Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shmucky Goldstein Flips You Off, Vyvyan Style

Vyvyan style is no way to talk to a village elder, Shmucky.

Sarah Goldstein’s Bleething is slight but her Persian Semitic-hott pudge buggle sings siren songs of pooch spackle cupcake slobber, and for that I paw her Mikvah with Talmudic aplomb.

# posted by douchebag1
2:13 pm October, 18 Douchble Helix said...

Ya know, not everyone here speaks Yiddish.

2:15 pm October, 18 Vin Douchal said...

I clicked on the red “thumbs down” but Shmucky did not explode. This is unfortunate


On a related note, Michelle Obama looking ahead to the debate stage for her run as the 46th President of the US

2:21 pm October, 18 DoucheyWallnuts said...

She has small hands and smells like cabbage.

2:27 pm October, 18 The Dude (remote loc) said...

He’s got nice tits.

3:02 pm October, 18 I R A Darth Aggie said...

I think he’s trying to tell us that there are two vajayjay’s in this picture…

3:39 pm October, 18 The Dude (remote loc) said...

wtf is it with these glasses that make your head look like a grasshopper’s?





4:30 pm October, 18 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I luvs me some tatted up jappy bleeths…. Oh, wait, no I don’t.


I think her tatt says spermapoluzza

5:00 pm October, 18 Theo Brixton said...


5:23 pm October, 18 FredN. said...

Awesome Vyvyan reference.

10:23 pm October, 18 Stephanie said...

All this from a guy wearing a silkscreen t-shirt with douchebag beads,and a girlfriend with the words “Preztel” tattooed on her side.

10:36 pm October, 18 Guid is Good said...

She’s a cutie. Shame about the tattoo. And everything else in the photo.

1:22 am October, 19 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

I like a girl with a Parzanza tatt on her waistline.

9:35 am October, 19 Bag em, Tag em said...

There can NEVER be enough “THE YOUNG ONES” references in my lifetime.

11:03 am October, 19 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

She makes my nethers tingle.



He makes me want to send his smug mug to the netherworld.

5:43 pm October, 19 Wheezer said...

“Vyvyan,” eh?


I miss Douchetoyevsky’s posts…..

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