Friday Haiku
These choads ask the girls:
“So, What can Brown do for you?”;
Bring Small Packages…
Two giggle hotts laugh
and slip through the douche gauntlet
The bags don’t notice.
— Bilbo Douchebaggins
Wandered over from
apartments next door, to bitch
about the poo smell
— FredN.
Black-briefed Bob ponders
Age old question. “What happened
to my freakin’ nads?”
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Astronauts return
Successful orbiting the sun
now smell like poo
— Anonymous
Is this the way to
Trader Joe’s? she asks and laughs
shopping list: raisins
— FredN.
Ann giggles with Jane.
They got a bag o’ butt plugs.
Sold as ‘Ass Toners’.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
It has been until
Now a myth. The myth of the
Sewer line stippers.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
Crowd Happy
Fukushima Clean Up Crew
Home Safe and Sound
— Masterfellini
“I hate Tom Hardy”
cry the rejected actors
for the role of Bane
— Douche Wayne
Sloppy photoshop
Not sure what is going on here
Chick on right smokes pole
Two giggle hotts laugh
and slip through the douche gauntlet
The bags don’t notice.
Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange
Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange
Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange
Twentythree smilling
Since the gyroscope was put
In HIS Monkey Hole
The meeting of The
Lobsterman Society
Kicked off in Nashville.
Slippery When Wet?
Giggles wanted Bon Jovi
Not Jon Bon Scroty
Shopping for small goods,
small packets found in aisle 2,
comes with oil warning
Bride-to-be Laura
asked for a stripper the same
color as her Uggs.
Blue Man Group tribute,
“Red Douchebag Group” fails badly
With Motel 6 launch.
Wandered over from
apartments next door, to bitch
about the poo smell
Black-briefed Bob ponders
Age old question. “What happened
to my freakin’ nads?”
Garage door opens
to reveal shrimpy limp dick;
cutie girls giggle
Magic illusion
underpants switch-a-roo, now
girls wearing boxers.
“look at this, look look!”
former testicle owner
flex; oblivious
They think that they shall
Never do such things very
Bag with these two poo.
Astronauts return
Successful orbiting the sun
now smell like poo
Is this the way to
Trader Joe’s? she asks and laughs
shopping list: raisins
After suffering through
The roid rage, the sisters draw the
Line at brown roid roast.
23 plus 12
is magic number to yell
when you need gay men
dollies with wheels and
panel van in parking lot
run girls run run run
They don’t wear black face
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole.
Ann giggles with Jane.
They got a bag o’ butt plugs.
Sold as ‘Ass Toners’.
first time do haikus!
i think of seven good ones
now flaccid as them
London Olympics
Desperate for volunteers.
“Poo this way m’lady.”
You girlst have freind? We
Party! I find Yankee uncle.
Mister Hankey…Poo
The Grundle Brothers
turn away in jealousy;
wish they had vagines.
It has been until
Now a myth. The myth of the
Sewer line stippers.
photo critique of
Spinal Tap’s latest album
two words: shit sandwich
Nashville’s Chick-Fil-A
Has co-mingling of gays, straights.
Gays line up for cook grease.
(Damn! SIX!, But gotta let it ride.)
Crowd Happy
Fukushima Clean Up Crew
Home Safe and Sound
OK girls you got
The tar right now hurry up
And throw the feathers.
she won’t be laughing
when the orange stains don’t wash
out of her clothing
Too many ‘roids will give you
much bigger noids,
but side effect is tiny Peen
“I hate Tom Hardy”
cry the rejected actors
for the role of Bane
New real life Flinstone’s
Movie: Magic Mikes and
LaBrea Tarholes.
Girls are happy
QuiBids is the place
to score 99 cent poo
“We make holes in teeth”
Out of work Cavity Creeps
charge to say catch phrase.
Orange of tank top
undone on color wheel by
fire escape poo sandwich
Chili’s parking lot
Is home to the worst ever
“Mister Poo” contest
Ladies, please,
don’t let your douchenozzles,
stay out in the sun too long,
Girls laugh at age old
prank of leaving dog poo on
porch. Why not in flames?
Girls clean out garage
and find dad’s old poo statues.
Like step-dad more now.
Girls think “Why is it
that our sewer always backs
up with these turdlings?”
Kim gags on smell of
burnt hair on turd when Jenny
looks for flush handle.
Hopefully girls aren’t
involved in gay snuff porno
Apocalypse Balls”.
The exhibit was
Small things with small packages
The Poo is extra
Haz-mat crew pissed when
neighbors called for Golgothan
pose-a-thon clean up.
She has worn boots since
The bodybuilder was put
In her Monkeyhole
Ann giggles with Jane
on Gabby D wannabe’s
Hit the high horse, men!
John Largemano
Stares across the courtyard
From his balcony
Wonders “What the Fuck?”
“Those d-bags are repulsive”
Pukes 2 stories down
Parking lot gigglers
Paramus Pool-Boy Pose-down
The Orange – It Burns!
Posting of Haikus
Is just like GotDamn catnip!
C’mon and post, Sock!!
Well, this is just wrong!!
Hey Management! WTF??
Catnip for us all!!
The ghey muscleheads
colored orange, in panties
resent the ladies
I’m warm all over!!
Double front page first from Sock!
Now I’ll quit bitchin’
“save your used TP
if you stack it high enough
it reanimates!”
FUCK YAH. First time haikuin’ and got 2 on the main page.
My haikus suck ass
orange muscleheads suck cawk
even bleeths mock them
A couple of humanized turds with shriveled testicles. The girls laugh at the smelly faggots with half inch peckers.
“I don’t get much poon
but, being really ripped
is good for fisting!”