Wallnuts After Dark: What's Wit These Suicide Girls Schevotzes?
So the other night I’m switchin’ channels on the TV and I come across this show on the Showtime that is about these Suicide Girls, who is these half naked broads wit tattoos and the boobs pierced and weird haircuts. I didn’t know if I was gonna sprout a renoB or run from the room cuz I was scared. Na mean?
I mean the nakedness ain’t so bad but the other stuff I don’t know. Ya know? Sure, beauty is in the eye a the beholder, but in this case I don’t think I’m beholdin’. Or some shit like that.
Maybe the whole point a these dames is to confuse us an that’s what’s attractive. But I gotta say, I don’t ever remember gettin’ a turgid shwanz cuz I was confused. Maybe you modern kids get turned on by this new take on beauty, but for me I’m happy with great gams, some big jugs and a primo keister. A Primo Keister, I says.
Even that old Greek philosophizer Aristotlemeyer said, “To be beautiful, a living creature, and every whole made up of parts, must present a certain order in its arrangement of parts.” But I guess all a that just means if the boobs is where the boobs is supposed to be and the Snapper is in the proper place, then a dame can be beautiful. Then again, what I read about them Greek philosophizers they coulda been talkin’ about a young boy, and I don’t want no part a that.
Back to these suicide dames. Hume posited, “One person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible of beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others.” Posited, I says.
Now see, Hume is one a those guys that if he was around the old neighborhood I woulda given him a shot in the chops cuz when he says stuff he makes my head hurt. I hate that.
So after I took a few Excedrin and my headache felt better I start to figure what Hume said about deformity has somethin to do wit guys who can Bust a Nut over dames wit tattoos and all a that other shit that us old-timers see as bein’ weird and killin’ wood, and that one man’s Chicken Cacciatore is another men’s Baccala Salad. Am I right when I say that?
An I guess it’s kinda like how some guys can look past a broad who has an annoying voice and can’t cut the mustard in the sack cuz she’s a real looker, whilst other guys don’t mind an ugly dame if she’s got a nice way about her and also bangs like the Dickens. Some guys like chicks who is all marked up like a retard’s doodle pad with metal shit stuck in they’s eye brows and the cooze, even. Who knew?
So when it comes to broads like these Suicide Girls, I guess I just have to agree to disagree, or some fuccen thing.
c’mon Wallnuts, Aristotle? Hume?
…for me it’s Kant, I rely on empirical evidence. if the broads doormat gets wet, Ima delvin’ in!
…na mean?
I’m with ya Douchey. The only deformity I like on a broad is a vestigial tail. And speaking of tail, Mrs. Kroeger gave me the head today IYKWIMAITYD. But A good looking Quebec hooker which may or may not have been solicited by yours truly with a few tattoos and a tan is OK by me. And shit. If they’re teens with 12″ wide hips, majotr Rebob.
Even Aristotle can be wrong.
Why does I always click on Jacques’s links? I gotta get my head examined….
Like DoucheyWallnuts, I too appreciate a primo keister. ..
.Like Voltaire, I believe beauty pleases the eye only; sweetness of disposition charms the soul.
.The Suicide Girls are good for charming bikers, convicts and metalheads and that’s about it.
.Amputees can be charming too, @Jacques Doucheteau, but I tried without success to find one attractive, once. Not even an eight-ball and a fifth of Jack could do the trick….but this I ascribed to my failure of character, not hers.
.And those who get off on gazing at other’s misfortune are even further gone than the perverts on this Website.
.Master Debaters
Yeah – suicide girls. Weird Scenes inside the Stuckey’s.
I sometimes sprouted wood in the communion line and I was definitely confused.
I clicked on Jacques link, too.
Celebrate diversity?
I think Burke would consider the suicide girls both beautiful, and sublime.
I hear Douchey Wallnuts’ voice in every conversation I ever heard by the men who met – always just to sit and talk – in the Italian barbershop I went to ask a kid, in northern New Jersey. The barber, Sal, then in his 70’s was a friend of my grandmother’s family (spanish, they all showed respect), and would tell me stories about how they’d known each other when they were my age (6-11), when they had each just moved in from the old country (he said old country).
Sal wore a suit every day, and gave each haircut the attention and detail like it were to last a lifetime.
He was a gentleman. But in that barber shop my kid self overheard more about what was REALLY happening in town than I ought to have known.
Thanks DW.
The Rev must have clicked on the link too. That’s why we haven’t heard from him yet.
I ain’t clickin on it, Jack. I’ve been properly warned. In odda woids, a few more pops and I’ll click on it.
“ I just have to agree to disagree, or some fuccen thing.”

Well…I’m with you fellas!
Oh, and allow me to posit…DAMMIT JACQUES! And Damn ME.
Posit, I says.
Will SOMEBODY pitch a fuccen talk show to some 2nd tier cable outlet for DW? Jay?
I’d fuck those limbless retards silly. Who knows what the poor eggbanks really feel. I bet they can take it in three holes like a human. But fuck the inconvenience of their problem don’t roll with me. I got a fucking crybaby in my men’s room sleeping with my retarded brother. So your father ate too much sugar and is losing limbs, NMFP Sister.
Samantha Stevens was a married witch who had to have two Dicks. She a HO.

“Wacko Mongor”?
I think Michael Jackson would have found greater happiness as Mongor. But would Michael Jackson ever wear a Mongor T-shirt?
Vestigial tail is a little known erogenous zone.
Dwarf throwers.
Long ago there was a letter to the esteemed Penthouse Forum about a guy who takes a chick back to her place, and then she disconnects her fake leg.
Best sex he ever had, he says.
Oh, and by the way, he had never expected to be writing to the Penthouse Forum, and his Johnson was a lot bigger than average.
A vestigial tail was cited in a three piece suit I was involved in.
I wrote a very funny post about adding Douchey Wallnuts to the pantheon of great I-talian philosphers.
I guess I fucked up and didn’t hit “submit” or some shit.
Now, I’m too lazy to re-type it.
But trust me, it was *really* funny and shit.