Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Thoughts and Links

As the odd lumpy shapes that make up the partying collective in the age of economic collapse whir by me, I can only think of Malomars.

Your humble narrator is in NYC. A hurricane bears down.

It’s late August, and the NYC hotties wear short-shorts and off the shoulder cotton fluffy things. I want to fondle. But society has rules about those sorts of things.

So I sublimate with a slice of pizza.

Here’s your links:

Your HCwDB DVD Pick of the Week: “Now I’m gonna show you what I already know. “

And here’s an absolutely brilliant analysis of this great film’s use of clothing thematics and explanation of the end sequence. Worth watching in its entirety. The fact this film is being “remade” this year is a travesty.

Great moments in comedy: George Carlin deplanes. Following the template of the great Lenny Bruce.

More great moments in comedy:

Jack Black for Pitfall!

More retroactive reconfigurations of media you remember from years ago that now star familiar faces, here’s 14 year old Kevin Youkilis, now a baseball player for the Red Sox, making his acting debut in “Milk Money.” Kinda random but whatevs.

When life gets you down, don’t get upset. Just punch a camel.

After the apocalypse… Dennis Rodman is… The Pimp Warrior.

Douchebags in Truck bother Hot Chick. Rude, but funny.

But you are not here to watch hicks bother rural hotts. You are here for pear. Today is a double celebupear edition:

J-Lo Pear.

Umbrella Pear.

Impressive. Most impressive. But they are not Hall of Pear yet.

# posted by douchebag1
12:50 pm August, 26 jonezy said...

just one more Vin

12:52 pm August, 26 Et Tu Douche? said...

Not to be all negative and shit, but today’s offerings are a little weak. Oh well stay dry Boss.

12:53 pm August, 26 Miss Tina Marie Anal said...

I love tattoos.
Boss! Deplane, Deplane!

1:20 pm August, 26 Douche Springsteen said...

That one in the middle up there almost looks like the Brazilian Emo Hulk with a couple of bolt-ons.

1:25 pm August, 26 Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt said...

OK, OK. I get most of the themed Pear names. But I am at a loss for Pear #2 this week. Umbrella pear? Was the photo clipped? I woulda gone with string pear?

1:28 pm August, 26 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Never got George Carlin humor. I loves me the humor but he is in my steaming shitpile of unfunny with Damon Wayans, George Lopez, Jim Belushi, Carrot Top, David Schwimmer, Jay Leno and the comedic craptastic timings of a young Sonny Bono.
I fingered a cute chick in the balcony in the first run of The Thing though and I’m trying for a sober weekend.

1:45 pm August, 26 Douche Assassin said...

J-Lo pear was in the Hall of Pear before this site even existed. Classic hipster.

1:46 pm August, 26 I R A Darth Aggie said...

The one pear looks kind of stringy, and not plump at all. The other one is covered up. It looks great, but what lies beneath?

2:14 pm August, 26 El Bastardo Magnifico said...

What’s with all the subpar pear lately?

2:30 pm August, 26 Choad The Douche Sprocket said...

Hay-Seuss-farking-Christy! @Rev Chad and I finally agree on something.
.George Carlin was funny for about 10 minutes in 1968…and traded off the same lame associations for another 40 years.
And sorry Boss, but lame describes this pic…and the skanks in it do not deserve our communal, reflective, intellectual, dissection or mock….for they are low-rent, garden-variety, bargain-basement-boob, sluts for hire….the worst kind….the kind who think they’re hot when all they really are is obvious and disgusting.
Sorry for the downer post……been a tough, steamy in Vegas….

3:07 pm August, 26 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

I gotta buck the trend (at least so far) and say that Carlin was SERIOUSLY fuccen funny. Between him, Richard Pryor, and Robin Williams my vocabulary expanded 20 fold when I was in my earliest of teen years. They were the first set after the late, great Lenny Bruce (guy was a complete fuccen GENIUS when it came to word play and taking the mundane and turning it into the absurd) to add the “everyman” situational aspect to stand up comedy. I can remember tears just streaming down my face listening to these guys because they were just so damn funny. I can remember skits even now from each of them that crack my shit up even when I’m having the worst days. Please reconsider Rev Chad and CTDS.
And give The Boss a break. We may not hear from him after this weekend. But that will prolly be cause he’s just too drunk. and in case you’re wondering, Umbrella pear is some chick name Rhihanna or some such shit.

3:07 pm August, 26 Vin Douchal said...

@ Jonezy- that catch doesn’t count, wasn’t MLB. Looks like it was in the Little League World Series
Second Pear is Rhianna. She’s gross
Quit yer bellyachin about pear
Greatest sight for Pear is Nothing but Brazilian woman. Not all nudies but if you like a gal, google her. Your welcome

3:14 pm August, 26 Vin Douchal said...

Don’t know if you’ll make it that far ( I only did because I’ve been looing at bellaclub for a long time) but page 8 has the roundest pear selection, from zaftig to drop dead hott.

3:17 pm August, 26 Stephanie said...

These people are way too busy looking around to see if anyone important notices them. They are category 5 idiots.

3:59 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

i love titties that come together, but i hate the sacks of peanut filled shit that stank up the whole visual!

4:02 pm August, 26 Anonymous said...

@Stephanie, I am interested in your classification system of Idiots. Is a higher level of idiot better or worse? You are an inspiration.

4:05 pm August, 26 Anonymous said...

@schlicht, you should check out lezbo porn then. I think you’ll find every thing you’re looking for.

