Thursday, October 20, 2011

Parappa the Rappa

Kick! Punch! It’s all in the mind!

# posted by douchebag1
11:31 am October, 20 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Mmmmm. German dyke hair and boobies. Love it.

11:55 am October, 20 Ameriga Vesdouchey said...

Is this someone important? I like his sombrero/UFO necklace though. It draws the attention away from his hideous mug and greasy rug.

12:10 pm October, 20 Mandouchian Candidate said...

Chick on the right has 2 buttcheeks for a forehead. Awesome. The dude needs to stand a little closer to an exploding adhesives factory.

12:19 pm October, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Death Kwon Do
The Death Punch…..of Death

12:24 pm October, 20 Stephanie said...

I’m not sure the large sized Indian beaded necklace works.

12:29 pm October, 20 hermit said...

At least this turd is somewhat original. Roadkill hood trim and wallet chain crotch wrap are a fresh look.
And by fresh I mean nausea-inducing.

12:33 pm October, 20 Vin Douchal said...

GhettoFab Parappa shows up in the front row of the BBW porn fashion show.

12:44 pm October, 20 Wedgie said...

Raisuke Fugaka.

12:49 pm October, 20 skrag2112 said...

Kid Rock’s last, desperate days…

12:49 pm October, 20 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

His parents were into both beastiality and necrophilia.

12:53 pm October, 20 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Hey ladies look no balls.

1:09 pm October, 20 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Ozzie Guillen’s new look at he takes the reins of the Marlins

1:17 pm October, 20 Doucheywallnuts said...

I thought the Libyan dictator was dead?
Muammar the Douchemar

1:18 pm October, 20 Doucheywallnuts said...

Khadaffi the Khadouchey

1:27 pm October, 20 Vin Douchal said...

What’s the chances that his name is “Garth” and he’s from Landen , Ohio?

1:30 pm October, 20 tall guy said...

He’s almost more to be pitied than censured. I mean those jeans are practically acid wash & the interesting take on late 90s hi-tops (in pristine white no less) w/ matching douche cap are quite laughable in a ridiculous way. Almost.

1:37 pm October, 20 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Skid Marky Mark

1:39 pm October, 20 tall guy said...

…And bleeth on right has already prepared the insertion device but hasn’t yet decided whose rectum is the most deserving.

2:02 pm October, 20 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

I think that’s a Christmas tree ornament on the chain around his neck ? Bonus douche points, totally fresh idea.

2:11 pm October, 20 Ameriga Vesdouchey said...

@Magnum Private Detective Investigator Special Victims Unit, I’m hoping its an air freshener.

2:12 pm October, 20 Jeet Kune Douche said...

That pic literally SCREAMS out “We wish you a douchey Xmas and a Scrotewank New Year!”

3:08 pm October, 20 Colossus of Choads said...

@ Scrotato:


3:09 pm October, 20 Colossus of Choads said...

Slim Shaveme

3:35 pm October, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

^ Skid Marky Mark FTW

7:54 pm October, 20 Anonymous said...

Kanye East

7:55 pm October, 20 Anonymous said...

A Tribe Called Queef

8:36 pm October, 20 Steve L. said...

murder death kill! it’s all in the mind (too)!

8:57 pm October, 20 Nostradouchus said...

I see Col. Qaddafi and his 72 closet dikes in Paradouche regretting his son’s career choice.

9:32 pm October, 20 Medusa Oblongata said...

I bet if i stepped on his shoe he’d threaten to kick my ass. What a twat.

10:52 pm October, 20 Whoop-di-douche said...

Doucheywallnuts and Nostradouchus are attuned to my mental musings, or I to theirs: Apparently our minds ganged up today and took Qaddafi out of his hidey-hole, but left the dirty to those who do those kinds of things. Now, this is rather an extreme solution for dealing with douchebags. Was it worth it to discover that the colonel was wearing a wig?

12:39 am October, 21 SphincterRanger said...

I dont even really know what to think of this. the only really greasy forehead belongs to one of the hotties; yet would I slip the ol’ LD between her luscious pair? hell yes. maybe her forehead sweat would ease the passage….

10:54 am October, 21 DixieRecht said...

In what alternate universe is this jerk-off considered cool??

And in what ghetto would a bleeth be seen with it?

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