Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Where's Waldouche? Hoverbag Edition

    Somewhere in this pic of Sophomore Year “Just Experimenting” Sorority Hotts, I’ve carefully hidden the worst form of Waldouche, the Hoverbag.

    Look closely.

    Can you find him?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    HCwDB of the Month: The Metaphysical Hooligan

    From this moment this coupling first appeared on the site, there could be only one response to this heaping uberdouche and sweet Italian hott:

    Collective mocking, sarcasm and witty repartee from a safe distance. So I turn it over to the ‘bag hunting collective to make the case:

    hairy prodder:

    Metaphysical Hooligan FTW. He is all that is scrote, and his hott pulled through in the clutch during the Thugmani Exchange.

    II e-dog:

    Metaphysical Hooligan, most definitely. I’m waiting for him to quickly jerk his head and catch his nipple ring with his fake dog tags so I can console Carly Hott in her distress.


    MetaHouliDouche is repugnant. He is HoS. Will he take home the 2008 Douchie???

    ac/dc bag:

    The Metaphysical Hooligan. I’ve never seen a face so clearly deserving of a large helping of Fist. Not to mention the hot’s smile melts me like midday sun on new fallen snow. Oh and skullboobies. how can you not love skullboobies?

    The everpresent anonymous:

    Hooligan, star-childe of douchebaggery, scrot of the cosmos, ftw. You can tell from his other pic that he practices his Derek Zoolander ‘look’ in the mirror for his next photo-op.

    grumpy llama:

    The Metaphysical Hooligan simply has to win. The case I made for the weekly still holds true. Yes, Truman or Smearkat might have a chance if it weren’t for the Hooligan. But Zippy, while infuriating, isn’t fit to carry the Hooligan’s (douche)bags. Not only does Hooligan win the monthly, but I feel compelled to invoke Kant’s notion of the “moral imperative” and insist the Hooligan be fast-tracked for the Hall of Scrote.

    Anyone who invokes Kant to explain douchery is on the right track. Hos may very well be in MH’s future, GL. But bananaphone bucks the tide, reminding people to consider all that is poo about Truman Coyote and Reese Hotterspoon:

    I have to go with Truman Coyote hands down. The gangsta tats combined with the upturned hat that makes him look like he’s 12 years old and wearing daddy’s baseball cap is just too much for the hooligan to overturn.

    He reminds me too much of the WB cartoon of the two dogs. the bulldog and the terrier. Truman would be the little dog bouncing around saying, “Whaddayawannadoo, Spike? You wanna chase cars? You wanna get the cat? Huh, Spike? Huh? Hey Spike, you wanna bone?”

    Excellent classic WB reference, BP. And champagne douchernova reminds us of the understated douchery of Zippy and Lacy Underalls:

    In closing…Zippy FTW. His pale, muscle free body is an attempt to circumvent the obvious bag avoidance routines. He is the Stealth bag that ends up turning your sister into the Oompa Lady.

    Again, I say Zippy FTW. And he, more than any other of the monthly hopefuls, needs to be monkey stomped so I can console sultry next door Lacy Underalls.

    I’ve been there, CD. She is delectable. The cleverly monikered abbroham lincoln agrees:

    It’s got to be Zippy. He meets all the qualifications for douchedom, and his hott easily blows all the others out of the water. Sure he wins on the power of the hott, but I just don’t give a damn.

    And grady bagmore honors the legendary George Carlin, by voting for the Smearkat and saying one word: “Boobies.”

    since this month is dedicated to George Carlin, i must vote for smearkat, because Carlin loved the boobies.

    I think I’m still stunned about the passing of Carlin. It’s impossible to overstate just how vital, important and hilarious he was. One of the great Americans of our lifetime.

    But enough memorializing, back to the douche. The shaved star-head was too much to overcome. The Hooligan is like the Ace Frehly of Kissbaggery. As jed the avenger explains it:

    Metaphysical Hooligan is so douche-tastic that I stopped eating processed food, strongly considered becoming an atheist, and began a life-long vow to be celibate.

    Indeed, J the A. And so we honor the legend of George Carlin in the only way we can. By telling douchebags to kiss our ass and lusting after their hotts along the way.

