Thursday, June 27, 2013
Brothabag Alonzo Discovers The Holy Cantalopes
There’s only one way to celebrate the discovery of The Holy Cantalopes.
By donning a white walker headdress and cooing “Yeu no knothing Jon Snow” into the mirror until long after you cancelled HBO because the other shows all suck until Curb comes back.
Oh, and boobies!
Rev. Chad would not appraise or originate a loan for this gentleman’s condo, methinks.
Nothing about Brothabag’s existence matters. All about the boobaes. Son.
Are her tits getting bigger each time I click on this thread?
Take one random trailer park female, add fake tits.
questionable choices of youth for $200 Alec
the answer is, this 60 year old women with concrete nuclear reactor sized breasts regrets the surgical augmentation of her early 20’s
who is Bolt-On Bottle Blonde Betty
ding, ding, ding!
Jamal is counting the years he can rent her out until titties are no longer malable
At first glance I thought it was a zombie Grace Jones sucking the silicone out of a stripper victim through a white straw.
Then I realized that’s what it actually was.
I think that, that dude is a Nazi/Male Dancer by the cut of his jib. And it is time to enter the Bog
This might be a dumb question, but is there a difference between boobaies and tittaes?
And she, too, gives me the renoBs.
Boobaies are rounder, tittaes are pointy. It’s a matter of preference. At the time when pairs of these are presented for peer review. Peer review, I says.
Speaking of idiots ignoring succulent boobies:

As I was revisiting this thread I noticed he is wearing a Rock Band t-shirt, which is just fuccen gay. And by revisiting I mean Milking the renoB.
I like troubled-looking defenceless obedient waifs caressing their own nipples and looking longingly towards me as their chests heave imperceivably before me and their supple yet resilient flesh yearns for with penetration at a monotonous langour. And shirt. $300 at a time, Son.
Johnny Depp interviews are too much when you’re high. So’s this.
Pseudointellectuals, Son.
Stooonede. Son.
the rev is so stoned, he’s known as rockpile
…& shit
Sorry but she looks a couple levels beyond Mayan Eye of Coitus. What’s that you say? Easter Island Eye of Coitus. Honestly I think she’s got a couple torn dicks trapped inside her twat.
Rufus Rodman couldn’t play basketball like his more famous cousin but every now and then he got to palm basketballs.
I was outside sipping bourbon and enjoying the thick batts of humidity, clinging to my face like the greasy mumu draped off of the sweaty ass of Honey Boo Boo’s Mom, when these two armadillos walk their asses right up and start rooting around my lawn, right under my feet. Since these crazy abominations are blind as bats and have the propensity to launch themselves 4 feet vertically when surprised I had fun with them until I ran out of ice cubes from my Maker’s.

Good eatin’.
I guess ‘Sock is in some third world “nation”.
And shit.
^yup…it’s called Mississippi
armadillos is like land oysters; half shell on the hoof
It looks like he’s hoping to khaleesi her tyrion’s with his littlefinger.
She’s giving me the Three Mile Island of Coitus.
San Onofre’s