Thursday, December 8, 2011

HCwDB of the Year: Bracket #2

Your second round of semi-finalists:

HCwDB of the Year Finalist #1: The Most Interesting Douchebag in the World and Brittney

He may not always shave his body, but when he does, he prefers Crisco.

Our second Brittney Hott in this grouping (she spells it differently).

For sheer veinal excellence in douchevegasry and tasty if enhanced and Bleethy hottitude, TMIDITW and Britt made a huge impact when they first appeared on the site in August, and are solid contenders for the Yearly.

But can they make the HCwDB of the Year on the strength of a single pic?

It’s been done before.

But rarely.

Still, three more semi-finalists to go.

HCwDB of the Year Finalist #2: Clifford The Big Red ‘Bag and Bethany and Brittany

Some have argued Clifford is Paid-to-Doucheclown Clown.

This may be true.

But uber-tight jorts are toxic no matter what language you speak.

That, combined with lobster skin and douche face was enough to win a Monthly back in July.

The ladies are giggle hotts of the Long Island persuasion.

They should not be discounted.

Except after they’ve had a few Bud Light Limes.

Then they’re quite discounted.


Moving on.

HCwDB of the Year Finalist #3: Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic

This inflated coupling of Pumpy-esque echo already grace the 2011 Douchies trophy (as per Medusa Oblongata).

But will that be enough to drag their hottie/douchey combo into the Finals?

The run was epic:

Pumpin’Head and Mary #2, Pumpin’Head and Mary #3.

Prior iterations of this uberdouche cartoonery began in 2010 as Veg Armstrong and UberArm and Pauline.

But do not let an earlier year appearance disqualify this.

Let the Pumpin’Head and Mamms stand on their own two trust fund enhanced feetsies.

For they are inflated and large.

HCwDB of the Year Finalist #4 (Wildcard): Carla and the Bros ™

The bros made a number of appearances with Carla way back in January, rendering themselves a toxic swill of Candian shirtless uberstank.

The run included Carla and One Bro ™ on the Beach and a reader recognizing his proximity to uberdouche.

And lets not forget Sabio’s ™ mocking response from his balcony in Mexico.

That’s alotta douchery. And Carla is tasty gnaw.

But enough to make it to the Yearly?

Which of these four couplings most deserves to compete in the Yearly?

Vote, as always, in the comments thread.

# posted by douchebag1
6:49 am December, 8 Mandouchian Candidate said...

In spite of how nauseating TMIDBITW is; still Pumpinhead, if for nothing else, the sheer ignorance of the human condition. Humans should not be subject to this asshole.

6:59 am December, 8 Et Tu Douche? said...

Not a good way to start the day having to look at this cluster fuck of humanity. That being said a vote I must proffer
Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic for they truly embody the whole spectrum of narcissism that define the Douchebag & Bleeth.

7:01 am December, 8 Wedgie said...

You meant to say Sabio’s response from his mom’s balcony in Mexico, right?
This one is tough, because of the Hott requirement. Peter/Veg gets top billing for D’bag, but his Realdoll better half is bleethy.
TMIDBITW is neck-and-traps with P/V, and his chick is not much better.
Gonna have to ruminate on this one for a while. With Astroglide. I wish I knew how to insert that little trademark sign next to my product endorsements. Any help out there?

7:05 am December, 8 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Tough one. The Most Interesting Douchebag thread was one of the best of all time. Then again, Pumpkinhead is all that Is nihilistic, solipsistic, and douchetastic.
I am deeply ashamed to admit that mammmogeddon is at once repellant and strangely appealing. Not unlike a deep fried Twinkie. In fact, exactly like a deep fried Twinkie, perhaps with orange chocolate absinthe latte topping.
It’s a mixed doubles category, so Pumpkinhead and Mammogrddon FTW.

7:11 am December, 8 Douchble Helix said...

They’re all horrible. Which is to say trophy-worthy.
But if the reader clicks his way to the bottom turtle, he finds this:
Carla And The Bros™ are also Kimberly And The Mountinis™.
Or something. FTW!!

7:30 am December, 8 ehcuodouche said...

