Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Igor Bag is droppin' chromosomes like they hot, and pickin' up Milfs like they not
…Whilst his envious cousin Slav Darkly fumes in the background.
This tawdry scene, replete with DuckFace™, makes me despair.
Which rhymes with “pear”.
Which begs the question – if you squeeze a grape-colored pear, will she let out a little wine?
Thursday, April 5, 2012Snake Douche points at the womp rat in beggar's canyon
Tuesday, April 3, 2012TWO Word Tuesday
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but for some reason I’m thinking we’ll be using TWO words instead of the usual “One-Word Tuesday”, gentle readers.
Example – Swing Low…
As always, click on the “comments” link below (NOT the photo, unless you like the alternate universe thing…) to add your two cents. And by “two cents” I mean…well, you know…
Wednesday, February 29, 2012Hot Chick with Sarah Jessica Parker
Yeah, it’s Wednesday and I got nuthin’.
Time for your humble narrator to head to the kitchen, pile up a Turkey and Swiss, and down it with a Mr. Pibb and a tasty side dish of still-in-production Hostess Cherry Pie.
And a gander at a pear chomp suckle boobie hottie suckle thigh don’t hurt neither.
Beat that last sentence, Homi Bhabha.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011Worst Stepfather Ever
Candi’s son, little Billy, is home alone right now, trying to fall asleep, and talking to his Snoopy nightlight like it’s his real father who will some day come and rescue him.
Too depressing for a Tuesday?
I blame the Malomars.