Friday, May 6, 2011

Ask DB1: Handcuff Bracelets


Obichoad here, I’ve recently taken a look at this new show on Showtime called Gigolos (Produced by none other then Greiko himself).

This show is basically a training video for the bag, or more a career recruitment video for bags. It’s a comlete train wreck, shows just how self centered and unintelligent the “BRO” clan can be and the over the hill hots are actually paying them. *Shakes head*

One trend I’ve noticed on the show is one clown, we’ll call him Nick, cause, well, that’s his show name, Nick has taken to wearing a hand cuff as a bracelet. Is this something new or the next trend in bag asseccories like fake bullet holes and blood, etc. I’ve seen this out and about in NH when I run into a number of the “BRO” clan.

Please elaborate on what you know of this trend, is it something the parole officer has worked out with the local police making capture easier?

Is it something new to use as an identifier? Is it an old trend I’ve missed?


One of the central precepts of douche-wear is a “gangsta” or violent aesthetic. This is to give white suburban wankstas the sense of being an outlaw.

This framework is acquired, of course, through the power of premium spending patterns at Bloomies or Nords.

Good catch on the ‘cuffbag. We will keep an eye out for future pics of this disturbing trend.

And shame on Showtime. Emboldening Vegas Douche like this is the wrong direction for our entertainment programming to go.

# posted by douchebag1
10:24 am May, 6 Anonymous said...

I’d like to cuff his hands behind his back and beat his head with a baseball bat.

My rhymes be fresh, Yo.

10:30 am May, 6 Nancy Dreuche said...

Word MC Anonymous, yo rhymes most def be fresh.
I’m gonna start wearing a portable guillotine around my neck. Cuz I’m edgy. And I’m gonna borrow Donkey Douche’s butthole and wear it as a belt after his cellmate is done with it. Cuz my rhymes is tight unlike Donkey Douches butthole.

10:43 am May, 6 Anonymous said...

Nancy, your science is tight, Yo. Butthole belt be making da white boy belt go dinasaurschizzle way.

10:53 am May, 6 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Fucking cops. Maximum is a fucking pain even if you only go for three days. Hancuffing Movafuchas.

10:55 am May, 6 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

My wife tells me I would make a great gigolo if all transactions were in darkness. Bitch.

12:03 pm May, 6 DarkSock said...

The ‘bags should try sporting real bullet holes. Max cred, Yo!

1:50 pm May, 6 Deltus said...

Yo asses be so gangsta fresh tight it be scary. Uh, yo.
Curse you, mom, and your blasted insistence that I speak and write properly!

6:42 pm May, 6 Jeet Kune Douche said...

In light of this new ‘fashion’ trend in bracelets, I think Hollywierd would be doing a great public service if they could convince all ‘bags (graduates and trainees) that THE thing was to get thrown in prison and get gang assraped.
It would be……………fitting. Just, even.

6:41 am May, 7 Collaz B. Popped said...

The Dumbing Down of America starts with gangsta rap.
Rianna is talentless too – not fwappable.

6:43 am May, 7 Collaz B. Popped said...

– as that asshole’s wearing a Nikelodeon shirt,,,they infuse this stuff early.

7:42 pm May, 8 Steve L. said...

real handcuffs suddenly look a lot more appealing than fashion handcuffs.

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