4:09 pm August, 26 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Vin can cook up some pear pie! Ho-Lee-Cow!

4:17 pm August, 26 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

^Brazilian girls are very nice. I have a friend who sold his company for tens of millions of dollars. His chicks are always hot Brazilian models.
^I liked George Carlin as Rufus in the high-brow William and Edwards Most Spectacular Excellent Adventure.
That baseball game last night was some kind of crazy and I was batshit drunk watching it.
Storm Surges

4:20 pm August, 26 Anonymous said...

@Vin, thank you, I can finally masturbate. Man am I gonna masturbate. It’s gonna be awesome and all because of you. I will now commence with touching myself. Thank you again.

4:27 pm August, 26 Cool Kids said...

@anonymous 4:20p Jesus Christ already just do it. We do it all the time. No big whoop spaz.

4:39 pm August, 26 Anonymous said...

@Cool Kids 4:27p, not cool, cool kids. I was merely thanking my fellow internetter Vin for quality spank material. I love masturbating and I was letting everyone know as much. It just feels so good. Sex with other people is played out. You heard it here first. Now, off to the jism races I go.

5:53 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

@anonymooose…thanks fer that wonderful idea, now i am complete! HUZZAH…YOU CUNTS!

6:01 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

@vin thanks chieferooni, getcha an 8th of MK for dat one!!! MEIN GOTT….YOU CUNTS!

6:06 pm August, 26 Hermit said...

DB1 has bought-out all the Ho-Ho’s, Mr’ Pibb and fortified wine for twelve blocks in each direction as he prepares for an extended power outage and the subsequent rioting and apocalyptic sex romps which are certain to take place in the squalid gutters and debris-strewn alleyways of The Big Apple.
Back here in mid-west Amërïkä it’s summertime and the living ain’t easy. We struggle through the sweltering heat to preserve our tomatoes and other semi-rotted vegetables over electric ranges and the overheated engines of abandoned Buick’s.
The squatters and homeless families which have begun to inhabit the forclosed houses are the twenty-first century’s New Pioneers, blazing trails with the desparate conflagrations of a thousand meth pipes.
I prefer to do my food-processing naked, with my moderate, secular-sized cock bouncing along the counter top like a happy tuna at a minstrel show.

6:14 pm August, 26 DarkSock said...

Yeah, it could get pretty rude in NYC if the hurricane hits there.
But as I predicted years ago, if the East Coast™ ever gets hit by a hurricane, as opposed to the deep south, you’ll see FEMA steppin’ and fetchin’. Because then REAL Americans will be in crisis.

7:00 pm August, 26 Douchble Helix said...

You guys trashing Carlin are Cat 5 Idiots.
Interesting, apocalyptic hurricane on it’s way, and no one mentions ZOMBIES? What is this, a coverup?

7:39 pm August, 26 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I’m short. So when I’m food processing in preparation for the Apocalypse my cock drags against the drawer hardware like a dolphin in a Japanese drift net. I always liked images of penis origami. That attraction grew seven-fold after I attended Puppetry Of The Penis.
Dark Sock is correct. I heard FEMA has ordered stretch pimped out ambulance limos, tuxedoes and canapes for the front line workers to meet the liberal elite as they crawl out from their waterlogged soirees.
Rihanna. Umbrella. I get it now that Ièm drunk again.

8:00 pm August, 26 Douchble Helix said...

ps Those girls are not my type at all.
And I had to Google ‘Rhianna’ and ‘Umbrella’ for what reason?

9:06 pm August, 26 Doucheywallnuts said...

Those pears could make me swear off fruit. It seems as if the media are intent on scary the sheet out of us vis a vis the hurricane. It’s already been downgraded, and while we will probably be wetter than Rosie O’Donnell’s trau at a Victoria’s Secret lingerie show, it’s not Armageddon.

10:31 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

ben bernanke is a boy raping, gizz shlurping cocksucker that needs to be at the business end of an firing squad! YOU CUNTS!

10:34 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

oh yeah, he’s also a country raper!

10:36 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

…that shitbloop probably rapes hisself….demon worshiping CUNT!

10:37 pm August, 26 schlicht bindenburger said...

…apologizing in advance to my fellow mockers for going off the rez!

10:52 pm August, 26 creature said...


11:57 pm August, 26 The Dude said...

Funbags! Douchebag!

1:15 pm August, 27 I douche, therefore I am said...

Did you find that Arnie link on

1:24 pm August, 27 Stephanie said...

@Anonymous,I don’t have a system,I just call ’em as I see ’em. When someone tattoos a decorative pool fence to their chest,what do you think? The 2 girls have self esteem issues that will turn into bad choices…

1:45 pm August, 27 Anonymous said...

@Stephanie, thanks. I’ve always admired your shoot from the child bearing hip style.

2:49 pm August, 27 Whoop-di-douche said...

DB1, get the hell out of NYC.

2:53 pm August, 27 Whoop-di-douche said...

A hurricane like Irene is not so frightening if you consider that she might just wipe Guido Beach off the map and the inhabitants with it, if Gov Christie hadn’t told them they’d maxed their tans and to “Get the hell off the beach!”
Shoot. We’ve been sayin’ that for years now. Think they’ll listen to the Governor?

7:40 am August, 28 El Bastardo Magnifico said...

All you commies talking about how George Carlin isn’t funny should watch a Gabriel Iglesias “routine” and get back to me. I’ll wait.

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