Friday Thoughts and Links
Your humble narrator is sleepy and hungover on this lazy Los Angeles Friday.
Aside from discovering that The Starhawk and King D hang out together while wearing strange contact lenses, I notice something else. Inflatable Cleavite.
I ponder the inner curve of cleavite as something that math, science and biology can never fully describe. For it is a boobie bobble of tender gnaw beyond words and facts. It is “metafondle.”
Here’s your links:
Your HCwDB DVD Pick of the Week: “Are you kidding? He probably ate his folks!”
The art of trolling, a pictorial story.
Details asks Are you Raising a Douchebag? I think Denis Leary wrote the article.
Tattoo Shirts. Still out there. Still scrotejuggle.
One of our celebrity HCwDB couplings we’ve been tracking, Emmy Rossum and Adam Something from the Something Crows finally broke up. Back in November of last year. But since we don’t really care, it wasn’t that important.
An excellent time waster if you’re bored, with quality writing, the The 50 Greatest Guitar Riffs in Rock. Props for including John Lee Hooker’s “Boom Boom.”
HCwDB’s own Mr. Biggs has almost completed his epic graphic novel, Inferno. Check it out on Facebook.
Follow The King on Twitter. He is a Knicks fan.
Stoned Teenager Order Taco Bell in the Voice of “Elmo.” The kids are all right.
How’s about a little beach pear for your Friday treat?:
A tantalizing reveal of all that is taut and fondle.
Yeah, I know, I was channelling Pumpy there.
Okay, after Ripped Jeans Beach Pear, I hafta go to the bathroom for a few and take care o’ some bidniss. ‘Scuse me…
The Starhawk and King Dalso hang with The King of Sears old lady. Hello Titty
King Dalso or King D. Whatever
Hmmmmmm Ripped Jean Pear!!!!!
“I get why chicks dig him,” she said. “He’s extremely kind, incredibly intelligent, thoughtful, creative and respectful.”
Hey, Emmy Rossum… you just described me without the millions of dollars. Wanna go on a date? No? Why not? Oh, that’s right, because you’re full of shit about all that other crap because #1 on the list is HE HAS MONEY.
I read the 50 Greatest Guitar rifts and how “Can’t you hear me knocking” isn’t on there is beyond me
Hey, howdaknow my jeans ripped? you got a spy cam or something on me??
Marilyn Doucheous?
No, it’s King Manson.
Correction: King Figus.
Freaking Denis Leary has a ghost writer too? Can that guy create anything on his own?
Must be Friday, there is a picture of a butt.
Does anyone else miss Motorcycle Parts, besides well, Motorcycle? I’m having to scramble my own comments in my head and its starting to scare people. MP are you on another site that’s not that well regulated? I will find you!
I knew I saw the king> somewhere.
<a href= King?
Flattered again, DB1. Thanks for all the support!
fantastic site!
I jerked off Adam Duritz during a long Counting Crows Jam session back in ’97
Lots of Demon’s and Boobs in them woods! and by woods I mean my Cawk!
Boss, I am becoming more certain that the current drudgery of pop is inextricably dependent on the grieco virus and the legions of wanton whobags and jump offs. The reason being is that given the absolute reversion to the mean (or more precisely, reversion to the lowest quartile?), a pop song is nothing more than a approximately 8 hour endeavour .
Still, I am beginning to think that even those cheeky fellows are trying to be ‘ironic’ when, in actuality, they are indulge in their inner douche.
Hott on the right has pornatude.
Guitar Riffs Bookmarked – check
Nice link DB1, I’m missing some of those tracks from my library! Now I’m off to go find them. I love FTAL!!
So it appear King Douchous has a bit of a temper (taken from his modelmayhem page):
2009-12-21 16:21:39
Our legal department will be contacting you. Any further death threats to Ms. Tavarozi will result in being arrested & a restraining order will be served.
Ripped Jeans Beach Pear is HOF material.
And that Model Mayhem site is one of the all-time time killer sites….
How in hell is there a list with” The Greatest Guitar Riffs in Rock” that doesn’t include “Ass Pear LaPlante” ? Fucking tools

There is no one on this planet I hate as much as Adam Durowizz- talentless hack with the shittiest singing voice this side of Bob Dylan’s ass- and his horrible excuse for music
@ Mr Biggs- F’n A ! May you bang Jeri Ryan at next year’s Comicon
I think I enjoyed the 50 greatest guitar riffs as much if not more than ripped jeans pear. Dear God what’s wrong with me?
Whoops, little help over here
As always, an excellent Friday post – the 50 best guitar riffs was worth it…and the pear of course…
Donkey Douche Ditty not on the list??? whiskey, tango, foxtrot?
@Dr Bunsen: Ms. Tavarozi shares a striking resemblance with Hello Kitty Hott. It makes my head spin, but it sure gives me plenty to rub about.
@troll me 2:37p. Why would I jerk that guy off? I hate the Counting Crows. Okay I have one album, but it was for one song and it wasn’t “Mr. Jones and Me”. Plus can you imagine jerking that guy off troll me?! He’d be whimpering in that whiney voice of his the WHOLE time. Now the drummer from U2, him I would have done back in 1997. Seriously troll me, call me before you post erouneous info. I thought we were on the same page for awhile, so as I could be lazy and you could post for me. Looks like we have some work to do. Give me your address and I’ll send you my diary from highschool. Also I will forward you any doobage and old medication the good Reverand Chad sends my way. Heart you, troll me. You’re no Motorcycle Parts but you’ll do for now.