Wow, definitely a lot of douchitude. You’ve got #1 greasiness and GSR. #2 GAAH!, #3 over-steroided and over-siliconed pumpitude, and #4 three different kinds of herp.

I have to start with Carla, as she’s clearly the hottest of the four, giving a huge advantage. Sabio nearly carries the kissylips stupidface, grease, GSR and herp factor by himself. But it’s the two bags-in-training that take them over the top, because it makes me weep for the future.

7:33 am December, 8 FoghornLeghorn said...

TMIDITW and Brittney are at the top of my list. They beat a super strong Peter and Mary coupling in a tie breaker based on TMIDITW’s hosiery choice.

7:43 am December, 8 Douchble Helix said...

Although I already voted for Carla and The Bros™, I must give props to God for putting Brittney on this planet for one thing only.

7:51 am December, 8 Douche of Hazard said...

That appears to be raw sewage that Peter is posing in, which is appropriate.
Carla and the Bros based on her hottness and Sabio.

7:52 am December, 8 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Since I brought Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary to the attention of this here blog, I denounce myself.
I also will vote for them in this go-round. I denounce myself again.

7:55 am December, 8 dhill0125 said...

Clifford The Big Red ‘Bag – may be a joke, though a poor joke that should have consequences (mocked on hcwdb), but not DB of the year

Peter Pumpin’Head – i actually worry about this guy’s health and state of mind, he looks like an idiot, but fails to create anger within

the Bros – they are clearly gay

The Most Interesting Douchebag – anger emanates from within and my choice FTW

8:02 am December, 8 Nostradouchus said...

Pumpinhead/Mammtastic 2011

Campaign promise: Free GloboGym membership to all cool people.

8:15 am December, 8 Douchie Spellcheck said...

“I don’t always fuck women, but when I do, I fuck Brittney.”

Most Interesting FTW.

8:16 am December, 8 tall guy said...

Sheesh! What a selection to wake up to. TMIDITW is full-on. Dedicated, obsessive he clearly has his head so far up his arse he can’t but help flash a shit-eating grin. Clifford I didn’t like from the beginning. And the B’n’B sisters are merely 2 levels of ordinary. I also suspect they’d have odd smelling bits. Much has been written about PP and M. Trust me, fellow ‘Bagsters, I’m not getting all soft, but in this photo PP and M display such weird X-factor shit that somehow it induces a bit of fundamental human compassion in tall guy. Don’t know why. Perhaps it’s the beached whale impression and my lifelong love of animals. Which brings me to Carla and The Bros. This pack had originally made the shortlist of the category I was responsible for but I pulled them at the eleventh hour after concluding that 66&2/3% of bros weren’t trying hard enough. However the shots featuring Carla with just one bro do far greater visual justice and I’ve reassessed my original thinking: Carla and The Bros FTW!

8:22 am December, 8 Nancy Dreuche said...

He may have a Stackhouse-style hott (i.e. skankeriffuck) but I’m going to have to cast my vote for The Most Interesting Douchebag. Not only for the plumb smugglers but wearing white socks and dress shoes with it just says “I make my own fashion rules, and I don’t care about reality.” Wait, that’s me. Anyway, his look is stupid. Brittney will put them on the glass for you. These two FTW.

8:25 am December, 8 Nancy Dreuche said...

Sabio comment thread for the Gayest Comment Thread though.

8:27 am December, 8 the douche is alright said...

The Most Interesting Douchebag in the World and Brittney

8:33 am December, 8 SonnyChibaChoad said...

Most Interesting Douchebag in the World and Brittney….FTW.
A lifetime supply of Prep H is TMIDITW’s prize.

8:38 am December, 8 Choad The Douche Sprocket said...

Ay chihuahua! It’s back to the bottle before 9 am.
.Clifford angers but does not offend. Or is it he offends but fails to anger? Either way, he is worthy of a slap to his smug mug but not of the exalted win(loss) that comes from true HCwDB distinction.
.As douche worthy as Peter and Mary are, they are paid to pose inflatable clowns that the world (and time) will soon enough marginalize.
.The far right “Bro” of Carla and the Bros probably has sex with TMIDITW at the gym once a week….so for willingly being another douchebag’s bitch, we must mock and scorn, but not reward his self-involved, cum-stained amorality.
.That leaves TMIDITW…a human-like being who has been practicing douchebaggery his whole life — which has not been that short a life, we might add. He was a douche before DB1 popularized the word. He embodies its very essence. And by “essence” I mean the smell of gym bags, Mary Kay cosmetics, and whatever semen the “Bro” has left on his face.

