Tuesday, April 30, 2013


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For those wanting more female douchebags, aka douchebaguettes, aka Bleeths, on the site, here ya go.

“Douchettes in the Mirror” for $800, Alex.

You know a classic ‘Bag who would enjoy sharing a tasty cola beverage with these Bleeths right about now?

Of course you do.

# posted by douchebag1
7:53 am April, 30 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Instragram amazes me. Not only can it apply a filter that makes this pic look 30 years old, but it someone turned the clock back on brunette bleeth’s hairstyle. Replace the smart phone with a Sony Walman, play some Duran Duran, and it’s 1983 all over again. Pull on your leg-warmers, Martha, and pass me the Acquanet.

8:02 am April, 30 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I’m not a Pepper…

8:06 am April, 30 Douchble Helix said...

Funny, Dude!

8:24 am April, 30 Magnum Douche P. I. said...

In high school these two were voted most likely to remain single and live with several cats.

8:41 am April, 30 Vin Douchal said...

Keep guzzling that full blast sugar soda. We’ll pay for your diabetes, obesity and 8 welfare kids with Obamacare, a.k.a. “I get free insurance ? Where’s the chocalate cake?”

8:42 am April, 30 Vin Douchal said...

chocalate? Nice work, dicknut

9:46 am April, 30 Doctor Magnifico! said...

I’d like to pound bleeth on right from behind. While pulling her hair and slapping her arse. Is there anything wrong with such an Earthy desire?

9:50 am April, 30 Doctor Magnifico! said...

Also, in the confused tone of George Costanza, when he declares he doesn’t “get art.” I don’t get soft drink/soda. Loaded to the gunnels with either sugar or chemicals or more commonly, both. The shit induces a greater thirst rather than quenching it.

10:36 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bra-verkill sleeps on a mattress made entirely out of pork, just so when he nails a broad he can say he was porking a girl on some pork.

10:38 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bro-verkill hits the gym so much he does chest flies with stationary cycles and rides dumb bells for cardio.

10:39 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bro-verkill once ate a Ford F-350 by accident, thinking it was sickly water buffalo.

10:41 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bro-verkill uses a penis pump too much.

10:44 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bro-verkill heats his home during the winter with a Jøtul wood stove and three cords of neatly stacked dead koala bears.

10:45 am April, 30 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

Bleeths are very, very easy to fuck.


.That is all.



.Marquis de Sades

10:46 am April, 30 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Bro-verkill masturbates with a potato ricer.

12:46 pm April, 30 creature said...

“….it burneszzz in our nethers, the bleethessssz!”


still can’t hate on Brah….he’s a hilarious archetype


thirst quenchers

2:22 pm April, 30 The Dude said...

Shit, that was five years ago? Seems like Brosterday™.

2:53 pm April, 30 creature said...

…makes me Brastalgic!

2:54 pm April, 30 creature said...

hall of scrote…where are they now?

…other than the donk, we know he’s a housewife at Joliet state pen

3:35 pm April, 30 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I’d fuck both of em if my eyes were filtered.


I was in a shittier city near Quebec yesterday and saw some guys doing some work with their shirts off in 50 degree weather. So that gets my attention, not in a gay way, and I look at their truck and the company was called “BRO-SCAPING.” Fuck.

3:37 pm April, 30 The Dude said...

I never, ever want to know wtf is a potato ricer. Is that a French thing? Mon Dieu!

3:46 pm April, 30 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

To The Dude: a potato ricer is an odd contraption with lots of little sieve-like holes in it. If you can fit your johnson through one of those holes, it is not a good thing….for you or the ricer.




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