Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday Haiku
Blue hair, hot dog arms;
How can Saiko resist this
Oppa Gangnam Pile?
My pee-pee itches
From looking at this picture;
Cyber Clap is real
— DoucheyWallnuts
A lucrative job
At holding a sign by the
Freeway awaits him.
— Capt. James T. Douche
Aliens have come
They want our women; and dress
Based on Pokemon
— saulgoode42
How in the hell did
Traffic control road crew guy
sneak into the club?
— hermit
Parking valet that
thinks he’s a drift racer, hoons
cars that aren’t his.
— Douche Wayne
He will get all the
Pussy once his skullet grows
Out completely, bleeech!
That pool will be foul
In no time with his inky
Hep C fuck custard!
I hope those black balls
In the pool are mines this mess
Needs wiped from the earth!
My pee-pee itches
From looking at this picture;
Cyber Clap is real
I am glad I let him
Cum in me with no condom
Said no girl ever.
Sight of the Side Pear
Gives me a renoB; distracts
From the main horror
His look of ennui
Could be caused by every
Decision he’s made
Dear Reverend Chad
Is this a mulatto or
An Asian bleeth?
I thought the point of
The doorman was to keep guys
Like him out of here??
Along with his skin
His peen drips in multiple
Colors and thickness
A lucrative job
At holding a sign by the
Freeway awaits him.
Blind marine student
thinks Bleeth speak are dolphin squeaks
At the vegas pool
Aliens have come
They want our women; and dress
Based on Pokemon
How in the hell did
Traffic control road crew guy
sneak into the club?
Asian Jerry Hall
Considers lucrative pitch
From the Rainbow Pimp
Calling all Marines!
Tell Afghan locals he wiped
ass with a Koran (Quran).
Watch the sparks fly as
as Afghan locals shit stomp
douche to fine powder.
I want to shit in
The pool after a meal of
Corn and collared greens
Addition of vest
and tatts brings his weight to just
over his I.Q.
I think it would be
acutally an improvement
Over current scene
She tries to console
douche after encounter with
smurf rusty trombones.
Young Chunky Monkey
In the background of this pic
Looks like a great time.
No one at pool knew
what to do with this ass clown
after tsunami.
What? Too soon? Too late?
Even with roofies
And copious amounts of
Vodka she still says
No to a golden
Shower, his nastiness cuts
Through the drug/booze haze
She just finished a
Three day colon cleanse he is
Still down for butt stuff!
I am more aroused
by that girl on the left’s ass,
than by Blue and Pink.
Lake Hepatitis
Ladyboy Scribbletatt Interface
Me love you long time
Despite his ink, I
don’t think he’s a doctor or
a marine. Fo’ realz.
Yu Stin Ki Pu frash tattoos
Why take no jacket off?
Must stay coor arr the time
Back to the Future
Part II is not factual.
No one told this guy.
Parking valet that
thinks he’s a drift racer, hoons
cars that aren’t his.
“Fine Mom, but this is
the last time I bring my ‘tard
brother to the pool.”
Where else can you go
play with giant black balls in
the sun? Never mind.
Pei Lei is only
allowed poolside if he wears
clothes from Baby Gap.
“Life of Pi” a lot
less interesting without
tiger or lifeboat.
Punk, emo, raver,
kawaii, twink poser, hipster
is too cool for pool.
She likes he-trannies
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole.
Kumar lifts red shades
to fire his eye-lasers though
back of his blue head.
Cassandra’s daughter
Is a little skinny, but
Garth’s son is just gross.
Giant Mickey Mouse
Head in pool inspected
For lice by trainer.
Please allow me to break haiku form to direct everyone’s attention to the delicious side-pear, stage left. Back to our regularly scheduled program:
Darksock feeds masses
early portion of ass pear
if you look hard. Son.
“Fast and Furious:
Vegas Nights” starring Gilbert
Godfried Junior.
Asian princess is
pimping her bro out, dressed up
as her barbie doll.
It puts the sili-
Cone in it’s boobs or it gets
The hose. The flat hose.
If you took the hat
off, the blue comes off with it.
Comb over surprise!
Disney’s sequel to
Mulan is a modern girl
‘Bag Bats Maru’s son
keeps family tradition
of douche adornments.
Guy in pool
Fondles King Kong’s
Severed left nut
Bleethy Trani likes
Boys with blue hair.
Side pear!
“I play Uncle Sam, it’s better than part I have now: guy who orders strike on Pearl Harbor.”
The bleeth needs a meal
The douchebag needs a beating
A match made in hell
This is Douchebag Smurf
On vacation in Vegas
Cheating on Smurfette
Blue hair. No
longer for old ladies.
Side Pear!
Green, blue, yellow.
like gay pride flag–
only fagier.
This is one rainbow
party I’d avoid.
Side Pear!
Oh dearest Side Pear,
I’d untie your black bikini,
With my dick.