8:41 am December, 8 Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt said...

Who in their right mind Could Not vote for Miniscule brain-box set atop a mass of bovine-steroid swole meat and Enormous lolling boob-steaks, engorged to balloon-squeak proportions???
But it is kinda like voting for 2 douches.
Yet I too carry the shame of Dude McCrudeshoes / 7:05a for Mary Mammageddon/Mary Mammtastic. For me, it might be like porch beef- potato pie. Sure you like pie, but you might be a-scared of what’s underneath.

8:48 am December, 8 RAPETIME said...

Gotta go with Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic. She can’t drown and his arms are larger than my head.
Also he will die at 40 from heart failure, so we might as well give him as many awards as possible.

8:50 am December, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

This is one of the most vile collections of humanoids I have ever seen. But as a patriot and baffled by the bunch, I gotta go for Sabio anf his bros for that comment. But how can I not vote for TMIDITW? I am confused although my back has been realigned by Dr. Thorin and Lenny has supplied me with hope and weed and an invite to his son’s hockey game tailgate party on Saturday. And the Molson is flowing freely before noon as always. In celebration of this most heinous pile of craptastic choadsters I present to you straight from the frosty Niagara Falls. Ontario. The most excellent parka clad guitarist in the world, my good personal friend and DJ extraordinaire, Geddy Lees best buddy. Fucking Geddy never showed up at the reunion with him the prick, boy did I start a rumour there. The man himself of Max Websterian history the one and only Canadian superstar Kim Mitchell doing his rock an roll duty against the Sabios.


8:53 am December, 8 C.G. said...

Peter and Mary … because half of their Facebook images are on this site and these are the only non-homoerotic comments Peter ever gets.
“oh my! sweet pump dude” – your friend, Gymrat Mike.
“your glutes look stunning” – your bro, HGH Larry.
and I love the doubloons on Mary.

8:57 am December, 8 Vin Douchal said...

TMIDITW and Brittney FTW. And in case you didn’t notice, Brittney has copy from a Tiffany’s advertisment tattooed on her left thigh to remind any would be suitors that her pussy lips can only be spread with diamonds.

9:07 am December, 8 Wedgie said...

Ok, I’ve finished ruminating. What a mess.
I’m going with TMIDBITW. I just can’t hate on P/V & MM; anyone who sends out a naked pic Christmas card can’t be all bad. Plus they already won the N.S. award from the Socck.
And MM is not hot. She’s a fake blonde with way-too-big fake tits (and this is coming from a proponent of after-market parts) and a bad nose job.

9:12 am December, 8 Charles Douchewin said...

I vote for TMIDITW and Brittney.
Don’t get me wrong, Clifford the big red bag’ is my personal favorite douchebag of the year.
To me, he doesn’t viscerally offend, like the Gynochin. Rather he looks like a personification of a shirtless Moose Mason from Archie Comics – dressed as a douchebag.
Which I find completely hilarious.

9:23 am December, 8 Medusa Oblongata said...

I gotta throw it in for TMIBITW. Clifford, as I said before, just makes me want to clang him on the head with a trashcan for what he did to those poor jorts. Peter and Mary–they’re beyond douche and HC, they’re entrants to the Baron Von Goolo Museum of Surgical Freaks and Medical Mishaps(tm). The bros, well, they’re douchey in a pack, but separately, they have no one to feed off of, and I imagine their douchiness diminishes significantly.
TMIBITW, however, talks to himself in the bathroom mirror after a hot shower. He uses that smoky latino voice, stokes his abs and tells himself how sexy he is. Since he can’t pull it around far enough to fuck himself in his own ass, a trophy will have to suffice. TMIBITW FTW, and Brittney isn’t my type, but I’d still like to see them tits.

9:24 am December, 8 Medusa Oblongata said...

*Strokes his abs. Pre-coffee. Damnit.

