Sunday, April 14, 2013

Celebrity HCwDB: Avery Levine Tells Peter O'Toole About Marrying the Nickelbag

View video: Avril Lavigne Dreams Up Wedding Themetry{setTimeout(function(){var e={};e.$=function(s){return document.getElementById(s);};e.s=function(t){return’block’};;e.o=e.$(‘e-object-205479’);e.m=e.$(‘e-embed-205479’);e.v=e.$(‘e-video-205479’);if({e.s(e.v)}else if({e.s(e.o)}else{e.s(e.m)}},100);}catch(e){};

In a related story… wait, nothing is related to this tripe.

I apologize for posting this, but for matching HCwDB Douche Tattoo stories, it is relevant to the thematic point of this blog. And therefore we must witness Avery Levine.

# posted by douchebag1
9:14 am April, 14 Troy Tempest said...

Avril was raised in Napanee, which is basically, the middle of nowhere, and she’s still a bit of a ditzy small town girl at heart, which is nice, actually. However, I think her music sucks, and her fiance’s music sucks. Together they will clutter the air with years of sonic suckage. If they have babies, the babies will grow up to continue the production of suckage. We are not better for this.

9:26 am April, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Avril Lavigne has three things going for her:


A voice that pains me like the time I fell into Lake Kapuskasing in the fall and almost drowned only to kick my rubber boots and pants off to save myself and leave the frigid sub-arctic lake water by climbing a rusty scow onto shore with my then bleeding unusually large 7 year-old penis covered in leeches. Then beaten for fishing alone and put into an oven naked to warm up surrounded by my extended family of aunts and female cousins.


She can be used as an absorbent mop.


She is just tiny enough for some spite fucking. And..Shit,



9:31 am April, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

And if the worst thing ever said about the droll and homely Chelsea Lately is that she looks like Peter O’Toole, she’s lucky. And Peter O’Toole wakes from his walking death to bitch slap Jimmy Fallon in symbiotic rage with all the drunken wretches of East London.



9:33 am April, 14 Jacques Doucheteau said...

What the hell, db1? Why did you even bother putting up this ridiculous celeb-centric garbage?


There is far more entertaining stuff out there.

9:35 am April, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

9:35 am April, 14 Jacques Doucheteau said...

There was no part of this interview that didn’t make me squint my eyes, mouth slightly agape, and want to skull fuck a puppy.


Boners are just your balls giving a thumbs up to whatever you’re thinking about.

10:50 am April, 14 Douchble Helix said...

Lighten up Francis-es.


That’s the first Chelsea clip I’ve seen in years, and she’s great.


The Canadian chick, meh.

1:53 pm April, 14 creature said...

…those golden locks could be a ctchers mitt for my spurts of carmel macchiatto…an shit



2:22 pm April, 14 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I peed in Lake Kapuskasing once.


Also, I refuse to watch any video where I have to sit through any 30 second advertisement, especially for a direct-to-DVD movie.


Also, Celebleeth Levine can kiss my hairy bean bag.

6:23 am April, 15 DarkSock said...

Peter O’Toole…heh heh huh huh huh heh heh

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