Monday, October 3, 2011

Tommy Greasepitz Is Not Intimidated by the HCwDB of the Week

Until D.J. Froholio can inscribe Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses in Sanskrit on his pecs while pulling A-List Party Hots like the grown up Beezus and Ramona, he ain’t got nuthin’ on Tommy Greasepitz.

# posted by douchebag1
9:12 am October, 3 DoucheyWallnuts said...

i will say this much, the bleeths are hott.

9:13 am October, 3 Wedgie said...

^That’s because the one on the right is a pornstar.

9:14 am October, 3 Wedgie said...

And the one on the left wants to be one.

9:18 am October, 3 DoucheyWallnuts said...

As an aside, it’s worth nothing that these two random skanks are way more attractive than the Khartrashian sisters.

9:27 am October, 3 creature said...

I believe those are his Miranda rights inscribed on his chest

9:28 am October, 3 Vin Douchal said...

What ? You think he doesn’t have any problems? Ever try to shit after eating nothing but protein bars for three days ? It’s like passing a cinder block.
Ever tried to pee with a burning like a three prong fish hook is up your urethra?
Ever get tired of chicks wanting to touch your abs when all you want is the rough embrace / reach around action of another man as he bones you up the arse ?
He’s got problems, trust me.
And BTW, tiny white triangle on the left…..

9:38 am October, 3 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Nice chicks. That big Kardashian was fed pablum enriched with Miracle Groo. And by Groo I mean Groo!
If she doesn’t shave, she had a bush like a spruce.
Her hole is so big she can pouch her sisters.

9:43 am October, 3 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I like Emily Blunt hott. She pulls off the Emily Blunt look better than the original.
I’d like to take a blunt object to Greasepitz’s head.

9:44 am October, 3 Señorita Loca said...

El daaaaaaaamn. Finalmente las chicas calientas!

9:46 am October, 3 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

^this just officially became annoying

9:55 am October, 3 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Yeah, bleeth on the right looks like she could do some damage in the bedroom. or the kitchen. or a dumpster behind KFC.

9:59 am October, 3 Señorita Loca said...

La victoria es de mio Sr. Zappatos de Crude.

10:06 am October, 3 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Somebody labeled the chick on the left (look at her bracelet) a “3”? No way! I’d give her at least 7, maybe even an 8. Fuccen bouncers are pretty harsh these days!

10:08 am October, 3 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Why do has abs remind me of one of these.

10:12 am October, 3 DoucheyWallnuts said...

The tattoo on his right pec/shoulder area is a listing of all the herpes/STD meds he is taking.

10:33 am October, 3 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I wonder if he’d still be the successful stripper / male escort he is today if he didn’t put so much emphasis on Ambition? It’s an American success story, made more poignant by the fact that he is neither American, nor in America.

11:02 am October, 3 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

That hot Jew drummer from yesterday has just received another official endorsement. She is proudly endorsed by my cock.

11:12 am October, 3 Steve said...

Chick on the left has a very small bit of underwear reveal between her legs.

12:58 pm October, 3 Barron Von Douchehoven said...

Today we walk through the valley of the shadow of bleath. Unfortunately this is more of a raffish gulch of douche-mucous. The A-List Party Hott are indeed the divine aperitif that this Barron has come to expect here at HCwDB. “Bubbles in Black”, as I will refer to her, has caused some genuinely fatiguing trouser slag and as Steve@11:12 suggested; if you look close enough you may see a pretty little clam in disguise.
Hoorah for this perfect rendering of Hot Chicks (plural), and Douchebag represent.

1:10 pm October, 3 skrag2112 said...

Why would he have words tattooed on his chest? Anyone who would actually want to see them can’t read.

1:11 pm October, 3 Barron Von Douchehoven said...

@Señorita Loca:
Te invito a comer a la defecación al aire chorros con retraso! Tiempo para recoger sus pertenencias, empacar sus Corolla y conseguir dejar de pie delante de mis favoritos de The Home Depot….

2:02 pm October, 3 Señorita Loca said...

@Barron, yeah I don’t have time to translate that so I’ll just go with, Sí Señor.

2:38 pm October, 3 creature said...

escribe bueno!

3:52 pm October, 3 Stephanie said...

They’re going to love him in the slammer,they’ll pass him around as the book to read.

7:13 pm October, 3 Barron Von Douchehoven said...

Señorita Loca seems to be like a cue ball… The harder you hit em the more English they pick up.

8:19 pm October, 3 Señorita Loca said...

@Barron, what gave it away? Was it el daaaaaaaamn?

8:20 pm October, 3 creature said...

she’s a 50 handle troll…& very dull

6:10 am October, 4 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

These chicks are definitely hott. But I doubt that any chick who hangs with the likes of Tommy Greasepitz would know anything about Salman Rushdie, (old) Literary ‘Bag extraordinaire, who pulls the richest, hottest Hotts around the world. Enough to make me want to be a fat old Indian with slightly crossed eyes, millions of dollars and several literary prizes to my name. Just ask Tommy Greasepitz. I am sure when he can put down his Voltaire or his Dostoevsky for a few minutes, he loves to dig into contemporary works of magical realism. Makes me wonder what classics he reads during his frequent long hours in the Tattoo Parlour chair, where he dictates verbatim his favorite passages to be inscribed on “en scrote” on his shiny sheen.

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