Monday, February 7, 2011

Suburban Long Island is a Scary Place

Lets not go there.

No, not even to save the poor Shy Jenn Triplets from their older sister’s BFF’s ex-boyfriend, Fabrizio.

We will have to collective pooch each of their firm and virtuous pooty putters with rubber frogs and a spitoon from afar, and only in theory, not practice.

# posted by douchebag1
12:36 pm February, 7 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I am picturing this foursome of L.I. goop twenty years in the future. It looks like four loads of hot chili and beery diarrhea I shat forth this morning.

12:44 pm February, 7 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Pretty sure The Rev nailed that one.

12:48 pm February, 7 Anonymous said...

I have a nice tounge depresser wtih a surprise for middle hot.

12:49 pm February, 7 UFO Destroyers said...

John Largeman would take a ball peen hammer to this Cosby-sweater wearing, marching band flutist. Mr. Largeman would also use a fire hose to wash the makeup off the girls and tell them that just because they’ve turned 14 doesn’t mean they can go around dressing like this. They ain’t in Slovenia anymore.

12:56 pm February, 7 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I had no idea Chess King still had stores on Dong Island. Reason 8,257 not to go there. I’d say I lust for the hott on the left, then I remember that a burning coal in the ear is less painful than a Dong Island accent. She’s Judeo-Italian Guido-JAPPY goodness… but best admired from afar.

1:05 pm February, 7 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Well, gee whoopin’ whiz, he’s wearin’ argyle. I can’t call him a douchebag, at least in this manifestation of the Scottish sweater design.
I can’t understand how he’s pullin’ three delicate brunette hotts toward him, even on a save-them mission. They’d be lookin’ OUT.
Mebbe they’re all just outliers.

1:06 pm February, 7 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Hugene slips Jenn hott $20 bucks to stop making that gagging noise every time she sees him. An extra $20 buys him a touchless hug group photo.

1:10 pm February, 7 Douchesquire said...

Hear me go off!
Give me some more!
Mother fucker!
Need a little more
Goddamn you!
Give me some more!
Mother fucker!
Give me some more!

1:17 pm February, 7 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

They’re mesmerized by the sparkle of his bling and the glow of his 5 pound watch (both purchased out of a steel briefcase from a Nigerian fellow in Battery Park during his last trip into the city)

1:24 pm February, 7 Wedgie said...

Fabrizio Argyle, a very confused Italian Scottsman.
He likes his Haggis al dente.

2:06 pm February, 7 Et Tu Douche? said...

UFO Destroyers FTW
The NFL’s greed (Seating snafu) & halftime “music” act Black Eyed Peas for yesterdays fail.

2:19 pm February, 7 Blinded by the Shite said...

Midlife in Monochrome: The Kevin Years.
Brunette (on the left), don’t ever change. Thanks.

2:44 pm February, 7 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

The power of hot repels him
The power of hot repels him
The power of hot repels him

You can tell because he can’t get his hands to actually touch them-

2:44 pm February, 7 jonezy said...

beery diarrhea. hehe.
Terrible day to be working down at the dept of waste and sanitation, which is of course where Fabrizio makes his living.

2:51 pm February, 7 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

George told Lenny to feed the cats while he was gone away at work. Unfortunately Lenny had no idea what “pussy” was.

3:17 pm February, 7 skrag2112 said...

Its a little known fact that women can create force fields around their bodies when threatened by undesirable males. This photo was taken one second before Fabrizio was hurled violently against the wall,

3:45 pm February, 7 Lil' Fartknocker said...

While preparing to set out on their night of Coors Light and Bon Jovi cover band action…the Scagnetti triplets placate their younger, semi-retarded, freakishly strong, unibrowed brother, Febrezio, by letting him get in the picture before he is returned to the basement…

“You can pose with us, Febrezio…just no touching.”

4:40 pm February, 7 Douchble Helix said...

I like the sweetie pies. He’s garbage, and his tractor beam needs more power, Captain!!

4:57 pm February, 7 Deltus said...

“I once made a poopie THIS BIG!”

7:47 pm February, 7 DarkSock said...

What a prominent ceiling they have.

8:07 pm February, 7 massengill said...

He got the crazy hover hands

10:28 pm February, 7 Anti_Lifeguard said...

At least the couch isnt real leather, excrement and bodily fluids clean much easier from plastic than leather. I suspect this will be of great relief to Timmy’s parents after the triplet with the obvious posterior fetish attempts to full-fill her needs with an already full posterior.

Are the triplets really related though? This is what interests me.

11:35 pm February, 7 Wheezer said...

Maybe he needs Febreze.

7:35 am February, 8 Troy Tempest said...

He is the Duke of Islip, The Lord of Levittown. The Pope of Floral Park. He is the master of poo, the magic hat of small rubbery dicks – the blunted plastic fangs of the lobotomised abortion that is the hypermediated drone zone of the eternal cultural flat-line known as “America”.

8:00 am February, 8 Charles Whitman's Ghost said...

When those horz laugh, it sounds like all the smoke detectors in a Sec. 8 building going off at once.

3:31 pm February, 8 Business-Casual Douche said...


8:57 pm February, 8 Stephanie said...

Long Islanders take better photos of their ceilings.

8:59 pm February, 8 Stephanie said...

” I once sucked a cockk this big”

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