Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Max Drives Through Plutonium
Isn’t it fitting that it would end here. In a club on Douchebag Boulevard.
Annie had a plate of mashed yeast infection.
Yeah, I’m making 70s Woody Allen references. Got a problem with it? Because I like to stay current with the kids. Uhm… Skrillex shaves his head!! Ah, screw it. Back to antiquarium for me.
Max has some very clever piercings, and no I don’t wish to see all of them.
Max has the arms of a 13-year-old girl with MS. And that girl does not appreciate the comparison.

There is only one way to shield your body from poontonium rays…with boobtonium shields.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm…..boobtonium shields
That looks like GOODmilk to me.
Possibly a bit saline…..
I like the little Mulatto (respect) but the ab twins are fab.
Not even the post accompanying photo can ruin the glow I have achieved from drinking my Makers Mark. Are those sunglasses made from a panty liner or some sort of sanitary napkin?
Can’t figure out why Sulu disliked Boobtonium shieids.
I that kid hanging his head in shame? Kids are quite perceptive at that age.
Which of the images below contains the highest level of Awesome? Discuss.

Annie is like a gourmet Chalupa from Taco Bell I’d love to enjoy.
Huh ?
Speaking of awesome, I wait pining for the Kick Ass sequel:
I have the Bog fever. But I think I pick pre-me-knowing-he-was-gay Freddie for the win. I’s not nearly as good as the Zep but they were awesome and uncommon in that state. There’s nothing wrong with New York but fuck I hate Batman. Sardine Caesar Salad is good for the munchies, Son. I am not in pain. And shit. Dark Sock more mentos.
The subject is located in a small predominantly residential village with an active commercial district and good community involvement. The village is located 5 km north of a Highway 417 interchange and is about 65 km from The subject is located in a small predominantly residential village with an active commercial district and good community involvement. The village is located 5 km north of a Highway 417 interchange and is about 65 km from Ottawa and Montreal. Residential buildings tend to be older buildings in relatively good condition and with generally good market demand. The village has a population of approximately 2,000 and promotes itself as the gingerbread capital of Ontario (many homes in Vankleek Hill have maintained their wood trimming to the eaves of the older homes).Ottawa and Montreal. Residential buildings tend to be older buildings in relatively good condition and with generally good market demand. The village has a population of approximately 2,000 and promotes itself as the gingerbread capital of Ontario (many homes in Vankleek Hill have maintained their wood trimming to the eaves of the older homes).
get it together, you impossibly stoned out canuck!
btw…when did you not think Freddy Mercury was not gay? evah? you petrified frikkin hockey puck!
…more bourbon, son!
fat bottom girls was about chocolate donut hole
speaking of Hostess…likee pictured cupcakes!
‘Sock at 2.28 pm ftw, by which I mean that is the luckiest kid EVER.
I dunno, the Rev may be that high.
…sorry rev, too much south park & fermented sugar
The Reverend is an real estate appraiser? That explains some things.
Rev cut and paste his work job shite into a HCwDB post and DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE. Now, that’s pretty high.
Dickie @5:07… I think he’s actually a mortgage broker, which explains EVERYTHING.
Thank you, Capt. That does explain everything.
@Sock: where the hell did that Freddie+Darth pic come from? Most epic.