Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Most Whitening Man in the World

He doesn’t always something something. But he is a douchebag.

Yeah, got nuthin’.

Things just haven’t been the same since my raccoon got hepatitis.

# posted by douchebag1
11:04 am November, 21 creature said...

if by raccoon you mean junk & by hepatitis you mean vd, then my deepest sympathies…that & penicillin

11:22 am November, 21 Wheezer said...

They both have dark roots: hers in her hair, his because he’s poo.

11:23 am November, 21 Suck My Something Something said...

Yeah, I was thinking that his tan is a bigger offense against humanity than the Jewish holocaust.

11:29 am November, 21 Troy Tempest said...

She has the crazy eyes that say

“I want you in every possible way. You must be mine for ever. But I can’t orgasm, I refuse to take it up the keeeester, and swallowing spooge is gross. In fact, spooge is gross, period. My apartment looks like a hotel room, and smells as antiseptic. I don’t listen to music, and always vote Republican. I am jealous and demanding and expect you to pay for everything. But I want you. I want you to LOVE ME!!! LOVE MEEEEEE!!!!”

11:49 am November, 21 Vin Douchal said...

I hope I’m never as cool as this tool.


On a related note, El Prez at Barstool Sports weighs into the fray with a Marry-Fuck-Kill Hostess Products

12:28 pm November, 21 Vin Douchal said...

What woud BCS do? Dept:


Look at this after 8 beers on Thanksgiving.

12:31 pm November, 21 creature said...

her nose is bigger than her titays…but probably not her hooded canoe

1:16 pm November, 21 DoucheyWallnuts said...

“We come from planet Frost, where everything is frosted. We worship Tony the Tiger, frosting is the staple of our diet and our hair grooming, Coors Light is our favorite beer and we love the commercials with Tiny Lester and the other Black Chap Ice Cube or Ice T, and we engage in hard anal with all species. Takes us to your leader so we may frost him and engage in the hard anal.”

1:34 pm November, 21 Duck Duck Douche said...

How nice of him to ourfit his boyfriend in such a pretty dress.

1:35 pm November, 21 Duck Duck Douche said...




5:39 pm November, 21 Stephanie said...

They both came in on the short bus. Him: Everyday is Halloween and I need medical attention.

Her: Completely koo koo for Cocoa Puffs,with a dash of

the crazy eye,and if you get closer,you will regret it. It bites.

6:59 pm November, 21 ehcuodouche said...

I shouldn’t be able to smell that chemical smell from the frosting in his hair, but I do. And it is more nauseating than imaginable. I would be amazed how she keeps down her lunch, but she hasn’t kept down a lunch since 1993. Bat-tat-tum-BAH!

9:37 pm November, 21 Wheezer said...

Neither appear capable of evincing a genuine emotion or expression.

10:52 pm November, 21 Little Willie said...

Chick is obviously crazy. Jack Frost better keep an eye out for missing icepicks around this babe. What’s up with Jack’s fucked up plastic sunglasses with writing on them and wearing them indoors like a jerkoff? Besides assholes who wears this shit? He’s not to swift in the head either and takes it up the ass when crazy Sally isn’t around.

12:20 am November, 22 DarkSock said...

I side with Creature.


I cannot say why, but I’m sure that her outer labia are the size of an Armenian’s wallet, and blackish-purple, like a freshly beaten Rihanna’s tear-glazed eyes.








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