Monday, January 28, 2013

Breaking: The Porn Industry is Just HCwDB With More Nudity (and the Lip Herp)


Yes. Yes it is.

# posted by douchebag1
1:01 pm January, 28 Wheezer said...

And most of the hot chicks are pure bleeths, too…..maybe all of them. Doesn’t stop us from fappin’ to it, of course.

1:07 pm January, 28 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

My favorite pic is where Nikki’s husband (or is it “handler”) is choking her while he simultaniously feeding her like a baby chick. Mrs. Scrotato Head says that’s what every woman needs from her man these days. And she should know. She writes scripts for Vivid.



1:08 pm January, 28 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

And by definitions “more nudity” would basically be ANY nudity. I’ll take a few nude pics of Champagne Katie over half the scanks in porn any day of the week.


That’s not just an observation, that’s a request if the boss is paying attention.

1:11 pm January, 28 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

I can’t tell by her expression if she’s thinking “OMG! Can you believe how big a f*cking rebel he is I am so in love I want his K*ck in me now!” or if she’s thinking, “OMG! My uterus is falling out of my salami funnel right here on my wedding night!”

1:12 pm January, 28 DoucheyWallnuts said...

With adult entertainment “talents” such as these two schevotzes, the porn industry will be as dead as Lance Armstrong’s dead ball in no time. Dead ball, I says.

1:15 pm January, 28 I R A Darth Aggie said...

I think I caught something just looking at that coupling. Anyone have some penicillin I can have? curse you, DB1.

1:18 pm January, 28 Dickie Fingers said...

I hope she had to work the next day.

1:18 pm January, 28 Capt. James T. Douche said...

I give it 6 weeks which is like 38 years in the porn industry!

1:40 pm January, 28 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

This just in…..wearing white on your wedding day apparently no longer has any meaning.

1:54 pm January, 28 DoucheyWallnuts said...

That’s a sheet of coagulated jism, not a white dress.


Also, looks like the porn biz is moving more towards tranny features.

2:02 pm January, 28 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I cannot imagine what that proposal scene looked like.


Tatted Douchebag: Hey honey, no one does hard anal like you…

Porn Bleeth: Ohhhh, ahhhhh, (slaps own ass) fuck it harder….you’re so sweet…

Tatted Douchebag: Ugnnn, mmmmmm, you like it like this, bitch? (Pulls it out and slamps it back it without needing to guide it in with his hand)….So I was kinda wondering….

Porn Bleeth: Yeaaaa, uh-huh, oh-yea…Gape my ass, gape it hard….

Tatted Douchebag: ?…will you marry me? Uhhhhhhh (nuts in her)

Porn Bleeth: Quick, pull out so I can suck you clean….Mmmmmmm, mmmmmm,…You bet I will. I love the way my ass tastes on your cock as much as I love you!

Tatted Douchebag: Yea, yea, I love you, too….keep sucking my dick….I have three more hours til the Cialis wears off….

2:51 pm January, 28 Vin Douchal said...

Toxic stew of STD’s. No respect for the dog shit she married on that link as they never say his name.


I’d like to watch him accidentally walk past a super magnet that tears all that shit outta his face/head. Bloody well right

3:12 pm January, 28 Bag Margera said...

I had a friend do editing for brazzers. When he quit, I asked why. He says “too many douchebags on cocaine.” That, and after a while, editing everything just started to look like pistons running. “Pistons” he says.

3:16 pm January, 28 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

@Bag Margera^


They edit porns? Is that like quality checking convenience store hot dogs?

3:47 pm January, 28 crazed aborigine said...

@ Scrotato Head

Eerily, disturbingly alike, actually. Looking for visible, active cultures in both cases, I assume.

4:38 pm January, 28 Jacques Doucheteau said...

How romantic!

5:13 pm January, 28 Bag Margera said...


Somebody has to edit out the story that douchebag porn directors write, so you can get to fapping as fast as possible.

5:36 pm January, 28 The Dude said...

Scromanticism died a bit today, Monsieur Doucheteau!

8:06 pm January, 28 Sir Douche said...

Is that a hospital band on his wrist? And why has nobody commented on his humongous watch?

8:10 pm January, 28 Italodouche said...

Nikki, I better get my mother ph@cking money. You asked for party favours & I delivered. Comin’ to collect BEEYATCH!!:

8:16 pm January, 28 Troy Tempest said...

Her mouth naturally “locks” into that position. IT can take a few minutes for her “co-star” to cum, so she just locks her jaw into place and waits for the spooge cannon to let loose. Then she pops it out of locked positions, and does the usual spitting it up to the lips and showing off that her mouth is full of spooge. Cuz she’s classy like that.


One benefit is you know she takes it up the ass a couple times a week, so he doesn’t even have to ask for it. It’s just part of the routine. Kissing. Fondling. Pussy touching, pussy licking. blow job. missionary. doggie style. Froggie style. blow job. butt fucking. reverse cowboy. more doggie style. blow job. facial.

10:54 pm January, 28 Guid is Good said...

Ain’t love grand?

6:45 am January, 29 DarkSock said...

Dammit Scrotato Head; I am left wondering what is the better band name – DonkyPunchers or Salami Funnel…

9:29 am January, 29 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ Scrotato 1:07


Do you get to “act out” the masterpieces that the Mrs. writes? If so, how do you decide that they’re bad? Is there such a thing as a “bad” one? I’m hoping that she writes strictly straight ones so you don’t have to do any of the ol’ in-out with a bunch of douches. Yikes!

1:19 pm January, 29 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Troy is such a sentimentalist

5:08 pm January, 29 Stephanie said...

What? Porn industry fluffers can get married,it’s okay.

5:11 pm January, 29 Stephanie said...

And they handed out dildos for everyone to smoke for the reception.

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