that’s just wrong.
Looks loke Mary and her five daughters will be stopping by tonight.
Just in time for halloween, they dug up Frank Zappa
…..hmmmm,,,sorry frank!
watch out where the huskies go, dont you eat that yellow snow
That pixie cut girlie is cute. That dude needs to stop looking so serious. If you’re going to purposefully make yourself look like a jack ass, you HAVE to have a good sense of humor about it.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m going to wake up my children (ages one and three) and punch them in the face. That’s how angry this picture makes me.
Wow,what a mismatch in personalities. The guy’s an empty headed – what I’d like to call Buddy Holly’s asshole,and she’s this nice looking young girl. What happened?
Holymarymotherofguadalupe, the dayof thedead cannot come quickly enough.
I knew Peter Sellers was an eccentric genius, but I had no idea he was a douchebag.
The Hairy Eyeball on an Indian arrowhead can mean only one thing.
And I’m not quite sure what that is.
He thinks he will win a prize, but actually it’s just a bad case of the clap.
those are some mighty tatts that can turn a woman into a hipster (or dickhead, as seems to be the more popular term in Britain).
His eyes…they are so….dead