@Nancy 2:37
Me too, I was stoned and it was dark. I thought it was an ugly woman with a huge clitoris. You know like a lot of freaky chicks with clits that look like small penises on So I sucked it without paying attention to its labia. It said I gonna sqirt do you want it in the mouth. I said last squirter turned me off,I’ll just back off and you get your bad juice out baby. Well the hipster squirts and hit me in the chest. I look down and realize as he lights a smoke that it’s the Jew of Mrs.Jones fame, and I had just sucked his cock. My bad, slinks away to find his scope confident that he is not gay and hates the fucking Counting Crows. Have a great weekend fuckers, I’m loaded up with provisions, and going on a trip. A exotic European trip. A trip filled with cheap sherry, narcotics, anxiolitics, sleeping aids, Tums, weed, beer and pizza. We are travelling to see my parents on Sunday. Scnitzel 1 mile away. I don’t usualy go to far due the agoriphobia that comes with one of my pills.Son.
I once went out with a girl who’s ass resembled Ripped Jean Beach pear’s. (Her face however, looked like Mr. White’s avatar.)
We started getting physical, and just as things began heating up, she stopped suddenly and said, “There’s something I should warn you about.”
Well, needless to say, this quickly dampened my spirits, (as well as my boner.) Anxious thoughts started racing through my head such as, does she have an STD, is she married or maybe, is this a dude?
I was greatly relieved when the only thing she confessed was, ” I really tend to scream a lot.”
Well, I had no problem with that, and my spirits, (and boner) were soon restored.
Anyway, those are my Friday Thoughts, and here’s a Lynx.
@ Foghorn
Yeah, I kinda noticed that too. Me thinks him and Starry Blight might of had a “falling out” as we used to say back in the day…
@Hermit 3:53p, thanks for the lynx. I wish I wasn’t allergic to cats or I would’ve looked at them longer.
King Douchious = Freddie Figs = Model =Does not compute
While searching the net for a steel supplier, I had to laugh when I found one FLYTEETHE WOOULD FUCCCEN APPROUVE OFV, HEERE!!
@ Nancy, since you liked those, here are a few more links.
@Hermit, solid link. Thanks. And hahahaha! at your Tarmal find. Why do you need all that steel? What are you building? A human cage?
OMFrigginG, this week’s photo is one of overwhelming “Pretty in Platinum and Pink Doucheitude.” And by that, I mean “God makes them and they deserve each other.”
Ripped Jeans Beach Pear has a Hipped Lean Peach Pair.
Wait. Those fruits are confusing me.
Ugh, seeing the King in action on those vids provided by Geoffrey has downgraded him from “Harmless, Fun-Loving Douche” to “Annoying Assh*le” in mine eyes.
New category: “Ubiquitous Hello Titty?” That bleeth is everywhere these days.
50 great guitar riffs could easily be 100 guitar riffs. But I am a geek music fan above all. Thanks for that.
At least Dennis “not even as great as Bill Hicks” Leary didn’t write the best 100 guitar riffs.
The whole Stones catalog could be on that 100 riffs list,especially “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”. They don’t call him Keith Riiffards for nothing.
LOL! ^ again
Someone invoked the name of the late , great Jerry Reed this week. R.I.P. indeed, Guitar Man
Guitar man with Tom Jones and Big Jim Sullivan
With Glen Campbell
With his TV show band and L.D. Money on Tele (funky version)
Added bonus, farting around with Chet Atkins (awesome)
@Vin, 10:05 p.m. –
Yeah, sonnnnn, that was me in the previous thread (“Old Man”).
I shore enjoyed all that pickin’ them boys was playin’ thar, and all I saw was th’ last video!
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Hugh Hefner
Other than the fact that they hang with plastic bimbo bleeths…..
i’m thinking these two hotts are two of the bleethed-out bikini chicks in the “melissa went to h.s. with starry blight” photo earlier today. the two to the right of blight.
A little bit about Tom Jones’ monster guitarist Big Jim Sullivan:
He gave guitar lessons to Ritchie Blackmore and Steve Howe
He persuaded a guy named Jim Marshall to make amplifiers
Sullivan replaced the steel strings on his acoustic guitar with banjo strings so he could bend the shit outta them leading to lighter gauge string manufacturing
He was given the first Les Paul guitar in the UK
Sullivan played with Frank Zappa on “200 Motels”
Sullivan played the guitar on the themes songs to Space: 1999, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Joe 90 and Thunderbirds ! Eh, Troy?
I love this kind of stuff
I read the 50 Greatest Guitar and discord as “Do not you hear me knocking” does not exist for me
Holy shit Jerry Reed is dangerous with a thumbpic and a nylon string acoustic!
Big Jim is legend – thanks for the vids VinD.
Latest HCwDB pic reminds me of Halloween….
I might have to hire/beg Dark Sock to design my next CD cover/artwork.
@MP 12:27p, You broke through again! I hope the delousing process wasn’t that bad.
@Vin – correct about Sullivan. GREAT guitarist – very under-rated.
He did not play on my show, Stingray. We had a different bunch of goons, from Barry Gray’s camp (viz, Fireball XL5, Supercar, etc.)
This wooden soldier has had a very difficult few weeks. Things are improved, but not optimal. I’m looking forward to a better brighter future filled with heaping helpings of Mrs Tempest’s fine pale Ass Pear…
RIPPED JEANS BEACH PEAR. (in the position).
King D’s Twitter account is one of the most dangerous items ever offered on Friday T & L.
Thanks for the links to Jerry Reed. I always knew that guy knew how to “play” the guitar, but I had no idea that he could really PLAY the guitar. That guy was amazing!!