Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Drunk Al Goes "Garrrrr!" on Quartasian Mina
When “I like your boobies!” is too difficult to pronounce.
When “I like your boobies!” is too difficult to pronounce.
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Lance recounts his attempt at cunnilingus upon Courtney Love’s purple gumwad.
And Steve The Pirate called; he wants his “Garrrr!” back.

It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al barfs his anchovy pizza on your new Nike kicks
It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al pees himself all over your leather seats on the way home
Ummmm… what boobies??
Drunk Al is the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
It’s all fun and games until drunk Al picks up the underage Asian exchange student at the bar, nails her, then ends up on the sex offender list.
It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al passes out on the shitter at the Waffle House
‘Sock – amazing Steve the Pirate reference! Glad you made it through the White Death alive.
It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al, who never smokes dope, suddenly wants in on your session.
Fair Weather Friends
It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al wants to play bongos with your bar band because he’s “awesome, yo”.
It’s all fun and games until Mina’s older brother, who runs the local human trafficking syndicate, cuts out Drunk Al’s tongue then locks him in a shipping container bound for Singapore.
^ Mina knows this; that’s what she thinks is so funny.
It’s all fun and games until Drunk Al starts making unseemly advances on Quartasian Mina during her quinceneria.
Its all fun and games until Drunk Al wakes up in pain with a bloody bandage on his back where his kidney used to be.
It’s all fun and games until I hit Drunk Al with a quick, sharp uppercut.