Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Douche McDingle: Your Host For HCwDB – After Dark(Sock) Edition

Douche McDingle and his little friend Penny Pearbottom called to say “But…butt…DarkSock…Where’s the Pear?”

It’s right here, you backsliders.

Pear doesn’t just grow on trees, you know…

OK; I will sprinkle you with just one more.

# posted by Bagnonymous
6:20 pm April, 3 The Dude said...

Candy ass! Makes me forget the McDingle violation.

7:17 pm April, 3 Doucheywallnuts said...

Penny Pearbottom is giving us the, “Eye of Oops I Crapped My Pants.”

7:35 pm April, 3 creature said...

I would sprinkle that pear with quite a different topping….shall we say egg creme?

7:59 pm April, 3 DoucheUnit said...

Can someone double check this for me: does Penny’s ass look kinda—I don’t know, umm—kinda huge and NOT very pear-like?

9:04 pm April, 3 Et Tu Douche? said...

I knew “Uncle DarkSock” wouldn’t fail.

9:07 pm April, 3 Douchble Helix said...

Did I miss the hand-over announcement?

9:14 pm April, 3 Vin Douchal said...

You are a clever little man, Darksock.

9:36 pm April, 3 John Largemans Cheeseburger said...

I’m hungry

9:44 pm April, 3 jonezy said...

I wouldn’t click into the alternate universe if you’d stop naming alternate universe posts that hilarious.
Can we get a “classics brought to you by the Samurai Scrote comments thread” segment running weekly while you’re in charge? Shouldn’t take much time to breeze through them all and pick out a few good ones.

*** DarkSock here; actually Jonezy if I can scrape the time together I hoped to do a ‘best of BCS’ SS comments, courtesy of Troy’s archival prowess***
Samurai Scrote once bit the head off a Partridge while in a Pear Tree. The maneuver has been known as a Turtle Dove ever since.

9:52 pm April, 3 The Dude said...

I bet I can wear McDingle’s shirt and not be a douchebag. Of course, it needs laundering on the thighs of a busty chinese lady first.

10:42 pm April, 3 Medusa Oblongata said...

Does it say “Cretin” on her ass?

12:10 am April, 4 Jacques Doucheteau said...

I almost thought it said “crevice”, like some sort of self-referential underwear is all the rage. G-strings that say “whale tail”, boxers that say “ass lint”, and tighty-whities that say “piss stains and skid marks”.

12:12 am April, 4 Jacques Doucheteau said...

boy shorts that say “unshaven bikini line and no hips”, and boxer briefs that say “gay…gay, gay, gay, gay, gay-gay-GAY!”

12:13 am April, 4 Nostradouchus said...

Very bootyful.

12:15 am April, 4 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Personally, I go commando. Taste the meat, not the heat.

2:59 am April, 4 CB Popped said...

Candy ass.

Sprinkle Pear is a good band name.

Also like the very natural/retro looking “Pear Growth on Trees”.

4:34 am April, 4 troy tempest said...

I want the pear in the window.

4:34 am April, 4 hermit said...

Like a hint of nipple rim showing above a halter top, subliminal ass pear is even more alluring.

4:37 am April, 4 hermit said...

I’m with Troy, that skinny ass is some fine bottom.

4:39 am April, 4 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Moments later McDingle touched one of the strings on Penny’s corset. There was sickening ping, like someone plucked an out of tune guitar string, followed by growning creak. Seconds later the crowd was ducking for cover as the sound of a thousand bowstrings loosing arrows filled the club and leather shrapnel rained aneline dyed cowhide death upon the unwary. 5 were pronounced dead at the scene, 2 more died of fungal infections.

4:50 am April, 4 The Right Honorable Member for, The Very Reverend Mother Her Duchal Serene Highness, Dr, Hortense Sussudio Fuckerfaster said said...

sure she has vegas on her ass but her pussy ain’t nothin but tahoe.


5:12 am April, 4 Wheezer said...

Douche McDingleberry has the look of, “Oh my, ‘ave I ‘ad me finger up me bum’ole?”


I blame his short-term memory loss on too many hair products.

5:31 am April, 4 Olddog1 said...

How much is that Pear in the window? I do hope that pear is for sale.

5:34 am April, 4 I R A Darth Aggie said...

My pear overfloweth.


And someone hit Douche McDingle in the nads.


Good work.

5:50 am April, 4 The Right Honorable Member for, The Very Reverend Mother Her Duchal Serene Highness, Dr, Hortense Sussudio Fuckerfaster said said...

oh by the way what is up with the bangs and the scrunchy, if that ain’t an 80s party, she needs retrofisted by retrolesbians travelling in a pack, the way they used to…

i mean the late 80s big hair era was heaven for plumpers, style wise, and offsetting their face-wise, but not dressed like that.

2 bennettons of love.

8:15 am April, 4 Wheezer said...

@’Sock, AKA “The Hoss”:


Actually, a “Best of bcs” thread would be a terrific idea. I have a feeling he’d enjoy the idea of rising again on Easter weekend.

11:21 am April, 4 Ted Brogan said...

Bitmaps? Really?

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