Halloween HCwDB Pics Comin’ In
I decided not to do an official Halloween HCwDB contest, mainly because with Jersey Shore having flooded the cultural consciousness, it’s hard to argue the hottie/douchey Halloween costume is solely our province anymore.
That being said, some great hottie/douchey costumes have come in already (this genius “mandana and annoyed hott cat chick” courtesy of reader ipkiss).
So if you or a loved one went as something appropriating the ‘bags and hotts we mock on HCwDB, send me your stuff.
As readers have pointed out, this costume also appears to be that of the legendary Antoine Dodson. Who is not a douche. He’s a musical genius.
Huge hair and mandana are excellent, he’s a fine orange colour, and she’s a tasty little numnumcake done up as a slutty little kitty. I approve!
Pretty sure that is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y54yESyq6Io
still a douche.
“Lori, you’re cat ears won’t be convincing unless we twist your real ones off; C’mere…”
If you are over 12 and dress up for holloween, you’re a douche.
Yeah, that’s supposed to be Antoine Dodson or whatever his name is. I’m gonna have to go with a notta douche for Antoine. Simply because of how many laughs he’s given me…
She looks like the girl from Twilight. Not that I’ve ever, you know… uh, like, ummm… seenthemovieatthebehestofmywife or anything… you know… I just saw a movie poster or… errrrrr something.
Dammit Baron Von Goolo… why are you staring at me and grasping your clawhammer like that?
*runs out of the room*
That was fucking funny mehoff. Haven’t seen Antoine up here yet. And yes she does Crucial Head, better in Adventureland though. That Twilight shit is pretty light.
Exeter was highly disappointed in his son for not following his footsteps.

Tina made a mental note to replace Tony’s store brand anti-perspirant with a national brand.
Mrs Wedgie made that same face when I first suggested a three-way with her sister. Wonder what that’s all about.
Woah! He is LARGE. Sorry ’bout that
Here’s THE LINK instead.
Wow,… just wow
Damn, I suck. I’m going home.
@ Crucial Head
It’s okay, I know plenty of guys that saw Twilight just to get laid. Mostly by their boyfriends, though.
Did you at least get to butter your own popcorn?
Hurr hurr. I was gonna say the same thing, that was Antoine Dodson. I knew so many people who wanted to be him for Halloween but none of them had the balls to do blackface.
If she is like a dog, we do it on the paper…….if she is like a cat……..we use kitty litter.
Name that comedian!
Her nip slip amuses me.
In my pantal vicinity.
Twilight V: Rise Of The SLAPWHOAR Wolves.
deep within that giant headdress is a lot of… potential.
Caption this pic:
Wrighteous Broheim and Kitty Hawt
Deep within that giant headdress is a lot of…mullet.
Jersey Shore Jr.
The hot is hot and the douche is douche. Is this really a Halloween picture?
massengill, that is a disturbing picture.
the more I look at this hott, and I do look more, the hornier I get. Boners at work are frowned upon here.
What the fucck is wrong with people that they would allow their kids to do a six-person theme costume as the cast of Jersey Shore?
Either they forced those poor children dress up as characters they don’t know and the awkward irony of whom they won’t understand, or they’re letting their kids watch that televised celebration of superficiality and ignorance and become familiar with (or even fascinated enough to emulate) those shallow, preening jackasses. Either way, it’s a huge parental failure.
I’m guessing he is supposed to be Carrot Top?
Donkey Punch: You’re doing it wrong.
I dressed as Matt Stafford
If he’s going for Antoine Dodson then a white guy trying to play a black guy equals INSTANT DOUCHEBAG. Otherwise, carry on.
is white face acceptable?
Hrmm, white face is dicey. Especially from a fucking rich guy. No! Rich guy white face is NOT acceptable. INSTA-DOUCHE.
This is like, the 2568th picture I’ve seen of people mocking the Jersey Shore this Halloween. How clever of them! Therefore he is indeed a real douchenozzle.
Antoine Dodson is singing himself out of those projects,this guy painted orange doesn’t have any talent,to know when the camera is on,and time to rhyme.
I would say the same thing that was Anthony Dodson. I knew many people who wanted to be for Halloween, but none of them had the balls to face painted black.