Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Hump Day Haiku
Veteran threads commenter and human Random Access Memory Device, Wheezer, offers a haiku to kick-start this slow morning with a rare Wednesday edition of “Friday Haiku”:
On break from help desk,
Sunil, Hari of Mumbai
both need Burma Shave.
A Donation to the Hump Day Haiku
A little brown man smells of poo
not enough hotts, for me and you
.sorry.. in limerick form but I got a laugh
I don’t know, it looks to me like that is the entire female population at Tech…these guys are nerdy, but I don’t know if I would call them douchebags, there are way to many smiles in this pic, and while there may be inappropriate hand sings, I don’t think it’s enough to reach even level 1. So Techies, I give you a collective pass. And as far as the ladies go, the guys from State will be by to steal them from you soon enough…so chill, have a beer, and talk about how totally psyched you are that Kevin Eastman is writing the new TMNT comic for IDW…COWABUNGA!!!
Party boys and girls
Doing the Mumbai Mambo
Smells like teen curry
Those three not-hotties
Need to call reinforcements
They’re way outnumbered
Harold and Kumar
Know the secret of friendship:
Buy and tap a keg
Those MIT boys
sure know how to pull some tail
GPA plummets
Assault chick’s West Bank
Toeing the ’69 line;
No posting of a minority DB would be complete without the racial jokes. It’s okay. I’m sure you have at least one brown friend, so that makes everything totally OK.
The math club party
Is off the chizzain; Emil’s
Square root goes unsolved
@ Brononymous:
So you just admitted that you think of brown people as a separate race?
Wow. Just wow.
Berkeley called. They all hate you, and they want the hemp sandals they gave you on Earth Day back.
Now go do some good and yell “Racist!” in a crowded tea party forum. Shoo, Troll! Shoo!
Western girls go east
Getting away from douchebags
Can’t escape hand signs
Office Space 3D:
Indian Food Hurts White Ass
Outsourcing hurts. Anally.
^dammit, Bronon! You made me break form!
O Brononymous,
Way to be more sensitive
Than a slit foreskin!
Mombai or Bombay
No matter the city’s name
A douche is a douche
May I help you please.
Anybody there speak english?
May I help you please.
My skin’s as brown as
Brononymous’ toasted brain
Meth sure is fun tho.
@Brononymous, I need to get me some African American friends so I can start publicly making fun of them. I’ve garned my share of the other minorities, I include wigga in this, but I think its time I go black.
And I give these nerds passes. Even though they wear glasses.
Rook! A sea monster!
Johnny! Hurry! Sea Monster!
Shut your hole Haji.
We must be racists, we NEVER make fun of white guys or Italian, Guido muthafuccers! Just the poor,defenseless brown folks!
Next on Johnny Quest.
Look Johnny! Sea Monster! Shut
The fuck up Haji!
Revelers last pic
Before Indonesian club
Blown to bits by bomb.
Brown is the new Black
Mock a Douchebag of color
And you are racist
Aieeeeh! Giant Squid!
Fuck Haji I’m giving Race
A handjob you cunt.
Young Republicans
Meeting gets out of hand when
They break out O’Douls.
Depending on race
Jokes for the mock is
Definite autodouche
Hang Loose With Hadji
While Jonny and Race Bang Hotts
X-Mas party for
Sweat shop workers a success
When bosses showed up.
My race is the best
We rule world, Brononymous
Race called: Winston Cup.
On the count of three
Everyone who is straight, smile
And show us your teeth.
Sherpas pose happy
As Jay Louis and harem
Near their Nirvana.
Hard drive is failing
Stache hair must be the culprit
Need new grooming tips
Douchebags have their own language, hand signs, traditional clothing… their own state (NJ). I guess it makes sense that they have evolved into a their own race. I’m with politically correct anthro-apologist brononamous. We can no longer make fun of douchebags. Bye everyone!!
On the movie set
Cast of Cum Cock Inyourrear
Was truly grateful.
Every morning
I give birth to a brown friend
Then, flush! He leaves me.
When mocking site is
Haven for apologists
Gone from bad to worse
Latin Club, Douche High
You don’t have to be Catholic
Dominus Choadus
I ruv white poon tang;
I am not the taliban;
Hang roose, muthafuccs…
When Bronon should see,
A late night Rev Chad K rant,
He’ll soil his panties.
The Double Hang Loose
Won’t score these hots, but might bed
Red ball smiley face
Should surely be avoided,
Carnegie Mellon
robotics team celebrates
win over white kids.
Oh shit. Now I’m suggesting that all kids at CMU (just stop it. I know there is no longer a U at Carnegie Mellon.) that study robotics are “brown”. AND white kids are stupid. Fucck, I missed an Asian joke in there too. Damn, I’m on a slippery slope.
This gathering of
Outsourced IT help makes the
UN look smarter.
Coveted Notta
For socially awkward
Office party blast
Kim in the middle
Dreams of S&M DP
If Raj only knew
VISA tech support
throws big celebration for
dropping millionth call.
All of my friends are
imaginary so I
can mock all colors.
It’s Robby Punjabi
Famous Baliwood stuntman,
His gonads still hurt.
Giddy girls gladly
glare, giving geology
grads gross groin groping.
We will make fun of
Anybody we want to
Go fuc yourself, son
So, Douchebaggery
too expensive for U.S.
had to outsource it
I’ve been watching silly arguments over racism on my Facebook all morning, I don’t need to come here and see more of it.
Oh, Brononymous
equal opportunity
includes hatin’, too.
Rajeev loves ladies
says to them with smile and wink,
“Tank yoo, cum again!”
The combined IQ in this photo is well over 3,000. Props. But they’re still acting douchey.
I’ll admit it; I used all the self-editing discipline of Stephen King in posting this picture; it doesn’t exactly hue closely to the site’s mission statement.
So check the next post out as penance.
Neither bleethitude
nor douchebaggery in here
Let them go in peace.
there are no true nerds
in IT industry now.
long time in coming.
Brononymous wines,
Brononymous cries foul and,
Wears knotted panties.