9:25 am December, 8 tall guy said...

Charles makes a good point re
this. Clifford’s nauseating shades of smugness is Kaleidoscopic in its variety.

9:29 am December, 8 Steve said...

Pumpin’head FTW/FTL. Any guy who leans his head back away from the camera in an attempt to make his arms looks bigger by making his head look smaller is clearly reaching new levels of douchedom. I’ve never seen any other douche do that.

9:29 am December, 8 Hurl Scheibe said...

For me it is a really tough call between Peter & Mary and TMIDBITW and Brittney. But as it was in August, so shall it be in December.

The web of tendons around the GSR carry the day. That, and the fact Peter and Mary grace (soil) the trophy, is a monument to and testament to their soulless vacuity.

9:30 am December, 8 Hurl Scheibe said...

TMIDBITW And Brittney FTW.

9:34 am December, 8 Hurl Scheibe said...

I found these Dark Sock gems in the Veg Armstrong picture-

“That’s his baiting arm. The other arm looks like a hot dog.”

“As you can clearly see, prolonged and sustained suppression of flatulence affects males and females very differently.”

9:35 am December, 8 Bob McAdouche said...

Carla and the Bros, for one of the Bros infesting the comments thread. That’s our job.

9:35 am December, 8 The Dude said...


9:39 am December, 8 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

as much as Carla and the Bros disgust me, there appears to be confusion on who’s a Bro, who’s a Mountini, who’s the alpha douche in the gang. If we could single out Sabio, he would get my vote, if only for his standard “you live at your mom’s house” lame ass response.
So I’ll go with TMIDBITW and bleethy Brittney, but I don’t think they can survive the next round.

9:43 am December, 8 tall guy said...

And Dreuche’s comments on white sox is valid. This guy
was also known to sport the white sox.

9:56 am December, 8 Nancy Dreuche said...

@tall guy, I dig your jive man, but did he wear them with nut hugging shorts? Doubt it. Don’t tell anyone but sometimes I wear striped socks with plaid pajama pants.

10:06 am December, 8 YA said...

Guys…Mary Mammagedon’s ModelMayhem page!!

10:19 am December, 8 Jeet Kune Douche said...

A worthy selection. However: the clear loser/winner is Carla and the Bros.
Yes, I agree – Pumpinhead and the Blonde Boobage pair is epic in their vomitousness, TMIDITW is begging to be pee’d on, and lobster-boi & the two LI slags are poster children for De-Evolution. But there’s just something absolutely, fundamentally pure in the douchosity of Carla and the Bros that invites targetting from a B52 loaded with napalm.

10:24 am December, 8 Nancy Dreuche said...

@YA, great, now her Moms is gonna come on here and call us all perverts. I was startled to discover she was Latina, I bet she was pretty hot before al the cosmetic work and bleach. Shame really.

10:27 am December, 8 Scooby Douche said...

This one is easy for me: Most Interesting Douchebag.

This guy is the very definition of douche: completely self-centered, narcissistic smugness. The silly head and facial hair sculpting, the gay necklace, the obligatory hideous and meaningless tattoo, the huge watch, the two-sizes-two-small-women’s-volleyball-spandex shorts. That awful “bad ass” pose. And none of it original; the copied elements of “cool” are nothing more than following trends in a useless attempt to convince brainless bimbos that you are desirable.

The hole [misspelling intended] attitude is the antithesis of what being a real man is.

Oh well, come Monday morning, broke, hungover, and bothered by a strange red patch of skin around the genitals, Emilio will be back to driving the forklift at the Walmart regional distribution center, bragging to the other drivers about how he nailed some “hot bitch” whose name he just can’t remember right now, cause “I was so wasted!” And they won’t be interested…..

10:28 am December, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

TMIDBITW and Brittney FTW! Why? All the shit that was in his head has hardened and has moved down into various other parts of his body. He doesn’t have real abs; that’s 6 years of solidified shit from Taco Bell. His arms? He once tried to think in the third grade and that’s where the shit settled 20 years later. Britt Britt is just another piece of Vegas wannabe trash that’s dumber than him.

10:32 am December, 8 tall guy said...

