Sunday, October 18, 2020

Peach Point says, “Get out there and vote, ya pinecone!”

Classic HCwDB legend and Hall of Scrote member Peaches just traveled all the way through time.

Way back from that primal era where mocking ‘bags and lusting hotts was still considered comedy.  Yes, from the time we call “2007.”  All the way to 2020.  To remind all fellow ‘bag hunters and hotts here in the US of A to get off your cheetos-eating asses and go VOTE!!

Vote or face the wrath of the douche-point.

Peaches wanted this message to be purely nonpartisan in its point.  Whether hangin’ with the hotts or just his bros, Peaches’ goal is simply to support the ideology and participatory nature of representative democracy as a regulatory necessity given late-Capitalist post-structuralist systems of fractured affect and epistemological decoherence.

But then Peaches realized that the festering mango scrote currently occupying the Presidency is the embodiment of all douchechoadery that we fought on this site for a decade.

So forget that.

Get out there and reject that clown.  By voting.  With the power of Peach Point.


Don’t make Peaches point at you in disgust.



# posted by douchebag1
10:10 am October, 22 Tattsiana Groinshavia said...

Peaches scars the eyes
Point me to the haiku balm:
Ass pear eye candy

10:12 am October, 22 Tattsiana Groinshavia said...

Presidents of the
USA once sang about
Millions of Peaches…

10:15 am October, 22 Tattsiana Groinshavia said...

My vote at the next
Presidential erection
Goes to fuzzy Ass Pear

8:15 pm October, 22 motorboat said...

When’s the Guggenheim retrospective? can I pre order tickets? Will he of the Dark Sock be in attendance? will Canadians be allowed to attend? I ask because a man of the cloth who I used to revere would like to attend also.

2:11 am October, 24 Jeet Kune Douche said...

Get used to another 4 years of the Orange Man, Libmaoists.
Progressivism is dead, and on 11/3 America is going to cast its maggoty corpse onto the garbage heap of history, to lie alongside its 1st cousins Fascism, Naziism and Communism.


11:59 pm November, 10 Army of Douche-ness said...

to this day I STILL call someone pointing at the camera the Peaches’ Point

good to hear from you occasionally, Db1. I pop by once a month or so to see if there’s an update. I actually tried to find your Adam Carolla episode not so long ago.

8:31 pm November, 14 Jay Louis said...

Good to see you AofD, hope all is well. Here you go, I’m still waiting for Carolla to stop long enough for me to say something:

9:50 pm November, 18 Kevin said...

This is the view from the ATM-cam outside The Dildo Store in Orange County. Peach Point has the frustrated look of an elementary school dropout that can’t quite comprehend the fact that he can’t withdraw change from his bank account to fund the parking meter in front of his baby blue moped. He squaw is only smiling at her own reflection in the glass. They are equally brain-dead.

1:59 pm November, 20 Charles Douchewin said...


5:47 am December, 16 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Life is adrift…spinning chaotic in some aggressive epistemic catastrophe exotic rhythmic in it’s thumping, driving, ever forward pieces of static traipsing and enigmatic swirling voices spun upon a spire of perfect visionary contraptions made of copper and lead formed vascular molds carved. Carved into bones. Etched into runes. Dug into impossible muons cast vast upon the minded portent felt delicate and nondescript.
Who can say an angle bent? Who can think a curvature perturbed and softly unfurled until it breaks across the bow of one’s own ruptured muse.
I’m not here.
I’m not where.
I’m not forever.
I’m where here is forever.

2:13 am December, 17 DouchePrime said...

Too bad a lot of the images on this site are no longer there. I wonder if this is due to takedown requests or some other reason. Looks like the history of douchebaggery won’t be maintained for posterity.

5:41 pm December, 23 MC900FootDouchebag said...

Sometimes I wonder…
Will management be transferred?
Douche bags must be mocked.

10:32 pm January, 12 1venereal said...


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