Friday Haiku
In a subway car
There’s all nationalities;
She is a Pole Lock.
Forget Kung-Fu grip.
This bleeth has Ham-Poo clench.
Frees hands for phone calls.
— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche
Hey! If Kegels work
for incontinence, ‘Poogels’
work for Hershey squirts??
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
This young lady’s had
So much sex, she now needs to
Keep a place holder
— saulgoode42
“mustn’t look” he thought
spandex butt calls like siren
angina flares up
— Douche Springsteen
Monkey hole event
horizon pulls all objects
inward to be crushed.
— UFO Destroyers
Butt eats subway pole,
chews it with her iron gut,
then craps out thumb tacks.
— Troy Tempest
Sometimes you sniff the
pole, sometimes the pole sniffs you
But don’t lick the pole
— DoucheyWallnuts
You may have my seat
Old gentleman offers it
Thank you. I can’t. Stuck.
— Vin Douchal
Bleeth takes pole dancing
to an entirely new
level on subway.
“It’s time for Matlock!”
Says Gramps, hiding first cum since
Poor John Oldman stands,
Her ass sparks his old kindling –
Hides turgid weenus
Forget Kung-Fu grip.
This bleeth has Ham-Poo clench. Frees
hands for phone calls.
“She’s such a slut” cry
two Plain Janes in back. But they
want attention too.
“That reminds me.” thinks
Old Guy. “I need to pick up
pears for lunch today.”
I’ll bet next person
that touches that pole will wonder
why it was so warm.
Quite a cheeky girl!
When done polishing that pole,
She can start on mine.
Edgar shuffles by
Oblivious to pear, looking fly
no testosterone in that guy…
A dab or two of
super glue could provide some
much needed laughter.
Bleeth misses concept
Of dirty old man’s reply:
“Sit on my pole, hun!”
Doody on the pole
Not just euphemism for
Having anal sex
Old man, blue sweater
Why is it so hot in here?
Must file this paper
This young lady’s had
So much sex, she now needs to
Keep a place holder
photoshop or not?
reality’s trivial
for a pear like that
Her globule cluster’s
Planetary nebula
Gains polarity
First diagnosis
of an Ass-Pole-Grr Syndrome.
I’d play her doctor.
“mustn’t look” he thought
spandex butt calls like siren
angina flares up
The Bleeth stood frozen
Since the pole was inserted
Near her Monkey hole.
Hey! If Kegels work
for incontinence, ‘Poogels’
work for Hershey squirts??
Two uses of pole
seen here; old guy’s flesh pole is
no good either way.
I see the hot chick,
but Elmer could be douche if
he’d pop his collar.
Took today off work;
gonna need time to get brain
into haiku mode.
Photoshop for sure,
else we’d all know her name by
cheek talents alone.
Pole will end up with
Mandrel bend and a distinct
Porch beef aroma.
Monkey hole event
horizon pulls all objects
inward to be crushed.
Come on, Team – Let’s go
And win one for The Gripper
(In her Monkey Hole)
Miss Subway contest
returns? Head shots optional,
butt talents needed.
This isn’t the bus
to the Sizz’ler says Harry…..
Gets whiff of fish pie.
Old dude hides hookers
Pants under jacket. “She said
She’d lick catheter.”
Old dude didn’t cum
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole.
It puts its ass on
The pole. Or it gets the hose.
Old saggy balls hose.
Girls in Yoga Pants
comes here? Douchebags must all be
shopping at Wal-Mart.
Gampa hasn’t been
So embarrased since Gamma
Flashed the Worls’s Fair.
I’m too damn drunk for
Haiku today. Gonna go
Trips ball on my weed.
Butt eats subway pole,
chews it with her iron gut,
then craps out thumb tacks.
Geriatric Douche
Contemplates penal shrinkage
Viagra aint no help.
So that’s what the back
Looks like butt* the front, even
Grandpa will not look
This isn’t even the
Biggest pole that’s been in her
turd cutter today.
Sometimes you sniff the
pole, sometimes the pole sniffs you
But don’t lick the pole
Early voters get
Latina “Taking a Pole”
Harry not impressed.
She will suck the chrome
off a trailer hitch and then
give it a polish.
Balloon Ass McGee
Gets analingus from pole
And pole gets herpes
Subway car horror
Midget gets crushed by her ass
Holds on for dear life
(Look closely)
Pops pisses himself
Oblivious to her ass
Grim Reaper awaits
Childhood memories
Dad’s Buick, Drive-In Movies
Showing on two screens
Ass has own zip code
Pays for two seats on the plane
And twice at Sizzler’s
Hope that’s not Denver
Kobe takes one look at that
Spends season in jail
RUMP-elstiltskin Hot
Her Caboose can multi-task
Swipe your credit card
Homer Jones reacts
‘kids & their new fangled ways,
butt grab rails absurd!’
You may have my seat
Old gentleman offers it
Thank you. I can’t. Stuck.
Big ass is the new
Small ass, meanwhile Pops makes peeps
In his BVDs
Back in my day, girls
scrubbed their ass with soap, not pipe
thinks confused Harry.
Her ass can do more
Than hold on to subway pole
It can chew gum too
strippers on subway
know just one way to grip pole
steady as she blows
(Yeah, that’s all I got. In the mean time, I’ll be in my bunk.)
Old guy disliked her.
Like a stick was up her butt.
What IS her problem?
Ass attacks the pole
While grandpa looks for his truss
And his false choppers
Pole groans from ass squeeze
Steel lacks enough tensile strength
Metallurgists weep
The best is from Douche
No one can top angina!!
That made nose blow milk!!
smoov, secksay buttocks,
like strawberries and whipped cream
my tongue caresses
Photoshop photo
Photo photo Photoshopped
Photoshopped photo