Indeed, Dreuche, but if anyone could’ve, it would have been him (and perhaps Efrem Zimbalist, Jr). Bloody hell, those guys were the epitome of cool.

10:33 am December, 8 jonezy said...

I can’t vote for TMIDITW because he looks like he could seriously enjoy kicking our collective ass and have diplomatic immunity in doing so.
The Bros are just too random and non-singular to win such a coveted prize, leaving me with two terrible choices of contenders in this bracket.
This is confusing as I’d usually just pick who has the hotter Hott, but Mary is so incredibly Bleethy, I’m convinced I’m voting for her Bleethiness moreso than the douchewankery.
I can’t quite pontificate exactly what the fuck is going on with those 2, but D-Sock said it best in the original post about two vacuous souls staring into each other’s abyss and finding their own reflection, or some shit like that.
Peter and Mary “Oh my God, dude, did you see the size of the TITS on that girl!!! And her boyfriend was HUGE!” Mammtasmythical

10:49 am December, 8 YA said...

Here’s Mary’s Youtube channel:

11:16 am December, 8 Charles Nelson Douchely said...

TMIDITW. It is a close race between him and Peter, but the latter gives more of a “These two idiots deserve each other” vibe. Therefore, no rage in that coupling. Brittney is a low-level Bleeth, but there is still some wrongness there.

11:19 am December, 8 icame isaw idouched said...

TMIDITW FTW. Got crabs?

11:20 am December, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

TMIDBITW because even his veins have veins and his tongue has abs.
And because Brittney has labia so soft and so smooth that when you try to enter her it goes “Hey. Hey. Hey. There’s no rush is there sweetheart? No, there isn’t, no. We’re both here for the same reason right? You’re going to make me happy, aren’t you? I know you can because you’re firm, full, and definitely ready to go. And its okay that you’re not to big because I like it that way. Yes I do. You won’t hurt me will you? No, of course you won’t. But you’ll make me feel oh so good when you slip inside. And in return I’m going to make you feel better than you have in your entire life. Ooooh, I’m getting so wet already! So pink. So swollen. Look how I’m opening up for you. Only for you. Do you like my pearl? Do you? Because it likes you. Oh! Oh! Oh. No no no, it’s okay baby, really it’s okay. You were just so excited weren’t you? Shhh. Shhh. No tears. No tears from my man. I’m sure it’s never happened to you before. I know bby, it’s not me. How could it be me. Now why don’t you get a towel and some tissue and when you get back we’ll just hold each other and you can tell me what you wanted to do with me.”

11:20 am December, 8 troy tempest said...

Because he is TMIDITW.
Because I think he is one of the nastiest pieces of floating poo to splatter itself across my retinas this year. He could easily take the annual. He’s just that crappy.

11:33 am December, 8 YA said...

Peter comments on Mary’s assets:

Lots more funny/cringe-enducing comments on his Facebook page over there. Okay, that’s enough linkage.

11:45 am December, 8 Stephanie said...

It’s hard to take and look at all of these turds in one day.
I should get battle pay.
Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic,it still looks like she’s boinking him,and he’s an inflated freak from the Macy’s parade.

11:47 am December, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

This is a great bracket, but the mighty will fall at the feet of Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic. A vote for these two is not only a vote for the pharmaceutical and plastic surgery businesses, it a vote for the highest form of douche/bleeth.
In retrospect TMIDBITW is a low rent version of Tendon Ted, and if Tendon Ted couldn’t win it all TMIDBITW can’t.

11:49 am December, 8 jonezy said...

weird that no one has yet to post their MySpace pages. That used to be a goldmine of material for this site.

11:59 am December, 8 skrag2112 said...

It was between Clifford and Pumpinhead for me, but ultimately it was Pumpinhead. Those cartoonishly overdeveloped muscles shows that he worked hard to achieve his level of douchiness. Such devotion should not go unrewarded. And by that I mean pointed to and laughed at.

12:20 pm December, 8 melvil_duchi said...

Clifford The Big Red ‘Bag and Bethany and Brittany

12:47 pm December, 8 Wedgie said...

