Friday Haiku
Blaze in the kitchen;
Let’s smother this Blaze
With an iron skillet.
Meanwhile, Skeletor
Leers at us all from his perch
On Castle GayCockk.
Jiffy Pop on Stove,
Jersey Poop in the kitchen
I would burn them both.
— Mr. Scrotato Head
Johnny Blaze Spring Break
Who cares about the weather.
Hurricane-proof hair.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
White apartment walls
It could be anywhere but
Douchebag means its Jerz.
— ehcuodouche
New movie this week
Conan the Bad-hairian
Starring this douchebag.
— Doucheywallnuts
Blaze shows how he pees
Through cod piece skeleton’s grin
Burning sensation.
— Dude McCrudeshoes
Kitchen group pic-hug
Macks on Cousins for practice
Growing up Gotti.
— SonnyChibaChoad
Jiffy Pop on Stove
Jersey Poop in the kitchen
I would burn them both
You beat me to the jiffy pop ref. MSH–good one.
Beautiful Blondie
Brings Brenda, blocks blow-out Blaze
Blue blouse Brunette burns
It’s Joey Porche lite
And plus size giggle hots
Wish they were in stove
the stiffness of his
hair alone could tear a hole
in our space and time.
Johnny Blaze sports crown
King Douchious disapproves
Next time bring real Hotts
Skull buckle: symbol
of Blaze’s life draining peen.
Get away chicks! Fast!
Johnny Blaze Spring Break
Who cares about the weather.
Hurricane-proof hair.
Middle hott wears belt
But why on her diaphragm?
Boob, gut DMZ?
Belt on bleeth hitched to
her waist, sloppy, shapeless dress
accentuates gut
Orange conceals wrinkles
But it can’t hide old douchbag
Johnny Blaze burns out
Pop on the Stove
Chickys in the kitchen
Skull douche ruins the meal
Johnny likes his house
Off-white flat. Neutral tones kill
Orange semi-gloss.
I was wondering what the Gotti’s were doing now?!?
One douche; three ladies
Someone’s gonna get lucky
Blaze stuck with large one
Johnny loses sneer
Month from know when black belt tells
Truth. It’s not a gunt.
Generic Ginger
With stiff crunchy hair spray curls
Welcome to the Jerz
Friday night in Jersey
Johnny hits up his neighbors
Bogarts their hair gel
If you had Blondie’s
Boobs in your back, you’d have a
Massive hard-on too
Blaze shows how he pees
Through cod piece skeleton’s grin
Burning sensation
Blue bird yum
Pop corn Kernel
Colonel Douche
Can’t think of haiku
Evil Skeletor belt says
It will eat my soul
@Mr. Scrotato Head 7:07
I’m still laughing at that one…
Haikus can be weird.
Sometimes they don’t make any sense.
White apartment walls
It could be anywhere but
Douchebag means its Jerz
Chubby girl jealous
Hotter curly haired sister
Does not fuck douchebags
Cheap rent apartment
Broke douchebag with no fundage
Hangs with other dwarfs
Hard to do Haiku
Get the kid to school and watch
Steamy Jenna Lee
He’s a blown out poop
She’s an egg wrapped in condom
Bookends ain’t bad though
Johnny B Alive!
But his nads have passed away.
Hence the belt buckle.
New movie this week
Conan the Bad-hairian
Starring this douchebag
For Vin^
Stock fluctuations
Blow load over Jenna Lee’s
Hot commodities
New designing trend
for the stylish kitchen
Crisp, clean white and FAIL.
Joey Porsche is proud
all by himself he carried
three potato sacks
New research shows that
Hair gel causes cancer growth
Not soon enough, though
Country in crisis
Not debt ceiling, douche ceiling
We must cull the herd
Gathers his gal pals….
A shot like this – the boys won’t
Question my gayness.
If we wanted to
wear a hedgehog on our heads…
We’d all sport blowouts.
broad in the center is gonna have mumbum next year!
Wind Tunnell Tested
Porcupine-looking Douchebag;
Surrounded by Gunt
…and by broad imean the orange chick with the skull target!
Hygienist students
Have too much anaesthetic
Think he’s James Cagney
blowout disaster
full-body gunt kitchen frolic
douche likes his bleeth thick
Kitchen group pic-hug
Macks on Cousins for practice
Growing up Gotti
Semi-retarded girl in middle
Blaze not interested
Must be his sister
skull with crucifix
girls next door with greasy douche
sacred meets profane
Douche and Bleeths are proud
They got skin pigmentation
To match Ginger’s hair
Three girls at one time
won’t happen in Mom’s kitchen.
Move out now, Douchebag.
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I like this data presented and it has given me some sort of commitment to succeed for some reason, so keep up the good work.
I agree with your Friday Haiku Hot Chicks with Douchebags, excellent post.
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