HCwDB of the Week: The Chainer of Fools and Pouty Cass
First of all, props to the peartastic peartastitude of the great DarkSock for running a great HCwDB last week. I monitored as best I could during the pre-trials of my llama molestation case. Luckily, I was freed on a technicality when it turned out the llama was actually an alpaca, sending the whole case to kangaroo court.
Yup. No idea what I’m saying.
But I tip the cup of ‘Train to Sock for a great week of mock.
And while we’re about a month behind on doing a Monthly, what the hell. Here’s another Weekly winner.
The toxic rot of chainbaggery paired with Pouty Cass’s sexy lickable pooch fondle, was simply too much, besting Dimitri and Yakov’s Ukranian Brides, the pukey richasseryo of the Hamptonsbags, the flat-top brothabaggery of Kid ‘n Poo, and the groinal patricide of the Hot Taco.
A damn fine week of culture shredding mock. And the DB1 for oatmeal with raisins.
Holy Paterno’s falling statue! This is what the next generation of Penn State students will look like along with low SAT scores and lack of promise in high schol.
The chain would be convenient for administering a beating to this gnawer of Ron Jeremy’s rectal polyps.
I, for one, will miss the sexual tension between Nancy Dreuche and The Reverend Chad Kroeger.
dude is punk rock….as in a punk should pick up a rock & repeatedly smash his face til that chain comes clanging to the ground…that would rock
I approve of this choice, and by that I mean Pouty Cass gives me a renob.
This douche checks off every signifier he can think of, and then ups the anti by vagazling his douchetastic white belt.
Upon deep and profound reflection, I realize that I hate this bleeth more than any other bleeth in recent memory. She brings the tight hot body of a sauna yoga instructor and defiles it with the bitter sourpuss of a post-menopausal DMV clerk. I wouldn’t piss on her if she fell face first into crop a sea urchins.
And I haven’t enjoyed sexual tension since Dave and Maddie.
And I would piss on her. Just for the record.
I haven’t enjoyed sexual tension since Plinky’s mom’s vagina tightroped Niagra Falls
I’m getting some strong sexual elevension signals. And by strong I mean I agree with McCrude’s shoes, dudes.
Fuck! I even have a post-it saying “did you sign in, dummy?”
@the Dude, Elevension sounds like a new Spanish language soft porn television channel.
Soft Porn is like Military Intelligence. What’s the point?
^shoot first, ask questions later^
She’s got a great, great, bod. And there’s nothing wrong, that we can see, anyways, with her punim.
But that growth she hangs out with has gotta go.
Without the peer-induced cheap tatts, the friendly smile and lack of hand signs and ducklips on Chainer could ALMOST lead me to believe that there is something more than stereotypical douche here…
Just a guy with really bad judgement… Who wants to get laid.
Cass, on the other hand, is cloned, buffed, pumped and primped Class ‘A’ meat.
No love without a glove, babe.