Monday, June 27, 2011
The Stay Tuft Marshmallow Man Approves
The Stay Tuft Marshmallow Man may only have a moment to take a timeout for bothering Confused Connie at the Bar, but it’s long enough to say:
“Yo. I approve of Manos: the Pecs of Fate and Back Arch Marsha winning the HCwDB of the Week. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am pale.”
Confused Connie. Immortalized on HCWDB with this guy?
Confused Connie. Immortalized on HCWDB with this guy?
It’s another pupa. Douchebugs.
Meh. Ever since Diebold took over the weekly voting here it is much less interesting. However, Boris and Natasha in the background are still trying to figure out how to get their mitts on a Mooseberry bush.
She’s an angel. She even has a halo in the photo!
Not really. On either count.
Shehas that far away look of disbelief, like he just told her that if she looks at the exit sign and really concentrates, it won’t feel like he just snuck 3 ringed fingers up her poop chute. And amazingly, it works!
♪♫♪ She’s got Mar-ty Fell-ld-man eyes. ♪♫♪
In any case with Max Steel currently being written Paramount is keen on getting Twilight star Taylor Lautner to headline the picture thereby roping the boys in with promise of a Max Steel adventure and luring the girls in with the promise of Taylor Lautners glistening pecs..If youve seen Lautner lately you know that hes bulked up impressively for his role of Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga New Moon after almost losing his job for being too wimpy looking after the first Twilight movie.
Have you ever consumed too much milk, vanilla milkshakes, white bread, and extra-sharp, non-carotene-colored, fine white, well-aged Vermont cheddar cheese throughout an entire day…perhaps whilst watching your boxed set of Masterpiece Theatre’s Upstairs-Downstairs episodes…and then had to take a dump approximately twelve hours later?
.If you have — assuming your bowels could move after such a repast — and then looked in the toilet bowl after your extended, forced contribution, what you would see would closely resemble Marshmallow Man’s steamy, putrid visage.
.I speak from experience in such matters.
.And BTW, she has a nice rack.
crazy eyes goes pud hunting and finds jimmy stinkypinky waiting there!
Have you ever consumed too much milk, vanilla milkshakes, white bread, and extra-sharp, non-carotene-colored, fine white, well-aged Vermont cheddar cheese throughout an entire day…perhaps whilst watching your boxed set of Masterpiece Theatre’s Upstairs-Downstairs episodes…and then had to take a dump approximately twelve hours later?
If you have, you would have the same look on your face as Confused Connie does
Henry Krinkle sure can pull some tail.
i now have a hankering for roasting marshmallows. i mean really roasting the living shit out of marshmallows.
disclaimer: i have nothing against marshmallows.
he looks like Bert knocked up a Sleestak:

^Judging by Connie’s belt position, she’s standing on a barstool and her arms hang down one foot past her feet.
There’s something horribly wrong with that girls eyes. Either that or she’s still experiencing the aftershock of having just looked directly at The Stay Tuft Marshmallow Man’s tie.
Connie always enjoys the times miniature aliens land on her skull while she’s in the middle of barhopping with full-sized aliens because it just confuses the hell out of them.
Yes her body must look like Kathy from Diff’rent Strokes.
Apparently she forgot to read the note she put to herself on her bra: TGIF. TITS go in first sweety, not the shirt.
Darksock’s getting a ton of mileage with the Sleestak gag. Can’t say I disapprove.
If her belt were any higher she could use it as a flea collar.
Maybe she should. Cuz, you know…(points to pasty Burt at her side)
wearing a lampshade on your head never gets the laughs you think it will
This Bert does not get an HOH nom from me.
I have never liked the high-waisted pants look. I think Connie’s rack would look better with no-pants wasted look.
Maybe she’s just really short-waisted, and has 4 foot long legs – an inseam of 44 or something like that – you know – a genetic freak. And no one wants to date her because she’s so weird – she looks like a stork with boobies. So, who does she end up with? A douchebag who looks like he sucked a liter of spooge through a straw straight from Cthulu’s nutsack.
Judging by Connie’s belt position, she is the first one in her family to walk erect.
I’m bringing Sleestak back.
Will and Holly
Confused Connie’s figure is shot…sure sign is the belt right up under the rack…the same way fat old dudes wear PT shorts up to their armpits.
