Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Swirly Johanssen Is in Way Over His Swirly Head With Sultry Carolyn
Sultry Carolyn toys with her prey.
For no amount of rosary bling can redeem the Swirl’s groinal aspirations.
Sultry Carolyn toys with her prey.
For no amount of rosary bling can redeem the Swirl’s groinal aspirations.
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Carolyn is *fantastic* at deepthroat.
Sadly, it looks like Swirly is a recent devotee to douchebagery. The swirl is only lightly shaved in, the beads can be tossed in a second and the spike hair properly combed. If Mr. Walnuts could send someone over to pay him a visit, he might be convinced to ditch this lifestyle.
I met a hottie once who swept her hair over to cover one eye. I thought it was some fashion statement or a way to make her more mysterious. To my surprise it was because she looked like Marty Feldman.
Sometimes the hair over the eye look is hot. Sometimes it is because the girl is the daughter of Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
He looks Major Frank Burns fucked Tin Tin
Sage advice from Strunk and White need not be limited to the written word: “Choose a suitable design and hold to it” (Strunk & White 1999).
You’re all a bit kitchen-sinky don’t cha think, young Swir Jo?
As for you, SULTRY CAROLYN, your haughty-happy hair tossed laugh pulls me in, knowing full well you may be an emotional tar-baby of existential drama.
Evolutionary imperatives
– The Elements of Style. 1999. fourth edition, hardcover, ISBN 0-205-31342-6
Sultry Carolyn believes she is culturally evolved by going ATM on the 1st date….ironically, Swirl Boy does same
Vin @ 9:15 am for the fuccen WIN.

plus maybe a dash of this shit hook:
Slutry Carolyn reminds me of why I get renoBeL when I gaze at wimmins.
Great job with the morphs and the original call!
But if the girl gets to puking, it’ll be her long hair in the toilet getting all swirlied.