Monday, October 1, 2012
HCwDB of the Week: Alissa and the Pepscrote
Last week we had Snuffaluffacrotch and Bozies. Pear Bombers and Taptastrophe.
But nothing said classic HC and DB like Alissa’s barely legal sexy hip poke and the toolosity of Lawn Giland Pepscrote.
Together, they make a smudgy brown insect stain on your throw rug.
So we annoint them unholy, and I go for sugar cereal forage in the kitchen.
Sometimes people ask me, what do you have against Pepsi? Now I have tangible proof, and by tangible I mean yucky.
Alissa’s hip bone gives me a renoB. And by gives me a renoB I means gives me a renoB.
If Joey Porsche were still with us, he’d approve.
But he’s not; instead he’s in charge of hand-jobs at the Flying J truck stop in Long Island as an indentured servant working off his coke debt.
Doodi P Slurpers.
A reminder this Monday morning…It was 25 years ago to this day, in April 1971, that DB1 founded this website. This is why we fight…

OK I made that up…still drunk son…Rekup
Her plump, perky nipple brings yet again a smile to my face and by smile to my face I mean a semi-turgid penis.
She is yet another wall-eyed Madonna from Islip and he is yet another Poo master from Staten Island. Together, they work behind bullet proof glass, and dream about a life spent livin’ large, covered in bling, and being buried in Cabo while they chant “I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself.”
Okay, I’l say it first: HoH.
On the basis of her hip bones, I say “second!”
I’ll tell ya, that renoB of mine has a mind of its’ own…
As choad/hott couplings go, this one is pretty standard issue.
.And by “standard issue” i mean she’s made my man standard have issues all over my keyboard.
let’s crop the pic and put just the hip bone into the HoHp (Hall of Hip poke)
if Fred Durst started a tour called the Prolapsed HamDangle™ Tour 2013, would you still not go to it?
Yeah, she’s cute but that detached retina floating off over my left shoulder makes me think “there’s a b’ar in this har neck of the woods and somebody’s gonna get e’t”….. …… and he’s right behind me…..
Or it’s a glass eye