Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Waft of Yesteryear

Reader Sir Doinksalot sends in this pic as a faint echo of all that was once hottie/douchey but is perhaps no more.

I do not know if this pic is recent. Or circa HCwDB’s 2009 heyday.

But it not matter.

For this brief snapshot of toxic toe fung rejoinders to remind us.

Even in these dark choady days of Great Orange Blight sucking the oxygen from the marrow of joy like a pekid pecan pecked by a toucan, there are still the regular hottie/choadey couplings circulating the drain of cultural flush.

Thanks for the reminder S.D.

This site may be no more, but I leave it up as an uncanny relic of time past and oft forgotten. For we do not go gentle into that good internight. We rage, rage, against the orange of the blight.

# posted by douchebag1
4:02 am August, 26 skrag2112 said...

Like a frog in deep hibernation, this site manages at least one heartbeat every few months.

3:45 pm August, 29 Young King Dave said...

What becomes of that giant ass in 20 years.

9:37 pm August, 29 The Rev Chad Kroeger said...

Jewish power level is declining with each day. Israel falters. Jews line up as Judas against Trump (who is a zionist shill). The whites of North America prepare for a pre-emptive race war. Europe at the brink. Time flies man! End the Fed.
The Pope is divulged as the Jesuit freak he is. “Me Too’ devours the semetic entertainment industry as sports and Hollywood loses its relevance to the tribal narrative of real Amerka.
Save rural America from the Talmudic media and lies.

Run way DB1!!!! Run away!!!!!

5:18 pm September, 2 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

That’s a lotta ass ! And a good Rev rant. Always worth a check of the site on occasion.

2:25 pm September, 3 creature said...

Assplosion stretched that fine mesh into netting big snuff to only catch whale…it did

Wondering if it also caught some global sized TaTas?

8:18 am September, 4 Tattsiana Groinshavia said...

Asspear seaman
Bottom trawler fishing
Nets a big load

1:11 am September, 12 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

8/23/2018 my father turned 92. He thanks you for posting this picture of him and my mom in younger days. He only fist pumped once due to his advanced age, but you did make an old man smile…

5:23 am September, 13 OrangeSchlong said...

They want to suck me haaard
neo-maoist weaklings all
antifa all queer

DB1 crying
“Orange Schlong How I Want You!”
power bottom boi

old man, dead website
DB1 drinks estrogen
pre-op tranny twink

pissing on this site
with his giant orange schlong
Trump laffs & smiles

MAGA President!
DB1 weeps, LULZ!

Pain in his rectum
DBI craves orange schlong
deep penetration

2:39 am September, 16 The Dude said...

hi DB1 – hope life is treating you well. I miss the hilarious relief this Site provided; now I follow some strange folks on twitter that rant away in an entertaining fashion at the douchey behaviors still occurring under the Orange Horror Clown.


The Dude

8:05 am September, 19 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Oh Lordy that is corpulent pear.
I would carefully decorrugate the cardboard box this douchette received a pair of kitchen tongs from Amazon in and with the edges of fiber slice my sphincter into a gory aggregate of severed sinew and corpuscles until it resembled a blown out exploding comedy cigar for the chance to have one her tweets about how cute her new Honda Fit is stapled to my forehead.
And by tweets about her Honda Fit I mean her ass.
And by stapled to my forehead I mean…stapled to my forehead.

11:41 pm October, 23 Orange Schlong said...

Corpse of a website
With Trump Derangement Syndrome
you’re all just virgins

6:14 pm October, 27 Orange Schlong said...

Trump raypes your anus
your quivering colon wrecked
by the orange schlong

5:23 am November, 10 Nancy Dreuche said...

Dude. What happened to this place? Did all the old guys finally die? @creature @deadsock @otheroldguy

5:49 pm December, 1 NightlifeGuy said...

damn that ass tho

2:35 am December, 7 Orange Schlong said...

Pendulous Scrotum
teabags DB1 at will
Glowing Orange Balls

10:02 pm January, 12 2lingerie said...


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