@ YA:
Thanks for the links…..I guess. Now we know her real name is Gizel. Pronounced “Jizz-el”. If I could quit laughing after hearing her voice, I’d cry a little. Just pathetic.
And he, as we suspected, is a bodybuilder. No shit, Sherlock. As big as a house, and twice as smart. I may have to change my vote after watching that.

12:54 pm December, 8 CB Popped said...

Mr. Belverdouche from an earlier post –

“John Merrick (The Elephant Man) points and laughs when he sees Pumpy’s arms” – FTW.

If you look at Pumpy standing in a pic, he looks like he is 5’9″ – which would make him look absolutely ridiculous in person considering his arms are bigger than Vladimir Klitchko’s.

I know there is a very interesting DB in a speedo,,,but Pumpy and Mary are just too much and they embody everything the Middle East hates us for.

Pumpy and Mary get my vote.

12:56 pm December, 8 Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt said...

YA! How’d the fuc did you find that? I googled Mamms, mamageddon, mammtastic and balloon squeak and got nuthin?

1:03 pm December, 8 YA said...


1:17 pm December, 8 YA said...


1:51 pm December, 8 Daggerbagger' said...

TMIDBITW, a heinous creature. It appears to be a bright, sunny morning in vegas, 8am sharp. Imagine stumbling out of a casino after an all nighter, empty pocketed and head swimming full o’ cheap booze only to be confronted by this display of sheer nihilistic pomp? Yeesh.

2:04 pm December, 8 Douche Springsteen said...

Peter Pumpinhead / Mary are a mass hallucination, an amalgam of all that is narcissistic, vain & false, embodied in “human” form. I can’t in good conscience vote for something that only exists on some sort of interstitial plane. Therefore I vote for the very real-world coupling of The Most Interesting Douche / Brittney, because he looks like this dickhead lifeguard that used to work at the public pool I went to as a child and she looks like Bree Olson.

2:05 pm December, 8 Justin said...

Peter/Mary no doubt!

2:27 pm December, 8 douche equis said...

TMIDBITW and Brittney. Why? Because the muscledouches never seem as douchey to me. I must say the Bros kinda snuck up on me in their douchiness, but Carla leaves me absolutely cold.
And now a comment — DO NOT CALL PUMPINHEAD ‘PUMPY’! There is only one Pumpy, hallowed be thy memory, and his eternally cheerful doucheosity should not be infected by the pretense of some pretender. Pumpy Forever!

2:30 pm December, 8 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Tough call, Peter and Mary are so embedded into the douche life and dedicated to the role they have become living caricatures. TMIDITW is still somewhat grounded in reality and as heinously vile as he might be there is a chance he could return to civilian life and do stunt work for Sacha Baron Cohen. Peter and Mary FTW they’ll be into the douche life until they die!!

3:55 pm December, 8 Wedgie said...

And speaking of big as a house, I just found a shot and e-mailed it to DB1 showing her ass, which must have been expanded by the same surgeon who did the front porch remodel. It’s fuccen huge. So big that by comparison, his arms look normal.
Check it out on YA’s link. I’m not smart enough to provide one myself. But it’s worth a look. Sweet. Leapin’. Jeebus.

4:18 pm December, 8 idfma said...

6 pound watch, kissyface, sideways peace sign, and the shirtjacket off the shoulder–that’s just the beginning.

Carla and the Bros.

6:03 pm December, 8 CB Popped said...

This is such a heinous display of Dbags,,,hurts just to decide and vote.
Sabio is so fucking annoying.

7:19 pm December, 8 idfma said...

Okay, it’s up to you DB1, but I want to change my vote, and YA, it’s your fault. I did not need to see that shit, but now that I have PPH/VA and Mary to take it all!!!!

8:16 pm December, 8 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Pumpin’ Head FTW.
Really? Is there any other contestant in this bracket? Anyone who shoots steroids into their steroid induced tumors NEEDS to win this bracket.

8:54 pm December, 8 Douche Enforcement Administration said...

Clifford is a 6’8″ lobster that grew up in a pond at Chernobyl’s municipal park, but even his gamma rays are not enough set those forgettable brunettes alight.

PP&MM are freak show material, and as others have said, mostly inspire pity. When they die I’m not sure any major religion’s cemetery will accept their synthetic remains.

