Saturday, June 2, 2012
Comment of the Week: Mr. Scrotato Head
Mr. S.H. waxes briefly poetic in the Karl’s White Shoes thread and wins the coveted HCwDB Comment of the Week:
When the wind kicks up at the county fair Kelly’s hair flies like blades of pale golden straw rippling under the hot mid day sun.
Most of it lands near the horse corrals, but some of it goes as far as the statue of Johnny Cash made entirely of butter. Just remember to check your wafflecone for any loose strands because the peroxyde ruins the taste.
“…so I’m standing in line at the bank with my tongue up this chicks ask, & she looks at me & says, ‘do I know you?’…”
Your personal asswhipe
Bath salt frenzy midget salad toss!
Salty tears. That was beautiful Mr. Head.
Stop with the midgets man. You’re freaking me out!
Man, that Danny De Vito can sure pull the chunky strippers.
Congrats, White Shoes. I’ll never think of “amber waves of grain” in quite the same way.
Scrotato Head can definitely paint a word picture. Le kudos!
Just goes to show that douches come in all sizes. Even bite-size.
^Creature sure can pull some classic Andrew Dice Clay quotes.
I am sure to have nightmares featuring unusually heinous midgets with a serpent like tongue and a scorching case of Graves Disease. And there will be girls with cottage cheese hamstrings in ill-fitting cocktail dresses.
Also, let the record show I am no longer into ham, thanks to the TallGuyWatchers program I’m on. It’s like Weight Watchers but less fun and more tedious. My new go to lunch meat is salumi.
Meat sweats
Somewhere in an Illinois cell block there’s a statue of Jay Louis made entirely of Donkey Douche’s cum farts
^Good ol’ Donkey Douche. Sad thing is he’s still getting more action than I am. Sure, its repetitive starfish invasion but still.
Creepy small dude has the right idea (respect) but I’d be leery of her Kentucky windage.
This fuccen hockey game is insane. It’s hard to root against the Kings but Brodeur is amazing. I’m trying to weasel my way into Wednesdays game w a buddy’s luxury box. That’ll set me back $500 but might be worth it.
@blah blah piss off 6:41p. How do you do the boldy face type stuff? It’s neato.
The creepy little midget’s eyes look possessed or zombified. That fucked up little creature obviously enjoys licking unwiped bung holes clean of either sex with people into sick midget fetishes. The silver jacket and felt tophat are a nice retard touch and say loudly to the world “not only am I a creepy little midget but I’m a fucked up little midget as well that likes to toss salad.” It should go back to hiding in the coat closet.
At the nearby Dollar Tree store, they had a bag of “googly eyes” for sale.
This shmoe bought such a bag, and in honor of his own Satanic eyes, stuck them on his itsy bitsy suit coat.
I hate it when I wake up after a weed/scotch bender in the middle of a Wanda Sykes-Raven Symone interracial bisexual threesome dream with a mouth full of unchewed pork and ricotta cheese.
Lots of great band names in this short thread.
She’s very fwappable.
Am I the only person who thinks Baron Von Goolo paid Doc Bunsen to make a mini version of himself?
Nice work, Scrotato!
Yoda out of costume & dooshin’ it up Vegas style
Peter Tinklage waits for the laxative to take effect; he needs those multi-sided “dice” used for his Game of Kidney Stones.
Isn’t that Mrs John Largeman in the blue boots?
He looks Sofa King distinguished in his top hat.
Dude McC beat me to the Mini-Goolo riff…dammit….
The mad midget has to tossed immediately into the Closet of Poo!
Midgets are only good for porn.
Badger food.
Rabbi’s Badgers eat only Kosher Porch Beef.