Thursday, February 20, 2014
Lee Tattwater's Southern Strategy
Lee Tattwater is a visionary.
He has perfected the art of general douchetatt without the ability to focus on any specific douchetatt.
It’s like conceptual scrotal misdirection.
Hypnotic enough to make Runaway Kelly forget to eat for three days despite staying in a motel near the $8.99 all you can eat ribs buffet at the Golden Nugget.
Harlett Johannson
Kelli Ripoff
Sienna Thrilla
Paris Bolton
Lamey Adams
Marc Cumswellows
Antonio Sabastard Jr.
Droolio Igloosius
Mother Mary weeps.
That big dollar sign on the shoulder really pulls everything together.
I’d bang her until my dick fell off.
Yes, I’ll take the sad wood nymph, Virgin Mary flame head, dragon leg, dead Disney bird tatt , dollah sign, please. And a Prince Albert
He has the “Old Witch/Young Maiden” optical illusion tatted on his side.
Mila Cumis
Gwen Cumonme
Donny Ospud
I bet Runaway Kelly drops Golden Nuggets.
Fuck did we get bent on pizzaghetti and rye at the office today watching the hockey game that none of you knew was happening while our intranet was down. We’re Canadian, Sorry.
Paulie D-Bag
I’ma takin me a trip to America’s Hat (Canada) {respect} and gettin pissed with The Rev and Lenny. Who’s coming?
Lenny’s dog got into Mrs. Box’ cooling tray of weed butter last night and had a seizure. They hooked him up to some saline while he slept at the vet and he’s resting comfortably at home.
Dry Mouths
Seth MacFucktard
Lee Shatwater
Wallnuts: love to go but I’m afraid I’ll end up like Box’s dog.
I’m gonna risk it for the chance to find our what “weed butter” is and what it does…Crazy Fuckin Canucks…
Plinky’s mom – the skinny years.
Gloria Asstuffano
Pavlov’s Log
Jean-Paul Shartre
Weed Butter is made by simmering some of Lenny’s best weed flowers in unsalted organic butter. The boiling liquid pulverizes the weed until there is a fairly homogenous mix in the pot. Mrs. Box uses a double boiler to prevent burning. The boiling liquid is strained through some bubble hash screens. (Bubble Hash is made in an opposite process in which the shake from the weed is spun with a drywall mixing attachment on a cordless drill in a bucket of ice water, the ice freezes the crystals containing THC which then fall of the foliage. The green water is poured through progressively smaller screen nets until there is only black hash resin left) and the resulting greenish ooze is weed butter used to make cookies, candies, lollipops, brownies etc. You get stoned like Johnny Cash eating brownies in a bush stoned. The boiling somehow increases the bioavailability of Canniboids which prevent pain by altering neurotransmitters and shit. And it makes you really fucking stoned. Excuse me I,ma go get stoned……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Oops. I forgot this window was open after I went to smoke. Pretty wasted now. The afternoon rye and pizzaghetti hockey party tuckered me out. That Piss Morgans a smug little shit isn’t he. Fucking subhuman mongrel hates The Nuge. But i regress. The weed butter is also available for $70-$150 a pound depending what you need at the Compassion Club (respect) in Montreal. I get it FedExed every few weeks if the Boxes haven’t been in the kitchen. I forgot one step. You put the buds in a coffee grinder before you boil em. The retarded fag Olympics start next week. American chick team is awesome and mean. I like that in my lesbians. When I forgot about what I was doing here I was talking to this dude.
Stoned .Sons.
Peen LaQueefa
Some minor Indian deity seems to have mistaken Lee Tattwater’s forearm for the Ganges. Honest mistake I guess.
The Dude – that name reminds me of the term “PipeFarter” that was coined here lo these many y’ars ago, much like the practice of putting the word “Son” at the end of every sentence.
@ RevChad:

Brownie…strawberry cake…same difference.
hey guys ,,,
i just go wild and horny after watching this .. log on to