Tuesday, October 30, 2012
There Will Be Flood
Kinda hard to wake up for a day of douche mock after Travis Bickle’s flood finally came. My thoughts are with my long-time former neighborhood, The East Village.
While Avenue A definitely needed a cleansing after years of Summer Camp for the Disenfranchised ™, this was probably not the best methodology.
Douche mock to continue shortly. But let this post stand with all those digging out this morning.
Down the road about an 2 hours or so they are getting pummeled with snow here just rain & wind. Seeing the footage on the news reminds of the times when a certain reg would wax nostalgic about the old days on the jersey shore, NYC etc;. Here’s hoping he and any of the other elder/child cocck hatterz who frequent the site are doing okay today.
Sandy is a big, wet, messy sneeyatch yet I begrudgingly respect her intensity.
Can someone confirm this pic. Having trouble believing there would that much light at the height of the storm or the police would be dumb enough to park a squad car in a flood zone.
East Village needs some douchebags! Crikes!
Excellent “Taxi Driver” reference, perhaps the finest romantic comedy ever produced.
@ Et Tu
Any flooding in your neck of the woods? I know where you’re at is a bit higher ground but the runoff gotta go somewhere.
@ whetman
You’re obviously not familiar with Chief Wiggams, Inspector Cleauseau , Barney Fife or Joe Friday.
@whetman, here’s another angle: http://hotchickswithdouchebags.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/police-cars-under-water-at-avenue-c.jpg
Light was due to NYPD flood lights on Ave. C, and douchey instagram filter.
And yes, I don’t know how to embed links in the comments thread of my own blog.
– management
New York’s been soggy
Ever since Sandy was put
In its tunnel holes
Hurricanes ain’t no fun, kids.
Well, the Cat 1’s can be kinda fun, if the power’s on and you got booze early enough.
There will be one parallel with Katrina. That bitch blasted hundreds of miles inland with torrential non-stop rains, making the soil soggy, and high winds. Those inland trees were not made for that and they fell the fuck over on a scale not seen since Saruman unleashed his axe-wielding Orcs into the forests of Isengard.
This will be the second disaster. Fallen trees in New England, not rampaging Orcs.
Of course tales of valor will follow as New Yorkers love to build themselves up like no other indigenous peoples, as the world’s only caring society.
Rescue efforts will be chronicled in photo, video and word of mouth heroics in back patting displays by fire, police, water patrol and local volunteer groups
Lost in all the discourse is the mass stupidity of the dopes that wander out in the ocean, stay in their below-sea-level homes, drive their cars and allow standing street water to touch their exposed leg skin during a 110 MPH hurricane even with TWO WEEKS WARNING that it’s on their way.
These morons are also New Yorkers. Get used to it.
Chris Christie, on the other hand, is non-stop entertainment
Whetman, I can confirm that you’ve never gone through a hurricane.
We can only hope that the cast members of Jersey Shore decided to throw a hurricane party on the breakers.
Gov. Christie needs to warn the public to keep open flames away from the oily sheen floating on the Long Island flood waters.
Or…maybe he should encourage bottle rocket fights, a smoking marathon, and a molotov tossing contest.
Jersey Shore Cleansing
Sandy, Nature’s Neutron Bomb
Left Nothing Untouched
Meanwhile, in Yoga Pants:

I appreciate your ties to East Village, DB1, but surely you can crack a joke on Jersey Shore! I mean three seasons of that was unthinkable enough, amirite?
Oh, and also, Taxi Driver as romantic comedy FTW
Looks like NYC and Jersey are close to FUBAR stage.
Yeah, looks like the Jersey Shore House was unharmed.
Wash all the douche bags away,please.
Well,the news is hopeful,there’s gasoline floating in the water and if one of those Jersey Shores lights a fart,we can finally have a party.
where did u live and when on the les? i was born and raised at 435 east 12st between a and first.