    Book The Metaphyiscal Hooligan and Carly Hott in the Yearly, where we’ll see them take on Bra!!, Tighty Armani, and the other Monthly winners for HCwDB of the Year in the Douchie Awards.

    And props to everyone who voted in yet another brilliant and hilarious comments thread.

    You people are part of the collective push-back to change this world for the better. And stare at boobs along the way.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Big Douche at the Scottsdale Bars

    I’m normally not a fan of the homemade video remix thing, but this is some hilarious stuff. Excellent use of a hose image, as well as the Big movie poster. Well done, Anonymous YouTube Editor Guy.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Breaking: Oompa Tribe a Fake?

    The story we broke here at HCwDB last month about the Oompa Tribe discovered in the Amazon may be a fake:

    Group denies misleading media over Amazon tribe
    Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:16pm EDT

    RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – A group that campaigns for tribal peoples’ rights denied on Tuesday that it and the Brazilian government had misled the media over photographs of an uncontacted Indian tribe in the Amazon last month.

    Britain’s Observer newspaper reported on Sunday that the tribe, rather than being “undiscovered”, had been known by the Brazilian government for nearly 100 years and the photos were an attempt to publicize the risk it faced from logging.

    Its story prompted some other media to call the photographs a hoax.

    However, if you click on the photo above, you’ll realize there is no fakery involved. It’s just another day off the Jerz Turnpike.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008


    Ah yes, the Preppiebag. How we’ve missed you.

    Rare do we capture such a classic category of schlorterscrote in action.

    Lest you think this is ironic douchery, think again. These two are very sincere in their prepster assedness, and blondie wants to bake me a cake.

    And yes, “schloterscrote” is a word. I just wrote it down and read it, so that makes it a word. And if Websters has a problem, I’ll send Willis and Arnold over to kick his ass.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    The Boulder Head

    I get a lot of email from readers about a deep scrotal problem occuring in Colorado. One wouldn’t picture the skeeze plague reaching that far, but this pic comes to us from Boulder as evidence.

    I can’t tell if this is a costume party or not (costume parties are generally exempt from douche/hott mocking), but since I loves me some healthy teethed volleyball playing Jennifers, I had to run it.

    And seriously, Brad.

    Gold bowtie? Is that a slice of Fruit Stripe gum on your wrist, or are you just glad to see me?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Reader Mail: "Told Emm"

    Mia writes in:


    How many wristbands do YOU see???

    This idiot at a pool party was nasty, and my and friend and I had to take a picture for you.



    I love it when my female readers tag a ‘bag, send it in, and don’t write too much.

    Now alls I need is for Mia to bring me a microwaved Hungry Man Chicken Dinner, a PBR, and a first edition copy of Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition so I can contemplate the negative ramifications of modernity while staring at Mia’s curvy legs, and I’d be in hog heaven.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Caption This Pic

    When Jackie went to the local fish store to grab the “Catch of the Day,” little did she know it would be the Guidofish.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 23, 2008

    The Earlick

    Yes, it’s true. Whenever in doubt for a HCwDB pic, party couples from the Hard Rock in Vegas provide the perfect dose of hottie/douchey joltertainment.

    And by dose, I mean cultural infection. Schlorty turds with beads licking on perfectly formed tomato paste pizza in a can.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 23, 2008

    Reader Mail

    Porcelain Hott writes in with a roommate ‘bag tag:


    First I’d like to start off by saying my boyfriend and I are big fans of your site. If I’m in need of a good laugh quick I know right where to go.

    But on to the meat of this email, I was browsing my soon-to-be-roommate’s Facebook and came upon a rather douchetastic photo that would perhaps be to your liking. The douche not only sports a douchey hand gesture, but uses it to lift his shirt and expose his man nip and wannabe six pack. The little hott is my future roommate, and I find her to be rather adorable. If you choose to show it on the site I would be very honored, but if not I completely understand your overwhelming supply of choad images. Either way, enjoy!

    Your admirer,

    Porcelain Hott

    I had something articulate to say, P.H., but I lost it right around the time you wrote The little hott is my future roommate, and I find her to be rather adorable.

    Pillow fights and oil massages are a wonderful way to relax after a long day, P.H. Trust me, I know. I’m pretty sure that’s how every female roommate situation ends up.

    # posted by douchebag1
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