Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ripples McGavin Thrusts Groin Taint in Jenny's General Direction

Monkey 2

And the ungodly site of GSR (Groin Shave Reveal) shames the arthritic Buddha and drains the Persephone Chalice of life-giving fluid.

Persephone Chalice is a euphemism for the boob.

# posted by douchebag1
7:58 am May, 8 Magnum Douche P. I. said...

Covering Ugly Faces With Huge Ass Sunglasses (CUFWHAS)

8:09 am May, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Covering Skinny Balls With Huge Ass Shorts (CSBWHAS).

8:48 am May, 8 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Jenny’s bronzed skin contrasting her washed-out hair and pale lips reminds me of the old family Zenith Chromacolor. After a while the tube started to go, and no matter how much you played with the the tint and contrast, everyone looked like those orange skinned hotties from that Star Trek episode. The one where Kirk kills their god, because prime directive be damned, he wants to bang an orange alien and then promote galactic peace by killing everyone whose culture he doesn’t understand.

8:50 am May, 8 Vin Douchal said...

This guy looks like the love child of Iggy Pop and an experimental space monkey brain damaged through reentering the atmosphere. Amosfeer , I says

8:53 am May, 8 Vin Douchal said...

She’s got the thick thighs of a chick that can spread ’em and hold ’em up in the air for a long long time.

8:53 am May, 8 Douche Wayne said...

Great. Now I’ve got the xylophone intro to “Under My Thumb” in my head.

8:56 am May, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

She has the kind of face that both repulses me and gives me the renoB.

11:58 am May, 8 Wheezer said...

[Ripples McGavin Thrusts Groin Taint in Jenny’s General Direction]


And I fart in his.

12:21 pm May, 8 Indiana Choad and the Temple of Douche said...

That’s a fine pair of five o’clock shadows there.

6:07 am May, 9 DarkSock said...

She’s a sturdy sex table

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