Friday, April 1, 2011

Brad Gets a Nottadouche

At first I was gonna tag Brad a full-on club choad for bothering the stripper auditions for the traveling roadshow musical theater workshop of “Showgirls: The Musical.”

But then I thought about it.

The hair? Not really douchey.

The shirt? Pretty average.

Sure Brad’s Running with the Goose and making a hand gesture, but all in all, it’s just not enough to tag him as a douche.

So here’s your nottadouche and goinpeace, Brad.

# posted by douchebag1
9:25 am April, 1 jonezy said...

It’s funny how many alternate meanings that sign has when juxtaposed next to Stripper Sally

9:32 am April, 1 Douche Springsteen said...

Death tongue? Flagrant display of the Goose? Gelled hair? Hand sign? And a notta? Boss, I respectfully must question this pass.
‘Bag ’em, Douche-o.

9:37 am April, 1 Douche Springsteen said...

And add to that the pained “maybe if I keep partying I won’t think about Pascal’s musings on the infinite abyss that can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object” look in his eyes that we see on so many d-bags on this site. He’s a douche.

9:38 am April, 1 The Yellow Dart said...

I gotta agree with Douche Springsteen.

There are too many indicators of ‘Bagness to hand a ‘notta.” All the above, plus stupid arm-sleeve tatt and large black earring.

Methinks you might be going soft….

9:38 am April, 1 Charles Ulysses Farley said...

Good show, DB1. You almost got me. Happy April Fools Day Everyone!

9:39 am April, 1 Southern Scrotic said...


9:40 am April, 1 YA said...

lol, do you do this every year?

9:41 am April, 1 tall guy said...

Notta? Not!

9:44 am April, 1 Douche Springsteen said...

Oh for fuck’s sake, it’s April 1st? Joke’s on me. Well played, sir.

9:45 am April, 1 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

I totally disagree with the pardon. First, another blatant example of tonguebaggery. Like GSR and cell phone mirror pose pic before it, herp tongue is destined for a breakout douche maneuver award at the upcoming 2011 Douchies. Second, underarm sleeve tat is clearly visible. Third, you underestimate the abject scrotery of that hand gesture. Fourth, you underestimate the gel content of that hair. Fifth, you underestimate or ignore the ear bling, wigga aura, and overall club taint atmosphere surrounding this whole ordeal. There is also some obvious paid to pose activity in this picture.

I generally respect your work, DB1, but I suggest you retract your nottadouche pass here. This is not a precedent you want to set.

9:45 am April, 1 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

Goddammit. I think April Fools got me

9:48 am April, 1 SonnyChibaChoad said...

way to fish them in boss.

9:55 am April, 1 douchebag1 said...

April Fools!! The dude’s an uberchoad.
– management

9:57 am April, 1 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

motherfucker. I could have written a dissertation on this kid’s choadery.

10:04 am April, 1 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I like dirty looking girls who have a 50-50 chance of giving you the cock kavorka.

10:15 am April, 1 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Hidden tits and tatts nothwithstanding, the uber-choadwankery of Brad is outshone only by the booberload-skankery of his two companions, which makes them all April Fools.

10:30 am April, 1 Charles Ulysses Farley said...

Haven’t we seen skinny, skanky Sarah on the right before? For some reason the memory of a long forgotten fwapping is coming throught he haze of the past.

10:42 am April, 1 Vin Douchal said...

Corbin gives big ups to the Make-a-Wish Foun ……Nah!
Phil celebrates his victory in the World’s Most Micro Penis Compe……. Nah!
MIke gets tossed out of the Regis and Kelly audience after producing a keestered bottle of booz…… Nah!
I got nothing

11:32 am April, 1 Bigphatnotadouche said...

God bless strippers..
Brad the death toungue doesn’t get any blessing from the strippers until he starts making it rain. His job as a bagger at Fresh Market can only cover a lap dance or running with the goose but not both.
Sad to say he didn’t choose wisely.

11:45 am April, 1 Et Tu Douche? said...

Does that sign over fishnet stripper’s shoulder say Exit Chute?

11:55 am April, 1 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

DB1, damn you, fooled us for another year.

And Brad is throw up signs for his posse, the gansta shortbus riders. Seriously, the guy looks like a mental midget.

12:37 pm April, 1 G-bag said...

DB1 is goin’ soft….

12:38 pm April, 1 G-bag said...

PWNED!!! 🙁

douchebag1 said…

April Fools!! The dude’s an uberchoad.
– management

12:58 pm April, 1 I R A Darth Aggie said...

I was afraid the Boss was losing it. Dammit, Boss, this is serious shit. There’s no time to be pranking around!
That said, I’d do unspeakable things to the hott stripper in the fishnets. Me. Her. Bottle of baby lotion.

1:10 pm April, 1 Wheezer said...

For those would-be Who fans who “won’t be fooled again,” so to speak, here are two reminders of the Boss’ trickery.
He is a sly one, that DB1!

1:30 pm April, 1 Choad The Douche Sprocket said...

The only reason to give this human stain a notta would be becausa the low-rent stripper on the right looks more like a dude than he does….albeit one with super-smooth arms and a Barry Bonds-sized wanker/gonads.

But then again, I always did have a soft spot and a hard on for trannies….

Happy April Fool’s Day DB1!

2:14 pm April, 1 DouchYouWannaDance said...

Finger-pointing, tats, tongue and ignoring hotts to mug for a photo, and he gets a “notadouch” pass?


3:11 pm April, 1 diedouche said...

douche. no question.

3:13 pm April, 1 diedouche said...

damn. I forgot what day it was.

4:53 pm April, 1 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Glad I read the comments because I was about to unload a Howitzer barrage on giving this fuck face a ‘Notta.

5:06 pm April, 1 DarkSock said...

I peed in a fool once

5:43 pm April, 1 The Yellow Dart said...


Well-played. Stupid April Fools…

7:24 pm April, 1 darksouldealer said...

ya know you do this joke every year…i think a nice change up would be like a picture of say nick heyward and claim why he is a douche (though he could be considered a douche in a gaybar disguise)

4:35 am April, 3 Steve L. said...

when i read this post, i thought of Halloween before i thought of April Fools.

1:54 am April, 4 Plumber Services said...

There is also some obvious work put paid to this image.
In general, I respect your work, DB1, but I suggest you pull your nottadouche happen here. This is not a precedent to set.

5:25 pm April, 4 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

@ plumber services:

get fucked

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