Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Best Golden Globes: Globes For All!!
Anonymous Hottie from Tool who Points! (And Tool Who Grabs)
Freddie Gets Ready! Rock Steady.
Yo Quero Taco Boob!
Asswipe With a Coors Light’s Kelly!
BroKevin’s Groobs!
Alyssa’s Cleavite!
It was a very good year. Something for everyone.
Wow, all those boobs and no one has a comment?
Or are we all too busy spanking the monkey?
I have only one word for this: Hawaiian Muscle Fuck
dong bongos
What happened to Sheertina? Now I’m confused. Can I speak to the Manager?
After further consideration, and closer inspection, my vote is for Alyssa’s set of glorious mams.
Kim Chee FTW. And by FTW I mean I just shot forth copious amounts of ejaculate. Copious, I says. I would also pay an unlimited amount of Quatloos for the chance to engage in a good Dutch Fuck session with Ms Chee.
My cup runneth over. And by cup I mean my pet tube sock, Spermy.
Andrea’s Dreas need to spring forth from the idiot in the Jankees cap and into my basement apartment. Those are some Andreaic ‘Dreas!
oh, and Fredie get ready, cause I’ma droppa sloppy second on Ariella Ferrera’s Ferreras.
DW’s comment from the Taco Boob thread reminds me to ask, did you ever get into something with Mort Sahl?
Holy shit, Mort Sahl is still alive? He should’ve taken better care of himself!
Holy fuck I’m stoned. Bad pain session over. And by pain session I mean bad and long. The “Smaller More Intimate Douchies 2012” at of this hour in which we are all living is grooving along, and you will be left with a learning, a new yearning for Traffic my brothers.
From 1972: Live in Rev Chads Mind (see what I’m, doing, I’m living inside my mind cause I’m stoned on several drugs. Son.
And I’mma going all western on this plac/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I forgot the groovy song man. Giants win @Et Tu this weekend, any odds ya want, within reao oop dog got to shit…….
I’m going to assume it’s bad when your penis tears off in your hand.
There’s a lot of blood.
I’m waiting to hear from resident exSpurt Tits McGee…

Don’t worry, Scrotato Head…go to your ’68 Mustang, fire up the cig lighter, then cauterize your stump.
If your cockk stumpp is too big for a cigarette lighter, then good. One less mule cockk competitor for me in the race for Das Mons Pubis.
And as for Kim? I’d munch her chee-chee.

Cunning Linguists
Taco Boobsie continues to fold herself around my pollo.
It’s 4 AM here on the east coast (respect). A little insomnia but do I have to go out and kill people, …no.
Got Piss Morgan on CNN behind me..I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because his foppish queer british (no respect) gay face enchants my old dog.
Fucking dog has lost seven diseases just by watching the channel switching through that fuckers show. Still senile old pup loves the fucker and the more she sees the better her vision and distemper get.
I fucking hate that fucker, did I mention she likes Obama too. I am thinking the dog approves of misegination. Son. I got no problem with it as long as I am the all-purpose misceginator. What
That is some nice Mons Pubis you miscegenator.
This insomnia ain’t gonna help the kids holiday cause of the labour strike. I’m going corporal on their souls today. And by corporal I mean give them whatever they want as long as they don’t scream the banshee she-scream. IU was supposed to meet a nice girl today in Ottawa for a game of Anal. That was to be my day before the last day excuse hooker. Fuck I hope those meteorite, pole-reversing, tidal-wave munching, new age (no respect), druid, Malthusian, MacCarthyist, Piss Morgan types all die on Friday so my southern brothers may rapture with me in my new golf cart with 25 gallo draft tanks and vaporizers on board in the Purgatory.
This is a new kind of Dark Sock…
Never was a Mort Sahl fan…Plus, he’s Canadian.
I loves me some breastess, big, sloppy, perky, taut, jiggly you name it I loves it. A nice set of jugs is all that is right in this world.
I dream of being surrounded by all twenty!!
“Have you seen Homegrown Hannah’s tits?”
“I like sex.”