Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Ode to Tommy Pak
This is what happens when Mitch and Bobby invite two Bennington Girls to Mitch’s parents house up in Burlington, and then Mitch finds the absynthe.
Either that, or it’s an ode to this guy.
Too soon brah, too soon. And I would like to put the homo in this brahs no homo. Chicks are gross!
No homo
SUPER DOUCHE will save the day…or NOT.
Im using my super mind powers to make that fan fall on his head.
There is blood flow to my groinal area! Thank you teal boobies!
He is without question a douche majeure, BUT if he turns his face towards the fan and intones “LUUUUKE…” then he gets downgraded two notches to lesser douche-ocity.
I don’t like it any more than you people, but the rules are the rules.
Sister Crushers.
It is doubtful that these dickwaddouchebleeths would have been able to enter the city limits of Burlington without getting shot, and if not they certainly would have been shot shortly after this picture was taken.
You mirin, brah? You mirin fan, brah?
I hope his stupid mohawk gets sucked into the fan and a f*cking bloodbath ensues. He will continue screaming for several minutes until there is not enough blood left for his heart to circulate.
The remaining survivors, still drunk on psuedo-absynthe and crappy weed, will dance in the soaked room to the thrump of techno music, like the opening to the movie “Blade.”
Thousands of hours of therapy later, the giggle-semi-hotts will at least have the chance of getting the mental image out of their minds, but they have years of waking up screaming in the middle of the night to look forward to. All because Melanie said, “Let’s just go; they look harmless enough.”
The sun is up but it’s still dark in here.
Tommy P demonstrates the proper form to emulate whilst fisting the lunar-like ass of Plinky’s Mom, which has been likened to boxing a Hefty-Bag full of warm soup, chicken skin and gelatin.
Plinky’s Mom’s so fat he wasn’t born, he was found.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat she has to be wiped by a phalanx of naked fat women wearing welder’s masks.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her blood type is Helman’s.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat the solar system is actually a red blood cell in her ass.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her uterus has it’s own rib cage.
I gotta ask, who’s Plinky?
Plinky’s Mom is so fat when her 4th husband went down on her he met the other 3 coming back up.
Who’s Plinky? WHO IS PLINKY? I’ll TELL you who PLINKY is…..
Shit. I forgot. But he gots a fat momma. She’s so fat her menstrual cycle is caused by the Moon hitting her pelvis.
as if genocide wasn’t bad enough, this guy has to mimic their statues
Speaking of genocide, Columbus day is approaching quickly!
Plinky was a reg from B.W.P. (Before WordPress) who, to put it mildly, was ubiquitous. He’s the opposite of Baron Von Goolo, who only posts when he has genius to contribute. Plinky threw everything on the wall to see what stuck. And somewhere along the way one of the cruder regs started making fat jokes about his Momma.
He went away for a year or so, presumably to serve time at county in the greater Cleveland area, then after a few months went away forever.
But his Momma remained. She’s so dirty she took a bath once and realized she was Caucasian. Bath water looked like Yoo-Hoo. And she drank it.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her cholesterol clogs the shower drain.
Plinky? Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time . . .
Plinky’s mom is so fat, she takes her insulin injections via turkey baster
Plinky’s mom is so fat, her beard only covers her first 3 chins
Plinky’s mom is so fat, her farts sink U-boats
Pinky’s mom stepped on a Canadian quarter and gave me three US nickels? ..
Bobby here lost his index and middle finger during Mitch’s effort to gain control of the frozen hot dog that had mysteriously become lodged in his anus.
The “Not so Hott’s” are .. well, just not so hott
Plinky’s mom is so fat, her shit streaks shit shit streaks
Plinky’s Mom gave me six wooden nickels, now that’s a trick!
She conceived Plinky when Porkins crashed his T-65 X-Wing Starfighter into her.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her vibrator is a road grader.

The real reason Porkins crashed – outtakes from the Director’s “Cut”.
Cut, get it?
Who is this “Hurl Scheibe” character and why he makes-a no-sensa?
piss off
Does anyone remember that Porkins was also Lt. Eckhart in the Batman movie with Keaton and Nicholson?
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her crabs are the size of lobsters.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her meat curtains are used at the stage of the Beacon Theater. Meat curtains, I says…
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her genital warts are the fourth through fifteenth highest peaks in North America.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her hemorrhoid causes solar eclipses.
Plinky’s Mom is so fat her prolapsed colon is used to hide nuclear submarines.
Really, dude?
Sup everyone? I’ve missed everyone here, except for Jeff. That guy is a tool. A hard erect tool. Holy shit now I’m erect. Mom? You busy?
Plinky’s mom is so fat when they ask her ” Dorito chip, landing strip or Brazilian” she answer’s “Greenland”{
@ Hurl Scheibe –
Nice call. We’ll let you keep posting just for your occassional nuggets of wisdom.
BTW, Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
These douches have.
Prince and the New Power Generation
Thanks, DW.
And yes. I have. I say that to all my prey.
Jersey Sore?
Plinky’s mom is so fat they use her fillopian tubes as a super collider
Hurl Schiebe is Nancy Dreuche, Jeff, Sheila as well as about 50 other unfunny handles & a demented troll cunt
sorry, had to be said
there must be something else in absinthe besides thujone.
Get that kid with the mohawk a Four Loko, and make it a double. No, a triple. What did they say the lethal dose was?
Creature –
No. He isn’t.
Sorry. Had to be said.