In any case with Max Steel currently being written Paramount is keen on getting Twilight star Taylor Lautner to headline the picture thereby roping the boys in with promise of a Max Steel adventure and luring the girls in with the promise of Taylor Lautners glistening pecs..If youve seen Lautner lately you know that hes bulked up impressively for his role of Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga New Moon after almost losing his job for being too wimpy looking after the first Twilight movie.
Neri writer Randy DuBurke artist.BEST WRITER. JD Arnold BB Wolf and the 3 LPs. Geoffrey Canada Fist Stick Knife Gun. Joshua Dysart Unknown Soldier. Mat Johnson Dark Rain. Jim Rugg Brian Maruca Afrodisiac.BEST ARTIST. Denys Cowan Captain America Black Panther Flags of Our Fathers. Christian Dibari Pale Horse. Simon Gane Dark Rain. Richard Koslowski BB Wolf and the 3 LPs. Jim Rugg Afrodisiac.BEST MALE CHARACTER. Afrodisiac Afrodisiac created by Jim Rugg co-writer and artist Brian Maruca co-writer. BB Wolf BB Wolf and the 3 LPs created by JD Arnold writer Richard Koslowski artist. Cole Pale Horse created by Andrew Cosby Michael Alan Nelson writers Christian Dibari artist. Geoff Fist Stick Knife Gun Geoffrey Canada writer Jamar Nicholas artist based on the life of Geoffrey Canada. Moses Lwanga Unknown Soldier Joshua Dysart writer Alberto Ponticello artist inspired by the character created by Robert Kanigher Joe Kubert.BEST FEMALE CHARACTER. Aloya Rose Unknown Soldier created by Joshua Dysart writer Alberto Ponticello artist. Nola Thomas NOLA created by Chris Gorak Pierluigi Cothran writers Damian Couceiro artist. Sarah Dark Rain created by Mat Johnson writer Simon Gane artist. Scout Montana Shadoweyes created by Ross Campbell writer and artist. Selena 28 Days Later Michael Alan Nelson writer Declan Shalvey Marek Oleksicki artists based on the character created by Alex Garland for the motion picture 28 Days Later.RISING STAR AWARD. Nicholas DaSilva Dread Alive. Carl Herring Junior Tod Smith The Enforcers. Brandon Howard Sean Mack The Revolutionary Times. Jamar Nicholas Fist Stick Knife Gun. Geoffrey Thorne Todd Harris Prodigal Egg of First Light.BEST REPRINT PUBLICATION. Cold Space TP BOOM! Neri writer Randy DuBurke artist.Best Writer.JD Arnold BB Wolf and the 3 LPs.Geoffrey Canada Fist Stick Knife Gun.Joshua Dysart Unknown Soldier.Mat Johnson Dark Rain.Jim Rugg Brian Maruca Afrodisiac.Best Artist.Denys Cowan Captain America Black Panther Flags of Our Fathers.Christian Dibari Pale Horse.Simone Gane Dark Rain.Richard Koslowski BB Wolf and the 3 LPs.Jim Rugg Afrodisiac.Best Male Character.Afrodisiac Afrodisiac created by Jim Rugg co-writer and artist Brian Maruca co-writer.BB Wolf BB Wolf and the 3 LPs created by JD Arnold writer Richard Koslowski artist.Cole Pale Horse created by Andrew Cosby Michael Alan Nelson writers Christian Dibari artist.Geoff Fist Stick Knife Gun Geoffrey Canada writer Jamar Nicholas artist based on the life of Geoffrey Canada.Moses Lwanga Unknown Soldier Joshua Dysart writer Alberto Ponticello artist inspired by the character created by Robert Kanigher Joe Kubert.Best Female Character.Aloya Rose Unknown Soldier created by Joshua Dysart writer Alberto Ponticello artist.Nola Thomas NOLA created by Chris Gorak Pierluigi Cothran writers Damian Couceiro artist.Sarah Dark Rain created by Mat Johnson writer Simone Gane artist.Scout Montana Shadoweyes created by Ross Campbell writer and artist.Selena 28 Days Later Michael Alan Nelson writer Declan Shalvey Marek Oleksicki artists based on the character created by Alex Garland for the motion picture 28 Days Later.Rising Star Award.Nicholas DaSilva Dread Alive.Carl Herring Junior Tod Smith The Enforcers.Brandon Howard Sean Mack The Revolutionary Times.Jamar Nicholas Fist Stick Knife Gun.Geoffrey Thorne Todd Harris Prodigal Egg of First Light.Best Reprint Publication.Cold Space TP BOOM!