Sabio and Carla’s picnic date are, combined, almost as douchey as Most Interesting. And Brittney is bleethy but firm. TMIDBITW FTW.

8:58 pm December, 8 Douche Enforcement Administration said...

And if you ask Most Interesting for strength conditioning advice, he’ll tell you to keep a kettlebell strapped to your wrist at all times.

9:44 pm December, 8 Douchble Helix said...

Talk about your irony. The trophy model is a goddam tranny. I’m glad I didn’t spend a bunch of time on that Tranny Of The Year trophy thing. I woulda missed Jizzhell/Mary, and then felt like a damn fool.
Still, I’ll leave the self-loathing to the distaff side.

11:09 pm December, 8 JK said...

Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic.

11:47 pm December, 8 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Once must consider substance more than just image when assigning such a ‘noble’ title. Clifford The Big Red ‘Bag may be just a Starbucks barista weekending in Pensacola with an accidental sunburn. We have no objective context or body of work from which to draw a conclusive nature of being. Just the one pic; a single snapshot in time.
Peter Pumpin’ Head and The Most Interesting Douchebag in the World are mind gratingly hideous, yes. But there still lacks a depth (or demonstrated absence thereof) of character that substantiate a HCWDB Of the Year candidate.
Carla and the Bros ™ proactive insolence in the face of a soundly deserved mocking provide that extra bit of flair that makes for a truly ripe pudwanker. Like Stackhouse, their narcissistic delusions are made apparent by relentless attention seeking, gauging the volume of negative feedback as a mistakenly perceived form of jealousy to validate their sense of self worth which is based solely on over exaggerated bodily aesthetics and egocentric pomposity.
The wild card takes bracket #2, easily.

4:12 am December, 9 I douche, therefore I am said...

Pumpin Head and Mary are so grotesque that they are way beyond douchey.
Clifford looks more goofy than douchey.
The Bros are rank, but they cannot compete with the mind-blowing rankness of TMIDITW… plus Brittney’s “merits” seal the deal.

5:42 am December, 9 Red Headed Woman said...

No. 3.

8:16 am December, 9 Indiana Choad and the Temple of Douche said...

Gotta give the nod to Pumpinhead and his horrible robot monster. Just for the sheer devotion to preening and posing.

8:46 am December, 9 Istandouche said...

My initial inclination was to vote for Pumpinhead. Grotesque as they are though, this couple does not fullfil the criteria for me. For all his mutantness, Pumpin’ lacks the smugness, which is a major rage-inducing factor for me. As for his gal, she’s inflated above the limits of any meaningful hotness. So, I will go with Carla and the Bros

12:18 pm December, 9 DarkSock said...

I agree with Indiana Choad; I don’t understand how Peter Pumpin’ didn’t win with a Mammslide victory…there is a MINDLESS laser focus on self and peacockery display that FAR exceeds a prominent trendy tatt or faux-hawk; these two have turned the only body they have into a garish spectable; they have diminished their humanity in the desperate desire to be noticed and, in their minds, worshiped.
I dunno guys; I don’t find TMIDITW very…interesting. Whatevs. I think Big Red’s more interesting because he absolutely looks like a man straining to push a 10-inch stiff turd into skin-tight jeans using nothing but iron will and soft tissue. THAT is interesting.
BUT Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammogeddon FTW, from where I sit. As if to further my now moot point, here’s Mary in a Von Goolian Nightmare:
THAT, my misguided friends, is interesting.

4:52 am December, 10 Douchey McDouche said...

I don’t always vote, but when I do I vote for The Most Interesting Douchebag in the World and Brittney.

6:52 am December, 10 Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabbadouche said...

Clifford and Peter in the same first round bracket? That’s just bad seeding, DB1. Having said that, Peter wins, by a country mile, though I don’t find Mary remotely attractive.

10:41 am December, 10 Douchelips said...

I’m going with Peter Pumpin’Head and Mary Mammtastic. Losers all the way around

12:36 pm December, 13 Ol' Dirty Douchebag said...

TMIDBITW and Britney. She scares me the least and TMIDBITW carries the site’s heritage of disgustingly overdefined vascularity which gives anesthesiologists and phlebotomists professional wood and makes me long for the needle to take the pain away.

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