Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eurasian Kim Offers Kyoto Eye of Carnality


Ok, thanks for indulging my Rolling Stone rant. Now back to the ‘mock.

Even Evil Yellow Sunball cannot portend resistance to Kyoto Eye of Carnality.

American Born Phil may partially shave his head, but it doesn’t interfere with his engineering degree. So his parents make due.

# posted by douchebag1
8:03 am July, 18 FredN. said...

Those two are Canadian? Well, Canuck a duck.

8:07 am July, 18 DarkSock said...

High and tight is how he likes his hair cut, and how I like my quartasian ladies.

8:21 am July, 18 FredN. said...

He almost gets a notta but for the chest reveal, hair-trocity, and 1000 inch stare.

9:03 am July, 18 Douchble Helix said...

Me likee.


I could watch her in porn, for like 5 minutes!

9:32 am July, 18 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I’ve known many a Eurasian Kim in my day. She won’t wear a bra, but has stickers on her nipples because she’s worried someone will see them. Her hair changes color each month. Her nails change color every couple of days. She has to go the bathroom every 30 minutes to put drops in her eyes because her circle lenses are killing her. She’ll remember to look at her ass in the mirror while she’s in the ladies room, but forget to pee. Her ass looks fantastic except for lines from her granny panties. Only bad girls wear thongs; yet good girls can get their pubes lasered into a permanent Brazilian. She chews with her mouth open… and you thought she was doing it to be cute the first thousand times… but no, that’s how she eats.

9:34 am July, 18 Vin Douchal said...

In old Barfly etiquette, if you want to buy a fellow patron a drink and they already have one , the bartender puts an upside shotglass on a napkin next to them.


There’s three in the frame for Kim but the line probably goes around the table. They like when she gets hammered and opens shop in the men’s room shitter


Stereotype much?

9:54 am July, 18 DarkSock said...

…then what happened next drove the Largeman Brothers apart for decades.

5:43 pm July, 18 The Dude said...

Those strapless dresses were invented by a true genius.


‘Sock, c’mon dude! You are rewarding these fat fucks for never ever resisting the donut tray.


I tend to think if you’re morbidly obese, you are clearly stupid – for two reasons: 1.) Using your brain consumes calories, comprende? and B.) I forget what B was because I’m stoned.

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